Pi Alpha Phi Fraternity, Inc. (, also Pi Alpha Phi or PAPhi) is an American university-level fraternity.It was founded in 1929 at the University of California, Berkeley, and is the oldest active Asian-American interest fraternity in the nation. October 2020 The secret rituals where members chant, repeat their chapters creed, and many things that are completely unknown to the outsiders create an elitism attitude for the members. I wanted deliverance and stayed away from the brothers and Jesus showed me that the brand I have on my arm was a gateway for demons. Generational Curses Inheriting Demons From Ancestors, The Serious Dangers of the Occult/Witchcraft/New Age. They are everywhere to make people forget God and trust in their emptiness and lightness and be damned. Im a Christian too and I have a strong faith. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity currently has more than 850 chapters around the world and over 185,000 members. You can outreach me for support because I know that difficulties in this life can be overwhelming. 39 of their ritual book). Blessings from your sister in Christ in the lovely island of Bermuda. I was a legacy in both instances. in a square or cross), kneeling at an alter (not like the one at your church! (Im a white female,my friend is a black male). Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. February 2021 I strongly applaud you for your faith in God and stepping out on faith. Confused and worried I got food sickness possibly, I returned to the event. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. URGES TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO END IMMIGRANT FAMILY SEPARATION, General President Ward asks its members to urge their Congressional lawmakers to act. Their chants and rituals are often only done at secret ceremonys [sic] involving candlelight, an attitude of respect for their greek chapter, and most of the time involve past down ceremonial relics that have been passed down in the chapter for generations. This was such a good read. 1 John 1:6 says, 6)If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. A lot of perverted homosexual stuff happens in the male fraternities and Ive Cornell fraternity on probation after "pig roast", The Truth Behind Greek Fraternities & Sororities, The Oath: Secret Societies and Fraternities. The first words of the Alpha hymn are, "In our dear A Phi A" it is clear that the hymnal is being sung to the spirit of Alpha even though references of god are made throughout those references are not to the one true God. Online Counseling or Coaching Secure Payment. I prayed about why this happened and God has told me it wasnt my place to be. Prayers for Deliverance From Demonic Attacks, Breaking Curses, and Gods Protection, A Spiritual Warfare Prayer Against Demonic Affliction, Prayer of Renunciation of Roman Catholicism, Videos | How to be delivered from demons Derek Prince, Demonology by Derek Prince Steps to Deliverance, The Authority to Cast Out Demons Frank Hammond. 20)Therefore by their fruits you will know them. I dont think Ive been able to remove the evil spirit that attached to me that initiation night. Read it for yourself. Ill continue to pray. Oh, I didn't know you were a part of outfromamongthem.com. It's six months since you put your question out there. Althought hurt I'm working on forgiving her. Welcome to the NicknameDB entry on denouncement nicknames! We were told we were descendants of Ham and that's far from the truth. : to announce formally the termination of (as a treaty). Thanks for giving me a good laugh dude. We are the descendants of Shem he had 3 sons, including Ham and Japheth. The heart-wrenching images of immigrant children being separated from their families conjures other images of our countrys troubled past when African Americans were brought here in bondage and they and their children were torn from their families, said President Ward. If they dont preach from the Bible and walk with Jesus then you should be wary of it. Read Blessing or Curse you can choose. Hi you outreach me 214.893.5181 or email help@hscericaharris.com. I told my friend I had to go to the bathroom because I felt unwell. Christians are to be separate, holy, and peculiar. I am currently a member of Zeta Phi Beta and reading your site I cant belive how similar our stories are. Examples are: Phi Kappa Phi and Beta Alpha Psi. I will provide photo examples soon. Look up Derek Prince, an outstanding Bible teacher from England. Phi Gamma Delta. Thank you, thank you, thank you! 2021-01-03. Stolen Identity. Philanthropic program is one of the main concerns of Alpha Phi Alpha. Furthermore, there's the whole issue with the playboy symbol they associate themselves with. As I got to the bathroom I was sure I was going to throw up. Does this sound familiar to you? padding: 0px 0px; He also advised me there is no curse I have to worry about. Satan, the one who deceives the whole world, cons people into worshipping him since most people are not stupid enough to worship him knowingly and directly. All FACTSI thought all was living the LIFE. The Demonic Spirits Behind Greek Organizations Exposed. There are several reasons to denouncesecret societies, fraternities, sororities, or secret oath-based organizations especially if you are a Child of Elohim/Joint Heir to Yahusha/Born Again/Salvation & Filled with the Holy Spirit. These entities exist. You were right on time for me with this powerful message. 4.9 out of 5 stars 30. As of 2019, the fraternity has 11 active chapters and 4 colonies nationwide. She's passing this attitude and "say whatever you think" attitude to her daughter. He's the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and he made a promise to King David which is the tribe Jesus was born, Judah. Admin. Actually, from what Ive been reading in my research, only the TOP members of Masonry comprise the Illuminati. And what communion has light with darkness? The most important thing is to denounce and break that spiritual tie in prayer and hold on to nothing tangible. Yet, behind these organizations are false gods: Phi Beta Sigma was associated withAthena, in Greek religion and mythology, one of the most important Olympian false gods. Ive tried telling some people I know this very thing that you shared but they reject the truth for reasons that you pointed out. We pledge our hearts, our minds our strength. Kappa Alpha Psi is associated with Thoth, which is the name given by the Greeks to the Egyptian god Djeheuty. Not sure if that makes for marriage material - but I do not know this man. I Turned To Jesus Christ And Now I Am Getting Attacked Whats Going On? Almost 10 years later I had my awakening and Im so glad spirit never lead me astray. He showed me that my (our) allegiance is to be ONLY to Him! (Image below is from the movie "Witchcraft"), (Image below is from a Life Magazine article and is the EXACT set up of a ritual for entrance into a sorority. Do not fall victim to their recruiting tactics. Theres so much more I could reveal, but this was all I felt was relevant at the time.Open to discussion if you want clarity or desire to be free as well. Limited-Time Offer Product details Publisher : AuthorHouse (May 29, 2008) Language : English Paperback : 336 pages ISBN-10 : 143436691X ISBN-13 : 978-1434366917 Item Weight : 1.09 pounds Dimensions : 6 x 0.84 x 9 inches Best Sellers Rank: #1,911,069 in Books ( See Top 100 in Books) Its emblem has a skull with swords crossed through it which is normally associated with death. We went and got food before and then went to campus. When we walked into the room I felt fine. This is an embarrassment to Christians every where. Ward said that President Trumps proposed executive order to detain children and parents collectively is unacceptable as well and urges him to work with Congress to craft an immigration policy that does not punish children, but instead, provides a common-sense approach to reform. "Thus, the tenets of Freemasonry, thinly veiled, found their way into the initiation ritual of Sigma Nu and remain essentially unchanged today. He has written some outstanding books about deliverance. Join Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. for the Surgeon Generals Initiative Health Series as we discuss 2023 Trends in Medicine and Behavioral Health on Thursday, March 2nd at 8 PM ET! I pray for you and your blindness to the Truth. Unfortunately, we arrived and walked into the Hall where the event was held. In the meantime, Ward is asking the more than 150,000 members of the nations first intercollegiate fraternity founded by African American men to urge their members of Congress to support legislation that will end the practice immediately and reunite families. That was really scary. And what concord hath Christ with Belial? The Sphinx is the official publication of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. General Office Limited Hours of Operation. Get facts about AIDS in Africa here. You must pledge orswear an oath to the organization in order to complete membership in-take procedures otherwise you are in the eternal pledge club. I have been inactive for 2 decades. Believe me or not. DENOUNCING Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. | FREEDOM | Admin. Chapter 1 - The Origin of Alpha Phi Alpha. If you do find out please let me know. I did not understand it then but I fully understand it now. ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. CONDEMNS THE MEMPHIS POLICE OFFICERS BRUTAL AND SUBSEQUENTLY DEADLY BEATING OF UNARMED TYRE NICHOLS, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. If He can save me, he can save anyone! My sweating subsided and my heart rate returned to almost normal. Believers are not of this world and can fight the world when we are not afraid of its definitions. Founded in 1906 at Cornell University, APA was originally a literary and social studies club. One part of the performance involved an upperclassmen pretending to hold a gun and shooting the entire room of people except for his brothers behind him. There is access to this ritual online. 13)But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. The first school I went to I was the minority. You know nothing about me. Also, dont be afraid to share your knowledge about Christ with other believers. I denounced my involvement (however brief it was) to that Sorority and called their main office and told them to REMOVE my name from their membership rolls. Still kinda freaky to think about how I felt that day. May 2016 If you dont know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you can receive Him into your heart, and He can deliver you from darkness and sin and have your name written in His Book of Life. Yes! LeBron James is calling out the hypocrisy Black athletes sometimes face when dealing with reporters and the media. ' (Gremillion, p. 167 - see book listing below), Matthew 7:18-20 says, 18)A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. By this, I mean that instead of speaking in a normal tone or singing, it was screaming and yelling back and forth. Alpha Phi has brought all of our sisters together, unique in our individual ways, but bound by our values. your pledge or oath), circling tables or being repositioned several times (i.e. This was so powerful and I thank God for raising up such a powerful Sister AND ministry! For example, pg. 12)For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. God is the Truth and the Light. Thoth was the god of wisdom, inventor of writing, patron of scribes, and the divine mediator. Ive experienced both. Ive researched that when an entity tries to attach itself to someone that person can become nauseated, dizzy, and experience weakness or headaches. Can your organization send me more..material on the occult of the Black Greek Fraternaties and Sororities. In the Bibles Verses section, it mentions Revelation 4:15-17. The Greek system seemingly mimics the structure of Freemasonry. Please share. Small Business. The colors black and old gold also have a deep historic meaning to the fraternity. Should a Christian Get Involved With Tibetan/Himalayan Singing Bowls? Im still suffering with this though Ive asked the Lord to heal me many many times. He asked if I was okay and just said it mustve been the food we ate before that made me feel bad. If you are a Christian and thinking about joining a sorority or fraternity please consider the following scriptures: No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. I believe I was spiritually attacked by entities that were summoned at the event via the performances. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Phi Alpha vision statement is " to stimulate the ambition of its members; to prepare them for the greatest usefulness in the cause of humanity, freedom, and dignity of the individual; to encourage the highest and noblest form of manhood; and to aid downtrodden humanity in its efforts to achieve higher social, economic, and intellectual Could it be because there is some idolatry or witchcraft in the family line? You must be really fun at parties lol. heard of the girls having to run down topless through a row of fraternity brothers while And I had expressed interest and was instructed to start doing certain things. DO NOT DO IT BECAUSE YOUR SOUL IS AT STAKE.Theres more to the story..I can be contacted for ministry at Belfieldc@ymail.com. Except the the dean of pledges is wearing a black robe as above. Ive never experienced anything like that before. (KJV), Romans 6:16 says, 16)Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether that be to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with God)? Thank You So Much:))). Also, the notion of elites reinforced by a good education and often dodgy unChristian sororities, based far more on essentially pagan societies like ancient Greece and Rome seem to appeal to some people rather than Godly values of justice, mercy, true brother and sisterhood and real equality, service and help for others. I can remember kneeling in front of a table with items on it. 15And what accord has Christ with Belial? Have you ever experienced a spirit trying to attach itself to you? Continue on the "narrow" path. You must be God. Admin. One night I was invited by a friend of mine to go to a black student union hosted event. You know everything Resources Dealing With Demonic Issues and Exposing Satan's Deceptions. OUR SISTERHOOD is TRUE sisterhood by the blood of Jesus Christ! Please say a prayer for me. 36Nor shall you swear by your head, because you cannot make one hair white or black. Alpha Phi Alpha (a fraternity) has the Sphinx as its logo. All my first friends were black, mixed or other nationalities. They are trying to mix light with darkness. According to Wikipedia: Denunciation (from Latin denuntiare, "to denounce") is the act of publicly assigning to a person the blame for a perceived wrongdoing, with the hope of bringing attention to it. /* customize grid container div here. My instinct tells me that they still honor false gods somehow. Demonic Doorways and Signs or Symptoms of Demonization/Demonic Oppression, Deliverance From Demonic Attacks Prayers/Demonology, The Benefits of Fasting Before the Lord Jesus Christ. It is satanic and worldly. Even David Icke acknowledges them and hes a As I progressed my way up the ladder as a star, I realized later that the further that I went up, the further the teachings were away from the Bible. (NKJV), (5) It is a form of idolatry (Each example below may have more than one god/goddess - typically changing depending on the nation that worships it), Sigma Pi Phirepresents a Griffin (Sphinx) - god, Alpha Phi Alpharepresents Osirus/Ra - god, Alpha Kappa Alpharepresents Nefertiti/Qetesh - goddess, Kappa Alpha Psirepresents Apollos/Thorth - god, Omega Psi Phi represents Anibus/Genii - god, Delta Sigma Theta respresents Isis/Athena - goddesses, Phi Beta Sigma represents Horus - god, Zeta Phi Betarepresents Bastet - goddess, Sigma Gamma Rho represents Maat - goddess, Iota Phi Theta represents Min - god, Exodus20:3-6 says, 3)You shall have no other gods before Me 4)You shall not make for yourself a carved imageany likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; 5)you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. Those days are in Your hands. Theyre all founded by freemasons and have spiritual founders as well. Also, I wanted to say that I found out that the sorority I got suckered into, was based on the Bavarian Illuminati - Bavaria is in Germany. Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? So, if there is something im missing or isnt showing online please let me know. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., develops leaders, promotes brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy for our communities. It is hard to provide an actual chant or underground practice from a sorority or fraternity because they are often the thing kept most secret. Whatever. My God, that movie, although pornographic, displays exactly the true underlying wickedness of these organizations. I knew nothing about this stuff and thus very ignorant to the point I was trying to help my girls find all the information I could so they could be ready if they were ever asked. 2,430 Followers, 321 Following, 1,047 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kappa Kappa Chapter, AKA (@kappakappa_aka) The Trump administration and Congress must end this practice immediately and find a humane and just deterrent and solution to illegal immigration., Recently, President Trump signed an executive order to end the separation of families at the border by indefinitely detaining parents and children together. Answer: Wisdom! This means he was a part of an ungodly, idolatrous ritual. satan blessed(cursed) me with the premarital sex, soul ties and a godlike pedastal on and off campus(elite mindset). Each chapter, however, may levy whatever dues or . The founders and early leaders of the . 0. I will pray for the two of you. I am a christian(believer). June 2021 I pledged Kappa for the networking,beautiful women and the brotherly love. Or bless yourself. 00. Jesus reminded me that when praises go up blessing come down from heaven. But there is a holy spiritual realm, and a demonic one. In April, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a zero tolerance policy requiring arrest of all immigrants who attempted to enter the country along the Mexican border illegally. Erica Harris is a God Gifted Christian Coach, Counselor, providing insights and truths from the Word of God, The Bible. Admin. (June 20) Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. General President Dr. Everett B. I waited for my friend to meet me in the student lounge outside the room. This founder of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. became New York's first registered black architect with offices on Boadway in New York City. } This is not the America any compassionate human being wants or believes in., Tel: 410.554.0040Fax: 410.554.0054Email: support@apa1906.net, Monday - Friday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST)Saturday - SundayClosed, Alpha Phi Alpha Denounces The Separation And Detainment Of Families. My family is Christian, and I do recall one of my cousins years ago putting down his letters of Sigma because of his relationship with God. I came across a movie I had never seen before, The Burning Sands. Why Black People Use to Dread New Years Day & Should Not Celebrate it. Alpha Kappa Alpha Inc. has been helpful in establishing programs to benefit African American community and society itself. He was concerned but I told him I was fine and he stayed. Leviticus 5:1,4-5 says, 1If a person sins in hearing the utterance of an oath, and is a witness, whether he has seen or known of the matterif he does not tell it, he bears guilt. We help advance women's lives through the power of philanthropy. satan is doing the blessing because the door has been open for his demons to enter this realm(world) and inhabit the steppers and onlookers. No one said anything to me except my friend I came with which was fine. ""on this natural affinity, this historical relationship, between Freemasonry and the collegiate fraternity. ), and some other creative ways the org members can think of to enhance the room. I had Kappa car mats and only dranked red juice, LOL Crazy Right???. "The chief significance of Alpha Phi Alpha lies in its purpose to stimulate, develop, and cement an intelligent, trained leadership in the unending fight for freedom, equality, and fraternity. This is serious. In the meantimeplease feel free to view theLINKS sectionand theVIDEOS sectionand get educated on what's really behind these organizations. J Williams you are 100% correct. But look at what people like John Wimber and Charles H. Kraft, PhD wrote and said The truth is so clear if a person is willing to see it. Keep spreading the word for people like me. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Stretch Beaded Bracelet : AA center bead paired with obsidian beads with rich golden tones. Also, listen to what David and Donna Mae Carrico say on their ministry page concerning The food I ate before settled with ease even though it was fast food (this is important as I reflected on this night). October 2017 But it takes us going through the experience for God to pull us out and work it for our good to HIS glory! ALPHA PHI FOUNDED 1958. The performances continued but they seemed to me to become more violent and aggressive in how they were communicating during these songs, chants, call/answer type of things. (440) 826-2356. fsl@bw.edu. The first black Greek-letter organization, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. (Alpha) was founded on the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on December 4, 1906. Historians of American fraternities and sororities trace most of our rituals, ceremonies, and rites to the Masons. Alpha Phi Alpha (a fraternity) has the Sphinx as its logo. Jesus saved His most condemning statements for the religious folks in His day. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., in Las Vegas, NV, the brotherhood voted overwhelmingly to dedicate this manual to Brother Moses General Miles. But I know many practising Christians suffer intensely for their faith, particularly ill health, depression, addictions and other things. God bless you all! Believe or dont. Its an honors society, but they dont do nothing that actual sororities of fraternities do such as hazing, rituals, secret meetings, chants, have specific colors or symbols or statues, none of that. 2021-01-05. The Countdown to the 97th General Convention! This movie came out the year I denounced. People see demons as myths from the Middle Ages. Many think there are many ways to God, everyone's belief is correct, that is okay to combine Christian concepts with Satanic concepts and that is okay with God. Alpha Phi Alpha Denounces The Separation And Detainment Of Families ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. URGES TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TO END IMMIGRANT FAMILY SEPARATION General President Ward asks its members to urge their Congressional lawmakers to act BALTIMORE, MD. I loved watching the interview from a year ago with the 5 ladies who denounced AKa I have as well and I am waiting on my letter of denouncement as well. Check back often for updates. Site Links Become an AlphaDonateShopEvents Contact Info Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. International Headquarters 2313 St. Paul Street Baltimore, MD 21218 In addition, Buyer acknowledges and agrees that purchasing these item(s) under false pretense authorizes Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity to immediately (1) remove such items from the internet and social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter, snapchat, ebay, amazon.com, etsy.com and the like (hereinafter collectively "Third Party") and (2 . In order to speak against something, you must know facts. Currently, Alpha Phi Alpha continues to grow and push for these ideals with such nationally mandated programs as "Project Alpha," "Go To High School, Go To College," "A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People," and others, which are maintained on both the undergraduate and graduate level as well. Continue the Godly work!!! Pingback: Demonic Doorways and Signs of Demonization Deliverance From Demons In Jesus' Name. Ironically, but not always, the enemy will persecute the brethren of God and leave the children of the world alone. Romans 2:16 says, 16)In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel. is Phi Theta kappa considered an actual greek life? Throughout history, many young men and women have joined these . Unlike hazing where people end up finding out about them. Thank you so much ma, God Almighty Bless you, strengthen and may we all sing to His Glory on that Glorious day. So, there is a ministry on campus for a week here. I mean, I get it: Biden authored the 1994 crime bill that resulted in the mass incarceration of Black people, and in the '70s, he sounded just like modern Republicans while denouncing the idea of desegregated schools and declaring that he's not responsible for America's racist past just because he's white so, the guy has a lot to make up for when it comes to us Black folks. It seems like it to me, especially if they give oaths. Ward today urged the Trump administration and Congress to immediately end the practice of forcible separation of immigrant children from their families along the Mexican border and reunite them. Recently had a woman who is AKA really just tear me down and say hateful things that really hurt my feelings. Jesus clearly should me in his word that I can not serve him and Kappa(Matt. Satan loves to get us performing his works of darkness thinking we are doing them for God. 2021-01-05. 19)Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. A statewide student walkout denouncing recent changes at New College drew around 150 students, alumni . Last night I was inducted into the Phi Alpha Honor Society surrounded by faculty, family, and my cohort. I was praying to God asking him to reveal the things to me that I needed to change or let go in my life so that I could be closer to him. Good stuff. At the beginning of joining, I was convicted about the org. 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Fraternity, Inc. | FREEDOM | Admin, if there is no I... That are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is.. Never lead me astray awakening and im so glad spirit never lead me astray termination. It wasnt my place to be separate, holy, and peculiar of it Hall where the.... That difficulties in this life can be overwhelming emptiness and lightness and be damned wearing a robe! You pointed out their emptiness and lightness and be damned mimics the structure Freemasonry...
St Joseph Catholic School Football Roster,
Fishing Pro Staff Application,
Robert Bastian Obituary,
Articles D