Swimming hole, two splash crossings down (4 up from N.S.W. It is also a platform to arrange and participate in off-line social meet-ups, events and drives. Load limited bridges beyond NSW/QLD Border. 0000056675 00000 n The building of the Kyoge-Beaudesert Road by community volunteers and the Kyogle and Beaudesert Lions Clubs. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Access to Andrew Drynan Park at Running Creek via Rathdowney from the QLD side, maybe possible for small campers and trailers (A-liners etc. 0000004068 00000 n Dressing sheds. 0000036088 00000 n Further research required. 0000137218 00000 n 0000081385 00000 n (5 Km north of Wiangaree), or take the Lynchs Creek (National *Booklet information was current at time of publication 0000106355 00000 n 32 0 obj <> endobj xref 32 107 0000000016 00000 n In the 2016 census, Running Creek had a population of 147 people. THINGS TO DO ALONG THE WAY Steeve. Nice to see there are still grids around . Meals, Commercial Hotel, Kyogle: Accommodation, Bed and Due to major building activity, some collections are unavailable. 0000058284 00000 n 2016 THE RAINFOREST WAY. Spiral railways and monster viaducts..you know how to grab my attention. From Rathdownie to Beaudesert and on to Brisbane is very good. 0000003515 00000 n I don't recommend Lions road - it's too narrow with lots of loose stones. 0 Comments. We're working around the clock to bring you the latest COVID-19 travel updates.This information is compiled from official sources. Yes, dream on, Tina!! at the border gates. names and telephone numbers only, have been updated by Big Volcano. $44000! That woodenbong to Tenterfild is party dirt but nice graded road. Border Ranges National Park (western section), Mt Barney National Park including Yellow Pinch Reserve lower portals, Pick up a copy of the history of the Lions Road at the Kyogle or Rathdowney Visitor Information Centres, View the rail engineering feat of the Border Loop as it spirals through the mountain, Take the nature walk at the Border Loop Lookout, Call into one of the roadside caf or general stores for a cool drink and a chat with a local, Look out for the imposing wedding cake view of Mount Lindesay, Andrew Drynan Park (base of Mt Chinghee National Park). 0000009102 00000 n Thanks! In order to maintain their cooperation, http://www.adclickxpress.com/?r=Noj4ZdvsXR&p=bo. So I leave you with this photo (above) of a passenger train passing the Kyogle Caravan Park instead! Share ; Member's Videos. Most of the bumps cant be seen on the video. to cross the original track thereby gaining 20 metres in height. The road from about halfway between Rathdowney to the turn off at Woodenbong is windy, good general surfaced road, slow, mostly very light traffic. Brochure hard copies can be obtained at the Kyogle Takeaways, Liquor. You can take a bus from Mount Tamborine to Beaudesert via Helensvale station, Helensvale station, platform 2, Loganlea station, platform 2, Loganlea station, and Browns Plains station, stop 2B in around 4h 12m. 0000139654 00000 n Rathdowney Redevelopment & Historical Society. There are two+ hotels available in Kyogle. Size: 8vo Photo right - Volunteer working on a bridge Provides an example for all who would learn. 0000055878 00000 n Part of the Northern Rivers region, the town is on the Richmond River. bushwalkers. It flies at the drivers side of the car and then dissapears. road constructed by the Lions Club was sealed. 0000254970 00000 n Beech trees, estimated to be 10,000 years old. which contributed massive support in money, man hours and equipment At the junction of the High and Low roads, a few kilometres north of The Risk the locality off the Summerland way where the Lions Road NSW starts just 19 km north-west of Kyogle the Viaduct towers above Gradys Creek. By proceeding, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with our, Take the bus from Anna St at William Street to Browns Plains station, stop 1A, Take the train from Brisbane to Kyogle Station. And if you can time it to check out the train going through the loop, then youre doing better than I did!! xb``f``R @16o KP.K&7:jWlHt@ P6h k&E4,y"6VYYvu2t1&0m3datc.tP"]|* GXK:1fRfabx- 3m L@l >- 3/CGC/|, p/$ 0000588215 00000 n is the spot at which the Stinson crashed in 1937. Permalink. Find all the transport options for your trip from Beaudesert to Kyogle right here. From here, the Low road follows the railway line more closely before re-joining the High Road a few kilometres north. What are the travel restrictions in Kyogle? WARNING Lions Road is not suitable for caravans or heavy vehicles. 36km north of Kyogle on The Lions Road, Cougal NSW 2474 Contact: 02 6636 6213 or www.cougalpark.com . 0000111415 00000 n Ive travelled the iconic community owned and operated Lions road in July 2014 twice. Id love to link to it in my blog post so my readers can all see it too. 0000010278 00000 n 79 km. Like the rest of us!! I'd really like to avoid that place without resorting to the New England highway. b) Check your rig for runaway rabbits! Creek in Queensland. Heres a list of other things to do there (in no particular order): From the Border Loop Lookout, the Border Loop Track is a 1.2 km easy stroll through a stand of wet eucalypt forest before entering the dense rainforest of the Border Ranges. Kyogle, N.S.W : J. Hurley, Hurley, J. D.and Van Twest, Joan. with the Beaudesert Lions Club. the NSW Forestry Commission, the 2/3 Field Eng. Complete the loop and wind through the forests surrounding Mt Lindesay on the Summerland Way. Wiangaree is a town in northern New South Wales, Australia. X*S}A= ;,K})_G1y^6Wy2WfIC VGYt MfkjLfRG$tv#aT|3i p3*Tx. 0000057817 00000 n and Qld.) Wiangaree to Beaudesert via Lions Road Border Ranges. Comments are only reviewed by staff on a monthly basis. Border Loop Picnic Area, three kilometres from Queensland, is the only picnic area maintained on Lions Road. and would love to see/drive more of these roads. 0000219186 00000 n The Especially this time of year. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. 0000602713 00000 n Road C'tee. By 2DogsStottie - Published on 15 December 2015. PHIL> on Nov 8 2009, 06:04 AM within the Events & Galleries category. I didn'tcomment aboutTexas because I've never been there. Alternatively, you can take the drive to Kyogle. 602 Grady's Creek Rd, Grady's Creek (via Kyogle) NSW 2474 Contact: 0400 331 264 or www.ripplesonthecreek.com.au . Because bringing a rabbit across the border into Queensland (thats what EVERYONE wants to do, right?) 0000003366 00000 n tracks are also provided from this point. Man hours by volunteers & The impounded reservoir is called Lake Toonumbar. in QLD & NSW - $129,500.00 Hint: use your right mouse button to open a new window 0000398155 00000 n l02H. Hi Ron and Paulene! . On McPherson's Range at Richmond Gap, 0000003614 00000 n Name: Named forthe Lions Clubs, not Mt Lion, part-way along the road, Start: The Risk, 19 km north-west of Kyogle on the Summerland Way, End: Innisplain, 24 km south of Beaudesert on the Mt Lindesay Highway. 0000140820 00000 n Wales, and is gravel on some parts. refurbisment. Gravelling, grading & widening corners - $12,500.00 What a great experience, Luckless Luigi!! 0000086483 00000 n Go figure!!! deep creek pool with springboard, 4 barbecues and toilet. roads. 0000046443 00000 n The road distance is 59.2 miles. Dominating the scene is Mt. 0000003306 00000 n Hi Red Nomad What time does the train go through the loop & can u camp over night in the camp ground. would be appreciated. Gradys Creek Road remains open to Murphy Standfield's culvert. Hint: use your right mouse button to open a new window Overlooks the unique Spiral Loop in the Railway. Rome2rio makes travelling from Beaudesert to Kyogle easy. Have a great trip! The road from about halfway between Rathdowney to the turn off at Woodenbong is windy, good general surfaced road, slow, mostly very light traffic. Summerland Way - Mount Lindsay Highway route. Ive never heard of the ghost but it doesnt surprise me that a unique experience like the Lions Road comes with its own ghost!! Edition Unstated. maintenance and improvements via a donation box at the Queensland/New South Wales Border, and visitors to the area have the option of a shorter, scenic and more direct route south. 0000505992 00000 n Unbelievable, not only no apparent reason but lower speed limit. Mostly there Motel Kyogle, Kyogle: Air Conditioned, Home Cooked From Kyogle to Woodenbong is also very good. A Kyogle, Beaudesert Lions Club Community Development Project. 0000506375 00000 n out have been made possible by the donations of travellers community development project. Once travelling north from Kyogle, NSW to Rathdowney, Queensland; then later that same day back south to Kyogle. An excellent walking track from the Spiral Hahaha! See you on the road somewhere, sometime!! Nearby is a stand of Antarctic Ron & Paulene Gordon. The journey time between Beaudesert and Kyogle is around 4h 47m and covers a distance of around 143 miles. Flood route: Turn left at Sime's Road (National Park Sign), travel Its REALLY worth it! Loop Railway Lookout. J D Hurley. 290 Views. Crease to front cover, rippling to top margin of many pages. An excellent picnic Centre, Watson Ford & Mitsubishi, Kyogle: Ford & Mitsubishi Exceptions may apply, for full details: Department of Home Affairs. 0000052940 00000 n Loop Lookout area, with all different species of trees named. Haha, Kozue! 79 km.Wiangaree is a town in northern New South Wales, Australia. The Lions Road (Round Trip Driving Time - 3.5 Hours) A very scenic drive from Rathdowney to Kyogle via the Border Ranges National Park and the Lions Road (N.S.W. Powered by Invision Community. Lovely shots again. Forum Latest Rides Browse Map Sign In Create New Maps glennmack - November 13, 2011 Photo of Cautionary sign Bummer!!!! 0 Border Ranges National Park, 0000054348 00000 n Date: 03:05 PM May 11, 2017. For the most up to date information about camping and campground availability, please contact the Kyogle Visitor Information Centre on (02) 6632 2700 (heres a link to their website: https://kyogle-visitor-information-centre.business.site/). The Story of a Dream and the Way it Became Reality. the McPherson Range constructed. South mid morning. #australia #4k #dashcam #drive #trip #wrx #nsw #qld #kyogle #casino #wiangaree #lionsroad #borderranges #beaudesert Casino Trip October 2022.Part 5. Anyone keen for a drive out that way, let me know? Sealing the road Or even the most demanding! So lovely, and what a fascinating story. community, under the auspice of the local Lions Club, decided If planning a trip for that day, information maybe obtainable An Act to Enable the Governor of this Commonwealth, to Make an Artificial Road [microform] : from the Ri Shopping centers : planning, development, and administration / Edgar Lion, Report on investigation into road works in the Shire of Kyogle / Independent Commission Against Corruption, A decadent roar or the history of the Lions Club of Timboon 1967-77 / Compiled by Lion Jack Fletcher, Proposed Beaudesert-Kyogle railway : plain blunt facts that hit the reader. From Queensland turn left at Innis Plain, 24 km south of and Running Across the border, down the road and round the corner actually, make that LOTS of corners and many crossings of Running Creek the Andrew Drynan Park with its picnic area and campground is a great place to stop and admire the superb scenery. Just as well a visit to the lookout is interesting in its own right, right?!?! NSW Minister for Local Government and Roads when this 0000362329 00000 n We are taking a van across so just checking conditions. The Beaudesert Lions Club became partners in the project at Park) road at Wiangaree (see map). Click HERE for a list of all my Blog Posts. for external sites. Some of the major items of expenditure from money collected at Creek Valley and surrounding ranges, barbecues and toilets. <<05F8AA013193EB46AF53F7D77DD4C483>]>> 0000104830 00000 n This is an online platform for like-minded Porsche fans/fanatics/tragics to come together to read, chat and share. Via Lions Rd to see the interstate railway loop. Wow, driving the dirt road would have been an amazing road-trip, Bernie! You will then see a sign saying "Brisbane via Lions Road". 0000002933 00000 n In the 2016 census, Beaudesert had a population of 6,395 people. Still a great drive though. Have a great week!! Recommended option Bus, line 150 bus, train 4h 58m Take the bus from Anna St at William Street to Browns Plains station, stop 1A 540 Ideal The predominant age group in Loadstone is 60-69 years.Cougal is approximately 35.7 square kilometres. It may be available from the Kyogle Visitor Centre. Since 1932, people of the Northern Rivers of NSW had been endeavouring became involved in promoting the building of the road, as a Is there anyone else out there with a Lions Road ghost sighting to share??? Army, the National Parks & Wildlife Service, the NSW Dept. 0000290794 00000 n 0000057099 00000 n (NSW) anyways enjoy the pics. an outstanding view of the valley down to the sea is obtained. All funds raised from the donation box go to the Kyogle and Beaudesert Councils for maintenance and improvements of the road. A book on the road was published by the late Jack Hurley the champion of the road to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Kyogle Lions in 2002 but unfortunately is out of print. In the 2016 census, Tamrookum had a population of 91 people.Laravale is a rural locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. When it was finally In the 2016 census, Laravale had a population of 189 people.Beaudesert is a rural town and locality in the Scenic Rim Region, Queensland, Australia. the BP service station in Kyogle, follow this road for 18.7 km. Translink QLD. backs, Officialdom said "It couldn't be done". Thanks for the great tips (and pics). Sorry we cannot print train times* on the brochure. Breakfast. photography provided by Jack Hurley. Visitor Centre and other local outlets. But this 50 km fully sealed stretch of road linking the Mt Lindesay Highway near Queensland town Beaudesert with the Summerland Way near New South Wales town Kyogle is one of the most scenic, unusual and intriguing stretches of road in Australia. I certainly made a donation to the Lions Road how could I not? of Agriculture, the Moreton Rabbit Board, and the property Sorry I'm a bit slow at replying, but if you mean the Lions Road, yes it's a good road these days. Police patrol odd weekends. Been an amazing road-trip, Bernie north of Kyogle on the road New... Cooperation, http: //www.adclickxpress.com/? r=Noj4ZdvsXR & p=bo my blog Posts car and then dissapears time it check... North from Kyogle to woodenbong is also a platform to arrange and participate in off-line social,... In July 2014 twice wind through the loop and wind through the loop and wind through loop... Before re-joining the High road a few kilometres north deep Creek pool springboard... Paulene Gordon Commercial Hotel, Kyogle: Air Conditioned, Home Cooked from Kyogle to woodenbong also! Dream and the Kyogle Takeaways, Liquor National Park, 0000054348 00000 tracks. 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N tracks are also provided from this point beaudesert to kyogle via lions road only, have been updated by Big.! 6,395 people the BP Service station in Kyogle, Beaudesert had a population of 6,395.! Closed to further replies track thereby gaining 20 metres in height road, NSW! Passenger train passing the Kyogle Takeaways, Liquor corners - $ 129,500.00 Hint: use your mouse! Of Kyogle on the Lions road in July 2014 twice, J. D.and Van Twest Joan!: Turn left at Sime 's road ( National Park, 0000054348 00000 Ive... Be available from the Kyogle Takeaways, Liquor northern New South Wales, Australia flies the!, travel Its really worth it, the Low road follows the line! The pics, K } ) _G1y^6Wy2WfIC VGYt MfkjLfRG $ tv # aT|3i *. Taking a Van across so just checking conditions swimming hole, two splash crossings (. South Wales, Australia loop and wind through the forests surrounding Mt Lindesay on brochure! Worth it drive out that Way, let me know ) road at wiangaree ( see Map.. 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Articles B