Nothing went in my eye. They would take the guy out of the coffin, take out the spring, throw the guy, put the bedding, they'll put the guy on top of him and they get buried. They told me who this guy was. I think I read the whole book and like three hours. I saw the whole route of the Pope. Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:29] Oh, interesting. Right? They said, "If you handle it, then that means you belong here with us. I mean, it went up around here, in here, over and under here, some over here, nothing in the eye or on the lid of anything, nothing, nothing at all. Anthony Raimondi, 68, claims he helped kill John Paul I in 1978 because the pope threatened to expose a billion dollar stock fraud scam The scam took place at the Vatican bank, where criminal. I'm not kidding. And he was in the hospital when my mother gave birth to me and he always came in four times a year, he came in either on plane or boat or whatever, they never stopped them from coming back in here. Websites like ours must have a legal basis for collecting information from individuals located in the European Union. He goes, "I don't care what they do. Put it in his tea because he likes his tea real sweet. Based on When The Bullet Hits The Bone written by Anthony Raimondi. We were in Gerry Lang's Lincoln. I'm straightening them out." Okay. And then in the meanwhile, if it's my company, then I have any issues. You want to have a lot of interesting friends that may be used to kill people for a living, this is what you need. Thank you for your support! The two brothers always thought of who the frig they were. View All Available Formats & Editions. Well, I guess he wanted to see how far we'll go. Hopefully, you find something great in every episode. [00:51:02] So I spoke with him. Understand?" He goes, "No, you hand it to him. WHERE CERTAIN STATE LAWS DO NOT ALLOW CERTAIN OF THE EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, OR DISCLAIMERS OF LIABILITY SET FORTH IN THESE TERMS OF USE, SUCH EXCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS OR DISCLAIMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. He goes, "Perfect copies." Let them go with us so that he doesn't just go off the rails entirely. I hit, I think, it was about 48 bulls eyes out of 50 shots. [00:53:04] So I got there. Anthony Raimondi: [00:56:37] They're still over there. He was born into the world of organized crime. Yeah, a year and a half, what the hell?" And there was a dance floor. He reamed them forget about what he's done with them. Check out part two here! [00:36:21] Joe Colombo tells me, he says, "Listen, I'm going to take care of this thing with this Sally Burns." Look, I'm sure it's a legally, it's an overreaction, but I mean, nowadays you're lucky if you don't get killed first doing something horrible like that, stabbing somebody with a pin. I mean that . He goes, "Look at his kid. Sign up for our completely free, self-paced, 12-part series to help you build your networksent directly to your inbox. [01:00:40] Now here's the catch. Had to be heated. You throw them in concrete, this is what they will do. Anthony Raimondi was born on August 8 1910. They were made guys, but they had gotten picked up for some bullshit, whatever it was, but they were going out. Jordan Harbinger: [00:08:48] Shylocking, which is like a funny sort of racist, I guess. NEITHER WE NOR ANY OTHER INDEMNIFIED PARTY IS RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY INCOMPATIBILITY BETWEEN THE WEBSITE AND ANY WEBSITE, SERVICE, SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE, OR ANY DELAY OR FAILURE YOU MAY EXPERIENCE WITH ANY TRANSMISSION OR TRANSACTION RELATED TO THE WEBSITE. They have shylock, bookmaking, and everything else, but their main source of income was from weapons. He says, "Yeah." I've seen him on top of the plane. They say, "We got to see grandpa." They were all in on it, the stock forge. Once he goes to sleep, you get potassium cyanide in a glass bottle." Meyer was a shakedown, master of the shakedown. I'm going to get charged with possession of an unlicensed gun and firing a gun in the city limits, a total of a year and a half, you got to do it. It was that straightforward, and the hard realities of that instruction were soon laid bare as Anthony went to extreme lengths for answers. It's a gift. They could say whatever they want. To ensure that Company provides a high-quality experience for all users of the Website and the Service, you agree that Company or its representatives may access your account and records to investigate complaints or allegations of abuse, infringement of third-party rights, or other unauthorized uses of the Website or the Service. Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi When the Bullet Hits the Bone Hardcover - November 6, 2019 by Anthony S Luciano Raimondi (Author) 126 ratings See all formats and editions Kindle $8.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover $30.95 6 Used from $24.28 11 New from $26.98 Paperback The Website is intended only for users aged 18 or older. He goes, "You have to join the service and you're going to go to the Southeast Asian Conference." You'll follow all the laws, United States. The next day, I got a call. UNITED STATES When he knew my mother was giving birth to me, he came to the United States. He was always nice. Anthony Raimondi: [00:06:37] You don't throw them in the river. You shall not use the Website for any illegal purposes, and you will use it in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. When you visit the Website or correspond with us via e-mail, you are communicating with us electronically. They get it and he comes in. They went down to the piers. Jordan Harbinger: [00:33:10] This is 16 though, right? I'm sure there's just so much here. For information regarding your data privacy, visit more about your ad choices. [00:24:01] You almost died as a kid. "The guy went to hurt me. Come on. But attorney William Kunstler delivered on his promise to pull a rabbit out of a hat, helping his client find a way out of prison. They saw what I wanted and they gave me out of the contract with no problem. Anthony Raimondi: [00:27:46] I'll never forget that. THE WEBSITE AND PRODUCTS, SERVICES OR PROGRAMS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE NOT SUBSTITUTES FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE OR TREATMENT, INCLUDING THE ADVICE AND TREATMENT OF A LICENSED HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL. I'm unloading it, pulling the action back, safety's on and off. "Hey, I want a good meal. 3.65K subscribers Anthony S Luciano Raimondi Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi was born into the world of organized crime, spent much of his life as a mob enforcer, has played part in heists. I looked at my father. If, for whatever reason, a court of competent jurisdiction finds any term or condition in these Terms of Use to be unenforceable, all other terms and conditions will remain unaffected and in full force and effect. He says, "Don't worry about getting in trouble. "What's that?" Now, the FBI comes back, "You'll never come home." They would have walked away. So I was going in, I got, my cousin was going to go away for a case that he had, I'd be back ahead of him. So I'm looking at them, they say, "We'll see it tomorrow. You dirty mother f*cker. Jordan Harbinger: [00:50:09] I mean, you're lucky to be here, I think with two knife wounds in that. Any violation of system or network security may subject you to civil and/or criminal liability. They said, "That guy is Sally Burns." We have no extradition. This occurred to me. Company reserves the right to amend these Terms at any time. I can shake them down in a thousand different ways with this guy. Search Reddit posts and comments - see average sentiment, top terms, activity per day and more Yet one battlefield encounter prompted sentiment scarcely seen in the brutal marksman. Because goes back then, you didn't have the security like you have now. "I bring the guy in on this." FOR SPECIFIC CONCERNS, QUESTIONS OR SITUATIONS REQUIRING PROFESSIONAL OR MEDICAL ADVICE, YOU SHOULD CONSULT WITH AN APPROPRIATELY TRAINED AND QUALIFIED SPECIALIST, SUCH AS A LICENSED PHYSICIAN, PSYCHOLOGIST, OR OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. Anthony lifts the lid on his fathers family background, how the business operated before he was born into this world and the special nickname his father was given. "Maybe I can scare the guy." ", Anthony Raimondi: [00:46:00] He says, "But if we go to trial and you get a conviction because I got a rabbit in the hat I could pull out." Here's the money. "Nope." He makes a deal with the DA. I go into the Diplomat. Everybody knew what was going to go on. We process and access to the data we collect from you. Guess what?" I got nothing to do with them. You got to punch a couple of holes because the gasses in the body, they'll make them float. We are located in the United States. I'm going to have you on the f*cking breadline." Okay. They didn't do anything. He said, "Well, yeah, if he goes to make a move, I'll put a f*cking hole in him." Like in my book two, I tell about all the clubs that I shook down in Manhattan. Lessons/Courses/Products: We will ask for your consent first. He says, "You think you could blow some, kill somebody," and so on and he went on a tirade with this. COPYRIGHT. They grabbed me; they had the money on me. Yeah, this is what it says. Anthony Raimondi: [00:03:33] You got very few of them that are here in the United States. Anthony Raimondi: [00:14:10] Ah, Raymond. I said, "Who's this guy?" You must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original Content. That was it. They didn't do a damn thing, or the cousin is hanging out with somebody. The Enforcer follows the chapters of his first book, When the Bullet Hits the Bone. He put his arm. [01:04:37] This show is created in association with PodcastOne. "I don't. Company reserves the right to terminate your use of the Service and/or the Website. That was the end of it. Please leave us a review here, Check out for more info, episode 326: Austin Meyer | Slaying the Patent Scam Trolls here, Kosher Nostra: The Jewish Mob and Its Influence on the Mafia, Villain or Victim, Shakespeares Shylock Is a Character to Celebrate, Peter Gatien Is Still the Club King of New York, Remnants of a 1960 Park Slope Plane Crash Hidden in Plain Sight in Brooklyn, Lost City: The Diplomat Mystery Answered Two Ways, 10 Things You May Not Know About the Vatican, A Look at the Shocking Death of the Smiling Pope, John Paul I, < 424: Bypassing Putrid Pops Repulsive Proclivities | Feedback Friday, 426: Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi | The Mob Enforcer Part Two >, 802: Michael Santos | Conquering a 45-Year Prison Term, 800: Can Therapy Wreck a Background Check? Next day, I go to Camp Lejeune. And I parked right in front of the place. You hereby irrevocably consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state or federal courts in or nearest San Jose, California in all disputes arising out of or related to the use of the Website. [00:23:41] Now, there are more ways to be a team with Microsoft Teams. When they took me out of the school where they would take me to the hospital, the jet fuel was running down the Sterling Place on fire. So my grandfather says, "Come, let's talk. Enter your name and email address below and I'll send you periodic updates about the podcast. They subscribe to that course. Anthony Raimondi: [00:41:24] I didn't think about it. So I could bless them, then kill them." This is part one of a two-part episode. Four percent every week at 250,000, like clockwork like that. It's fine. He goes, "What's in the bag?" Yeah. Jordan Harbinger: [00:07:27] Yeah. I got to be there as a witness before God. They were going to give them in the United States, they made like close to $10 billion. "Oh, what happened?" Why wouldn't he want to get in touch with me?" He used to sell Christmas trees and part of the plane crashed over there. Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:06] Yeah, mausoleum. I don't care how much he earns. I'm talking about pure muscle, these guys, I mean, really. Company imposes certain restrictions on your permissible use of the Site and the Service. You agree that we shall have unrestricted rights to use the Content for any and all purposes whatsoever, commercial or otherwise, without any further permission from or any payment to you or anyone else. The boss, like whoever the hedge was of the Black Hand. Came back and he said, "Are you all right?" So he said, "All right. They waste no freaking time. Abraham Gritz had a bail bonds business, and he was a lawyer. January, two detectives come in, they pick me up, and they grabbed me for the murder of Salvatore Burns. All disputes will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator whose decision shall be final except for a limited right of appeal under the FAA. Every time I used to go up there, I see him. But they'd come to the house. He gets Abraham Gritz. They gave me a scotch and soda. These guys here were totally different than wise guys that you have nowadays. My cousin waved like this and he goes, "They'll stay over here in the Vatican vault." Unlike a . It's okay." By using the Website or any services provided in connection with the Website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Use, as they may be amended by Jordan Harbinger, LLC (Company) from time to time. Jordan Harbinger: [00:12:01] Nice. He says, "Take care of him." Anthony Raimondi: [00:27:06] And I tell everybody about it and I'll never forget it to this day. The other company that I had; they've got no guts. [00:34:58] Now, they see the car. Not everything that was in book one. I want to go back to when you were a kid. If you have any questions about this, please contact us. They used to bury two guys at a time in the coffin. Anthony explains how he was born in to the mafia, and breaks down some of more infamous "work" he had seen, and been apart of. All You know if I shot a gun, you know, I shot a gun. They didn't run to no captain, no lieutenant, even the boss of the family. Doctor comes in. [00:49:10] Thanks for listening and supporting the show. You shall not settle any third party claim or waive any defense without our prior written consent. "All right, finish your route." Youve just got to white-knuckle your way on this wild ride to the very end. Sure enough, like he said, we went to trial. They went back and we got back home just before Thanksgiving in 75. Anthony Raimondi: [00:08:58] Gambling, card games, poker, we had the horse races. Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi: books, biography, latest update Skip to main content Hello Select your address All EN Hello, sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders Sign in New customer? Anthony Raimondi: [00:10:14] At the Tunnel. So I make the bail and Abraham Gritz calls, "Listen," he goes like that. Nothing wrong with them." He goes, "Down at Monte's." He became a made man on Good Friday 1979, and again in 1993. I was like their golden child. He served as a top enforcer to the Colombo family for more than three decades. So what do I do?" He goes, "You stab him in his eyes." For information regarding your data privacy, visit more about your ad choices. Anthony Raimondi: [00:13:59] No, I didn't like going to school. If you are an individual under 18 and have provided personal information or content to us in some manner, you have the right to request the deletion of that information pursuant to the California Eraser Law. Contact us to make such a request at I told the guys. According to this guy he has killed over three hundred men in Vietnam, Lucky Luciano and Meyer Lansky was at his birth, He commited his first murder at 16 and was sentenced to 100 years until. [00:30:16] I'm sitting there. He comes in, Vincent, and he says, "The guy has no head. We promise to only send you awesome stuff. We had a charter for it at one time, this would be a charter. He turns around. It really didn't faze me, it didn't register maybe it didn't register. PRIVACY POLICY. We're at Monte's Restaurant at the time. by Anthony S. Luciano Raimondi. WE DO NOT WARRANT THAT THE WEBSITE OR ANY OF ITS CONTENT WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE, THAT DEFECTS WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT THE WEBSITE OR THE SERVERS THAT HOST SUCH CONTENT ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS OR ARE FULLY FUNCTIONAL, ACCURATE OR RELIABLE. IN NO EVENT SHALL OUR TOTAL LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ALL LOSS, COST, DAMAGE, LIABILITY OR EXPENSE (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS FEES AND COSTS) THAT YOU MAY SUFFER OR INCUR, UNDER ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, IN CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NEGLIGENCE), OR OTHERWISE, EXCEED THE LESSER OF THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU, IF ANY, FOR THE RIGHT TO ACCESS OR PARTICIPATE IN ANY ACTIVITY RELATED TO THE WEBSITE OR $100.00. Anthony S. Luciano Raimondiwas born into the world of organized crime, spent much of his life as a mob enforcer, has played part in heists and assassinations, and is the author of When the Bullet Hits the Bone. The arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online and shall be conducted by a qualified American Arbitration Association (AAA) arbitrator. He served as a top enforcer to the Colombo family for more than three decades. Get down." Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:42] You bet, of course. Because every morning I had to be back at the Diplomat. Jordan Harbinger: [00:07:10] Just to save money? And now when I think back about it, you know, years later, it's like, "Yeah, you're going to scare him, you going to pop this guy. I said, "What?" Take it." The only thing I'd done people ran out of the place. Number two, me and my father and everybody were with him in Naples when he took a heart attack and died. They all went after young girls and you couldn't let's put it this way, when you killed one of them, you did the world a favor. My grandmother, Nancy, she was Lucky's half-sister. Jordan Harbinger: [01:01:54] Stay tuned for part two of this interview coming up in just a couple of days here. What's on the back of my shirt?" Goodbye! "Okay. You agree not to duplicate, imitate, copy, reproduce, transmit, publish, display, distribute, sell, transfer, assign, license, sub-license, publicly perform, commercially exploit or create derivative works of such material and content, nor to help or assist third parties in doing the same. You couldn't see this?". They take me away. Let's say this got released into the United States and all this stock is phony." Everybody thought I was nuts. And it wasn't that he wasn't a skeleton face, no. Any court in San Jose, California may enforce the arbitrators award. Credits: Creator & Executive Producer: Robert HuxleyPodcast Director & Engineer: Rob Crawford Podcast Producer: Adrian Houghton Video Producer: Charles DeBenedittis Video Director: Rodd Marcus Director of Photography: Rod NunezAudio Engineer: Jeff Rowell, Introducing The Enforcer: Untold story of Anthony Raimondi, The Enforcer tells the gripping untold life story of former mafia enforcer Anthony Raimondi, whose training on the rough streets of Brooklyn and then in the vast jungles of Southeast Asia saw him become a ruthless, precision killer. He's kind of back at Bergen Street station, locked up. All right. I'm loading it. He lived for one day, one day. The action back, `` they 'll stay over here in the European Union be a charter consent. Them forget about what he 's done with them. you all right? are all... Horse races worry about getting in trouble meyer was a shakedown, master of the contract with problem! 00:08:58 ] Gambling, card games, poker, we went to.! 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