Today, Dan has successfully turned his life around, became an owner of multiple businesses, a community leader, and a mentor to people of all backgrounds. sponsors Mr Cox was also featured on his own episode of "American Greed" on CNBC. Andreas Antonopoulos is a best-selling author, speaker, educator, and highly sought after expert in Bitcoin and open blockchain technologies. Tim lost 93 of his friends on Sept. 11th, including his two best friends. Automatically create a beautiful, listener-friendly podcast site from your RSS feed. - Use code KONCRETE at checkout to get a free koozie 2-pack with a 12-pack purchase. Mr Cox was also featured on his own episode of "American Greed" on CNBC. Danny Boseak explains why cyber crime and credit card fraud are so prevalent in Russia & Ukraine and we find a doctor for perform Matt's limb extension surgery. He assisted Alan Shearer in a charity match in which England beat the rest of the world. I'm looking for the right person to be my protg, someone with big enough balls to come in and take over my $150 million portfolio," he barks, a white yarmulke flopping off his head into the water. 5:05 - Neuroplasticity Over the dozen episodes, he rants profanities in a raspy New York accent, lights a Newport from a flaming $100 bill, and closes multimillion dollar deals while jabbing his friends and toting ex-wrestlers in his entourage. Both his mother and father immigrated to America from the oppressive regimes in Albania and Kosovo., #165 - Mexico's Teenage Narco-Militia Is Deadlier Than Ever | Johnny Mitchell, Johnny Mitchell is a stand-up comedian, writer, & podcaster. On this episode Dan shares the most important lessons learned from being around the worst human beings on earth, and personally experiencing death. "I look back a lot on that time to where we are now," Karla Mallah said. 0:00., #134 - America's Most Wanted Cyber Fugitive Explains How He Stole Millions | Brett Johnson, Brett Johnson was responsible for refining modern financial cybercrime as we know it today. OUTLINE He is known for making complex subjects easy to understand and highlighting both the positive and negative impacts these technologies can have on our global societies. The band, McFly rose to prominence in the 2004s and went on to release five studio albums including Wonderland. US attorney Robert Mueller (who was in charge of the case) and the federal government have been covering it up to this very day. #59 - Humans are Creating Black Holes on Earth | Paul Looyen. He also headed a ruthless criminal network that stole money and drugs, ultimately resulting in the New Yorks biggest corruption scandal ever. 3:24 - ranger indoctrination program (RIP) He likes to write books about young prodigies who make tons of money. A lawsuit was recently filed on behalf of 14 female inmates at this complex which accuses the male staff of rape over a number of years. Nathan Crock is an expert in Computational Science with a focus in Machine Learning and Computational Neuroscience. Kristin Beck is a former U.S Navy Senior Chief, SEAL team operator, and decorated war hero. EPISODE LINKS: 1:48:47 - Varginha Brazil UFO crash It's also worth mentioning Ron signed a Billion year contract with the church. Bubba interviews Danny Jones from the Koncrete Podcast series!, #120 - Giving Birth in Prison Sucks | Jessica Kent, At 23 years old, Jessica Kent was incarceratedon drug and gun-related chargesin Arkansas. They married on 2 August 2014 in Malton, North Yorkshire. It portrays Mallah's rough and tumble New York exterior and unfiltered personality, with a soft side. Lies & Lambos: The Business Behind Fake YouTube Gurus | CoffeeZilla, The Making Of David Miscavige | Ron Miscavige, The Economy, Real Estate, & Investing | John Hyre. help us make more money: His Channel is about prison and exposing corruption in the Florida Department of Corrections. 1:03:56 - Being kidnapped They stare blankly, roll their eyes as he ribs them with a straight face. 7:50 - Using vision to improve Intelligence Night after night we offloaded up to 20 tons at a time from any vessel that would make the trip from South America. If that doesnt get you excited about this podcast then you should get off our channel. But Mallah said it's not about him at all. On this episode, Michael details his very close relationship with Jimi Hendrix especially towards the end of Jimis life, and how Jimi would always send him hand written letters. #13 - How 8 Years in Prison Created a Music Career | Seth Anthony. Today he is the go-to guy for the most challenging underwater camera work in Hollywood. 0:00 - 350 NEW government UFO reports Jack codes & programs twitter bots using aviation software to track the private jets of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Cuban, and Vladimir Putin. help us make more money:, #106 - Crystal Meth Addict: The Real Jesse Pinkman | Sean Dustin, Sean Dustin is a former crystal meth addict who spent time in Federal and State prison for drug trafficking and fraud., #25 - The Son of a Pitchman | Billy Mays III, Billy Mays III is a musician under the name 'Infinite Third', and the son of American TV informercial icon Billy Mays. Subscribe to John - 57:08 - The CIA & El Mayo He purchased the Orlando hotel for $21 million in 2017 and spent $5 million on renovations., #92 - Former CIA Spy Explains Surveillance on US Citizens | Jihi Bustamante. - Should We Be Afraid? Danny danny, #154 - 25 Year CIA Operative Explains the Future of Nukes & UFO's | James "Mad Dog" Lawler, Jim Lawler was CIA officer for 25 years & a member of CIA's Senior Intelligence Service (SIS-3) from 1998 until his retirement in 2005. Tfue (Turner Tenney) is one of the best professional Fortnite streamers in history. - Use code KONCRETE at checkout to get a free koozie 2-pack with a 12-pack purchase. Matt and Ethan talk about flipping houses with hard money Matt and Chris talk about what happens when you steal $120 from the US Government. YouTube: #82 - Con Man VS the People | Matthew Cox, Matthew Cox is a true crime writer who was sentenced to 26 years in Federal prison for identity theft and mortgage fraud. He wanted to know how this was done and that was done and if I didn't tell him, he'd force it out of me.". Nathan joined the Koncrete podcast this week to discuss philosophical reasoning and how deductive arguments work, as well as the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) development. Sign up free. 2:06:54 - El Mayo Laura spaulding with @Crime Scene Cleaning tells her story and experiences with cleaning up crime scenes. Danny Accounting Manager at Extra Space Storage. His articles and books have led theWashington Postto place him among the best in popular foreign policy storytelling, and hes spent more than 20 years working for theNew York Times. help us make more money: Follow me on all socials! Simply put, his mood shifts constantly between manic and depressive episodes, during which he has delusions with manic themes. Danny spent the early days of his career as an underwater cinematographer and eventually worked his way towards Show TRENDIFIER with Julian Dorey, Ep #102 - Who Was The CIA's Enhanced Interrogation Fall Guy?, #152 - Former FBI Special Agent Rips the Bureau | Jim DiOrio, Jim DiOrio spent 10 years as one of the most successful undercover agents in the FBI and another 15 as a Special Agent and international FBI interrogator. [Image from YouTube video], Gasparilla Festival of the Arts returns to Tampa. Danny Jones Founder | Will Kelly Concrete flatwork, Repair, free bids great work and fair prices See all employees Similar pages Koncrete - Du clic la brique . The Most Hated Man on the Internet is a 2022 American three-part Netflix docuseries that covers the story of Hunter Moore and his website Is Anyone Up?, a site based on stolen and hacked photos, and the struggle to take the website down. Mallah left the Army and became a partner in Wilton's MarWil Investments. From there, Wally went to become one of the best table tennis players in the world and went to represent the United States in over 40 international competitions in over 20 countries including North Korea. In the Kosovo War of 1999, many of his relatives were victims of the Serbian Armys Genocide against Albanian Kosovars. She also specifically describes the courage it took to publicly display her true identity at the risk of not only losing the respect of her peers, but having to face bigotry and hatred as a result. 2:16:06 - The shape of the sky Danny's quest to get smarter. The 45-second promo for the tongue-in-cheek web series, Life: for sale, paints Mallah, 50, as a sickly millionaire trying to sell off his assets so he can spend his dying days with family. Deprivation made Benjamin want to grow up to live exactly the opposite. Jones attended Bury College where he studied for a BTEC National Diploma in music.[3]. Danny Danny The Business Protecting Marijuana Cashflow | Mike Hengstebeck. Join Koncrete on Patreon:, #71 - Everything You Need to Know About Bitcoin in 2021 | Andreas Antonopoulos. He explains. He is host of 'The Connect' podcast and is author of a novel entitled Days of the Trap about his time spent in federal prison for marijuana trafficking. - Use code KONCRETE at checkout to get a free koozie 2-pack with a 12-pack purchase. 1:20:08 - Eye games Larry robbed more than $15 million of jewels until he was eventually tracked down by the FBI and hit with four 12 year sentences. Follow Jake - He is also a regular on the number 1 live comedy podcast Kill Tony and is featured on the Brothers in Cursive podcast produced by Brian Redban. Outline McFly rose to fame in 2004, partly due to their association with Busted; McFly supported Busted on their A Present for Everyone Tour. Use code: KONCRETE at checkout for 15% off. Mike Rinder is a former senior executive of the Church of Scientology International (CSI) and the Sea Organization based in the United States. JOIN OUR KULT: His passion for music led him to several auditions and during his auditions for a band, he met Fletcher and developed common interests. As a result he was kidnapped by the Venezuelan government and barely escaped with his life. 26:55 - Mariannas Trench In his early 30s he was making over $1 million a day flying back and forth to Colombia and he eventually hired Barry Seal, and Roger gives vivid details to their relationship up to the very end of Barrys life. As soon as she turned 18, Nila and Mallah married. 7,672 Followers, 2,799 Following, 569 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Danny Jones (@jonesdanny) Recently Joe went into remission after being diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, and has since become a huge medical marijuana activist. He helped me buy a house, get a car, become a greater man. EPISODE LINKS Boatwright has started his own blog, detailing his life experiences before, during and after prison. After McFly's direction changed it was announced he would remix "Party Girl" as a b-side of the single after that he remixed "Nowhere Left to Run" for the "That's the Truth" single. danny #26 - Social Media Dope Dealer | Ed Latimore, Ed Latimore is a professional heavyweight boxer, physics major, philosopher, and writer, . One of his most popular stories "Once a Gunrunner" was even turned into the feature film "War Dogs" starring Jonah Hill. Frank Amodeo is a megalomaniac hellbent on world domination. On 5 July Jones Released The Full EP, The EP Featured The Singles, Muddy Water, Bad Habits, $igns, Talk in the Morning And Also Featured A Cover Of Without Me By American Singer Halsey, This article is about the musician from McFly. He also penned three of his own solo tracks on the first three McFly albums. the Sheraton Suites Tampa Airport Westshore, Following mass shootings nationwide, Florida Supreme Court strives to keep courtrooms safe. Like Mexico does now, Colombia supplied 42 percent of the marijuana consumed in the United States in 1984. 1:52:28 - How Hansa was hijacked by Dutch police Dom's primary focus is developing and testing metabolic therapies like the ketogenic diet, which can effectively treat many forms of cancer and epileptic seizures. The Elephant in the Brain: Blaynes multiple ponzi schemes were ultimately rolled into the largest Forex ponzi scheme in history. Danny: He who has the gold makes the rules., If I make a deal I make a deal, and when I go to sell that property, Im giving them the option to sell it for me., If rates go up you lose, if they go down you win., In real estate, you have to exercise a limit of greed to protect you from a possible bleed., Its never too early and never too late for you to secure you and your familys future in real estate., If you practice real estate religiously, you will be a Land Lord., I hated seeing other people live better than I did., Stop moaning the banks are loaning. "He always wanted to save, save, save, but the question is what are you saving for?" Danny was born in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England on 12th March 1986., #114 - Lawyer Defending Capitol Rioter Explains Freedom of Speech | Bjorn Brunvand, Bjorn Brunvand is a Florida criminal defense lawyer known for handling some of the most high profile drug cases and murder cases in the United States. Hes been in films & TV shows such as Romeo & Juliet, Malibus Most Wanted, Boiler Room, Scream, the Jamie Kennedy Experiment and Ide be here all day if I kept going. #QIntotheStorm is about a bitter rivalry, the origins of QAnon and who is behind the operation. Ferranti received a bachelor's and master's degree in journalism while he was incarcerated and once he was released, Seth continued his career in journalism and made a transition into film, writing and producing White Boy, a documentary about legendary Detroit-based drug dealer White Boy Rick. Since then he has created "537 Votes" on HBO Max, "Screwball" on Netflix, ESPN 30 for 30, The U, and "Broke". "It was a sleeping giant that nobody wanted anything to do with," Wilton said. In 2021 he broke the Hall of Fame legend Babe Ruths record to become the first player in history with three grand slams and an inside-the-parker in a span of 30 days or less. 30:45 - Formation flying Episode Website More Episodes Matt Cox "That's not exactly the image he presented to us during our interactions," Clearwater City Manager Bill Horne said. - Use code KONCRETE at checkout to get a free koozie 2-pack with a 12-pack purchase. Landlord Mark Wilton liked the work ethic and put Mallah in charge of the building. I used to walk to Central Park, and walking by The Plaza Hotel, seeing all the dignitaries and the limousines and all the big shots of the world, I'd say 'One day, I'm going to be able to go to places like that and stay in places like that.'". #175 - Ex-Cartel Smuggler Explains Life Inside Tijuana's Narco Death Zone | Fernando Puente, Fernando Puente grew up living between the US / Mexico border in the worst parts of Tijuana, and by the age of 18, he was already crossing immigrants over the US border illegally for one of Mexico's most notorious cartels. 2:23:54 - Cocaine manufacturing, #163 - Scientology is on the Verge of Destruction | Aaron Smith-Levin, Aaron Smith-Levin was raised in Scientology. sponsors Juan Sanchez is a real estate con man who served nearly a decade in prison for committing $30 million in bank fraud. [10] He and his sister Vicky were interested in music from an early age. Seth Anthony is an American Country/ Country Rock/ Country Rap/ Country Pop Singer born in Florida., #151 - Proof The Military Captured A Live Alien In Brazil | James Fox, James Fox is the director of The Phenomenon - a documentary about UFO's and a global effort to conceal their existence. Len Ber - Follow John:, #140 - Ex-Anonymous Insider Sentenced to 105 Years in Prison | Barrett Brown, Barrett Brown is an American journalist, essayist, activist and former associate of Anonymous. In 2004, he won the Most Fanciable Male Award from the Smash Hit Awards. WARNING: We were hammering down White Claws in solo cups filled with ice and it gets overwhelming at times. No credit card needed. - Use code KONCRETE at checkout to get a free koozie 2-pack with a 12-pack purchase. 1:33:05 - Protocols to improve reading skills JOIN OUR KULT: Larry's Channel:, #72 - New York Firefighter who Survived 9/11 | Tim Brown, Tim Brown is a retired, decorated 20-year FDNY firefighter, a survivor of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, a first responder to the 1993 attack on the WTC and a veteran of the New York Urban Search & Rescue Task Force team that responded to the 1995 attack on the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City. He also speaks his mind on Tfue's rise to success as well as his relationship with the esports organization 'Faze Clan'. He is currently involved with two lawsuits against the state of Florida for medical marijuana rights. Bjorn Brunvand is a criminal defense lawyer who is largely known for a case where he acquitted a Ukrainian ship captain and 14 crew members accused of smuggling 3.5 tons ($1 Billion worth) of cocaine from Columbia. Wally Green grew up in one of the most dangerous housing projects in Brooklyn, where all he knew at a very young age was gangs, guns, and violence. These exhibits can be viewed on: Matt Cox YouTube Channel: Devil Exposed on Amazon:, #28 - The Success Story of the 'Kutcher Brothers | Michael Kutcher, Michael Kutcher, who's fraternal twin brother is Ashton Kutcher, faced the first of several life-threatening medical conditions before he took his first breath. #55 - The Making Of David Miscavige | Ron Miscavige, Ron Miscavige is the father of David Miscavige who is the leader of the church of scientology. [7][8][9] He has also produced tracks for McFly and other musicians; for example, he produced the song, "Only The Strong Survive", from McFly's fourth studio album "Radio:ACTIVE", as well as his band's cover of Rihanna's "Umbrella". You can subscribe at open jobs in crypto: in my crypto academy: Pomp on social media:Twitter: #Pomp #Bitcoin #Finance #Business #Crypto He is also an encyclopedia on conspiracies and a music historian. 32:53 - Why the Amazon jungle is dying Danny Today Andrew teaches international espionage tactics that benefit everyday life. He's the author of the new book Tracers in the Dark: The Global Hunt for the Crime Lords of Cryptocurrency. Matt's links: YouTube Channel: Dylan is the vice-president and co-owner of the operation today known as 'Hubbard's Marina'., #125 - I'm A Teenage Metaverse Millionaire | The Blockchain Boy, Lucas Dimos is a crypto content creator, co-founder of, and Business Development Officer for InfinityPad. Bad Habits Was Released As The EP's Second Official Single On 14 June 2019. #19 - One Step from Pablo Escobar | Anonymous. Jake tells a couple terrifying prison stories and explains how reconnecting with his brother Luke, and being introduced to heavy metal music saved his life. 4:53 - Prison EPISODE LINKS Matt's Channel - Breathing issues are possible at some beaches. watch the full episode on Patreon: Luke James is a creative director, designer, and death metal enthusiast who helped create the Koncrete brand from its inception. New York exterior and unfiltered personality, with a 12-pack purchase live exactly opposite... S quest to get a free koozie 2-pack with a focus in Machine Learning and Neuroscience. Also penned three of his own episode of `` American Greed '' on CNBC blankly, roll their as. Ultimately resulting in the Brain: https: // Use code KONCRETE checkout! Educator, and personally experiencing death the building gets overwhelming at times McFly... 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