henry ii of france

Jacobitism Ideology, Community & History | What is a Jacobite? Lombards Overview, History & Culture | Who are the Langobard People? P.T. Lehi History, Ideology & Facts | What is the Stern Gang? [8] Henry also withdrew to the chateau of Anet; father and son were reconciled in 1545. Fon People: Overview, Language & Religion | Who are the Dahomey Tribe? Eurozone Crisis Origin & Facts | What is the European Debt Crisis? His mother, Catherine de Medici, acted as regent. Francis was then followed by his brother, King Charles IX. A portrait of King Henry II. Blood Diamonds: History & Facts | What are Conflict Diamonds? Sunflowers II. Also known as Henry of Valois of the Capetian dynasty, he was the second son of King Francis I. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. "Bastard culverin" of 1548, with arms of Henri II and Catherine de Medicis and crescent of Diane de Poitiers. Black & Tans Overview, History & Legacy | Black & Tans in Ireland. Elizabeth Bathory Biography & Reputation | Who was the Blood Countess? In 1162, Henry's best friend and chancellor, Thomas Beckett, was named Archbishop of Canterbury. Orpheus in Greek Mythology: Overview & Facts | Who is Orpheus? Natufian Period, Culture & Facts | Who were the Natufian People? Bellerophon in Greek Mythology: Overview & Story | Who was Bellerophon? Mujahideen History, Facts & Significance | Who are the Mujahideen? Ragnar Lodbrok Life & Legacy | Who was the Viking Ragnar Lodbrok? Fabian Society Founders & Ideology | What is the Fabian Society? Velvet Revolution: History & Result | What was the Velvet Revolution? [4], Henry married Catherine de' Medici, a member of the ruling family of Florence, on 28 October 1533, when they were both fourteen years old. MSS China History & Overview | Chinese Ministry of State Security. Gang of Four Overview & Impact | What was the Chinese Gang of Four? Holocaust Gas Chambers: History & Victims | Nazi Gas Chambers. All Souls' Day: Origin & Facts | What is All Souls' Day? Trojan Horse Story & Meaning | Was the Trojan Horse Real? Deutsche Mark: Overview & History | What was the German Mark Currency? Franc Currency History & Use | Which Countries Use Francs? Henry II (1133-1189) was king of England from 1154 to 1189. Children's Crusade Causes & History | Who Led the Children's Crusade? Martin Luther King Jr. Day: History & Activities | When is MLK Day? RMS Olympic: History, Features, & Facts | What was the Olympic? Henry II of France and Catherine de' Medici were married on October 28, 1533, and their marriage produced ten children. Ndebele: History, Language & Culture | Who are the Ndebele Tribe? Javanese History, Culture & Facts | Who are the Javanese People? Facebook History, Facts & Founders | When was Facebook Created? White House History, Facts & Location | When was the White House Built? Henry married Eleanor of Aquitaine. Guilds Overview, History & Role | What are Medieval Guilds? Native American Wampums as Currency | Overview, History & Facts. Vassalage History & Purpose | What was a Vassal in the Middle Ages? Second-Wave Feminism | History, Significance & Accomplishments. On Henry's death, his son became king, but he died young. Eastern Catholic Church History & Beliefs | What is the Eastern Rite Church? William Wallace Overview & Death | Who was William Wallace? [21], Henry II was an avid hunter and a participant in jousts and tournaments. Ariel Sharon Political Career, Death & Legacy | Who was Ariel Sharon? Neo-Fascism History & Examples | What is Neo-Fascism? Sutton Hoo Overview & Treasure | What is Sutton Hoo? Roman Castra: History, Camps & Layout | What were Roman Forts? After his father died, Henry ascended to the throne. For one, the Protestant Reformation brought about a denomination of Christianity attached to powerful princes, which threatened the power of the Catholic Church and its monarchs. Similarities between Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster and Reims Campaign. Nymph in Greek Mythology: Types & Names | What is a Nymph? Good Friday Agreement History & Structure | What is the Belfast Agreement? Ancient Greek Laws | History, Facts & Characteristics, Bootlegging: History & Facts | Bootlegging During Prohibition. Burial Saint Denis Basilica, France. Arthur Henry Knighton Hammond (British, 1875-1970) Valley of the Durance, France (unframed) 300 - 500. Rump Parliament Overview & History | What was the Rump Parliament? Sea Serpent Mythology, History & Facts | Mythical Sea Dragon. Australia Day Significance & History | What is Australia Day? Bastille Day History & Significance | What is French Independence Day? Religious Revival History & Timeline | What is Christian Revivalism? Before he was Henry II of France, he was the little baby Henry, Duke of Orleans, born to the legendary King Francis I and Claude, Duchess of Brittany. Henry II died in July 1189 and their son Richard succeeded him; one of his first acts was to free his mother from prison and restore her to full freedom. Justice Sonia Sotomayor: Life & Career | Who is Sonia Sotomayor? Emperor Justinian I Biography & Facts | Who was Justinian the Great? Baby Face Nelson Criminal Life & Facts | Who was Baby Face George Nelson? Trilateral Commission Founding & Purpose | What is the Trilateral Commission? Caucasian: Overview & People | What is a Caucasian Person? Egyptian Step Pyramid of Djoser | History, Facts & Uses, Erebus Overview, Mythology & Facts | Greek God of Darkness & Shadows. Elizabeth of York Reign & Children | Who was Elizabeth of York? Early Twentieth Century U.S. History | America in the Early 1900s. Marriage. Pierre Trudeau Family, Facts & Legacy | Who was Pierre Trudeau? Unfortunately it was to be a short reign as Henry died in a jousting accident in 1559, thrusting Catherine onto the political stage. Yet in the attempts of his sons to keep the Angevin Empire from being divided, they inadvertently began the process which tore it apart . Abbot Purpose & Role | What is the Head of a Monastery Called? Hitler Youth Program & Overview | What was the Hitler-Jugend? The marriage had been arranged to cement the recent peace treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis that ended a series of wars with the Spanish for the control of Italy. The marble sculpture of the Three Graces holding the urn, executed from a single piece of marble by Germain Pilon, the sculptor to Catherine de' Medici, survives. Washington Consensus Agenda & Policies | What was the Washington Consensus? Because the ransom was not paid, the two boys (eight and seven at the time) spent nearly four years isolated in a bleak castle. During his reign, King Henry II oversaw several wars, chiefly to establish French dominion over Italy and challenge France's rival, England, for power. Bohemian Grove History, Members & Facts | What is the Bohemian Grove? Victoria Woodhull Life & Presidential Campaign | Who was Victoria Woodhull? The Shakers: Religion History & Beliefs | What is Shakerism? Revelation: Composition & Content | The Last Book of The Bible, Eridu Genesis: Overview & Summary | The Sumerian Flood Story. Born in the ridiculously extravagant Chteau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, young Henry knew nothing but the lap of luxury from the moment he was born. Sit-In Overview & Movements | What is a Sit-In? Noah's Ark: Story Origins & Facts | Who was Noah in the Bible? Mutapa Empire, History & Decline | What was the Kingdom of Mutapa? The interior depth of the cabinet is 18 . Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Life & Career | Who was Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.? copyright 2003-2023 Study.com. His attachment to Diane caused a breach with his father in 1544; the royal mistress Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly persuaded Francis that Henry and Diane were intriguing on behalf of the Constable Montmorency, who had been banished from court in 1540. Maginot Line History, Purpose & Map | What is the Maginot Line? On June 30 1559, the French Court was at Paris for the marriage celebrations of Philip II of Spain to Elizabeth, daughter of Henry II of France and his Queen, Catherine de Medicis. Wallis Simpson Overview, Children & Life | Who was Wallis Simpson? The Akedah Overview & Significance | What was the Binding of Isaac? Optimates & Populares | Overview, History & Significance in Rome. US Healthcare System Pros & Cons | Should the Government Provide Healthcare? Imperialism History, Time Period & Examples | What is Imperialism? Henry II (5 March 1133 - 6 July 1189), also known as Henry Curtmantle (French: Court-manteau), Henry FitzEmpress or Henry Plantagenet, ruled as Count of Anjou, Count of Maine, Duke of Normandy, Duke of Aquitaine, Count of Nantes, King of England (1154-89) and Lord of Ireland; at various times, he also controlled Wales, Scotland and Brittany. Even today, the symbol can be seen on the ceiling of the Louvre Museum . Likud Party in Israel: Politics & History | What is the Likud Party? Henry and Catherine were the same age, but Henry began an affair with an older woman named Diane de Poitiers, who would come to have great influence over the prince and later king. The decision of Edward VI's government to revive 'the rough wooing' in Scotland in 1547 triggered Henry II of France's intervention the following year and his declaration of war in 1549. Charon, Ferryman of Hades | Greek Mythology & Symbols. Lord Shiva the Destroyer | Hindu God of Destruction, Ancient Roman Philosophy | History, Theories & Philosophers. He restored and extended royal authority, supervised great legal reforms, and clashed with Thomas Becket. There are about 20 sketches from the 16 th century which many historians believe were made by Delaune. Canon Law of the Catholic Church | History, Theories & Significance, First Council of Nicaea | Purpose, Facts & Impact. Henry II of France (March 31, 1519 - July 10, 1559) was a King of France and a member of the house of Valois.Henry was crowned King in Rheims, France, on July 25, 1547.. Second Temple History & Destruction | Who Destroyed the Second Temple? [5] The wedding was officiated by Pope Clement VII. Henry II (French: Henri II) (31 March 1519 - 10 July 1559) was a monarch of the House of Valois who ruled as King of France from 31 March 1547 until his death in 1559. Chimera Overview & Facts | What is the Chimera in Greek Mythology? Codex: Examples & Role in Book History | What is a Codex? Circus Maximus History, Facts & Uses | What was the Circus Maximus? Kitsune History, Mythology & Facts | Foxes in Japanese Folklore, Lucretia of Rome: History & Importance | The Rape of Lucretia. Queen Hecuba Mythology, Husband & Rule of Troy | Who was Hecabe? Pat Garrett Life & Career | Who Killed Billy the Kid? Delhi Durbar: Overview, History & Events | What were the Delhi Durbars? Ghadar Party Overview & Significance | What was the Ghadar Party? Henry II of France was a monarch who ruled France from 1547 to 1559. Kaaba History & Purpose | What is the Kaaba? Agoge, Spartan Training Program: Overview & History | What was Agoge? Chinese Leader Zhou Enlai: Life & Reign | Who was Zhou Enlai? Liber: History, Facts & Myths | Who is the Roman God Liber Pater? 1, Paris, 1924, p. 51, considers it a mediocre copy of the lost original by Franois Clouet mentioned in Jodelle's writings of the period; notes that there is a mediocre drawing at Chantilly with a large-scale head of Henry II, evidence for an original of the same size. Berne Convention History & Facts | What was the Berne Convention? Francis also persecuted Protestants, burning some at the stake. Sicherheitsdienst: Overview, History & Origins | What was the SD? Book of Judith Overview & History | Who is Judith in the Bible? Henry and Catherine became the ancestors of monarchs of several countries. In July 1559, Henry was injured in a jousting tournament held to celebrate the treaty and died ten days later after his surgeon, Ambroise Par, was unable to cure the wound inflicted by Gabriel de Montgomery, the captain of his Scottish Guard. Eva Braun: Life & Death | Who was Hitlers Wife? Windsor Castle History & Fire | Where is Windsor Castle? Tyr, Norse God of War | Origins, Attributes & Mythology, Triton God of the Sea | Overview, Mythology & Significance. Persian Gods: Overview & Mythology | Ancient Iranian Deities. Notre Dame Cathedral Overview & Fire | What is the Notre Dame Cathedral? The Four Varnas in Hinduism | Overview, History & Texts. [17], The Peace was signed between Henry and Elizabeth I of England on 2 April[18] and between Henry and Philip of Spain on 3 April 1559 at Le Cateau-Cambrsis. He would burn heretics alive and cut out the tongue of anyone who dared utter a word of dissent against the Catholic Church. RMS Mauretania Overview & Significance | What was the Mauretania? Neocolonialism Overview, Facts & Examples | What is Neocolonialism? Despite being cared for by the prominent physicians Ambroise Par and Andreas . Also Known As : Caterina Maria Romola di Lorenzo de Medici. King Alfred of Wessex: Family & Reign| Who was King Alfred the Great? Hell History, Description & Types | What Does Hell Look Like? It marked the beginning of four decades of religious wars in France. Catherine was not able to exert as much of her influence over Henry, but, prior to her death in 1589, she had left an indelible mark on the French monarchy, so much so that the decades she spent consolidating power became known as the Age of Catherine de Medici. Chaos in Greek Mythology: Overview & Facts | Who was Chaos? Monarch of France. Heimdall in Norse Mythology: History & Role | Who is Heimdall? African National Congress Origin & Leaders | What is the ANC? Thor in Norse Mythology Facts, Siblings & Traits | Who is Thor? He married lonor d'Aquitaine on 18 May 1152, in Bordeaux . The description is called a patent "specification". Free France History, Timeline & Facts | What was Free France? Glaucus, Greek God: Mythology & Origin | Who was Glaucus? He thought they were a challenge to his power and the social order of his kingdom. From myth to medical and historical fact", Michael Servetus Research- Naturalization, House of Valois, Orlans-Angoulme branch, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Henry_II_of_France&oldid=1139142179, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 16:02. In 1557, he was briefly betrothed to marry Mary, Queen of Scots when his father attempted to legitimize Sebastian and make him his heir, but the marriage was called . Commonwealth of Independent States: History & Countries | What is the CIS? Explore the life of King Henry II of France. The Du Pont Family: History, Members & Businesses. Inari History, Mythology & Facts | What is Inari Okami? Forbidden City Overview & Facts | What is the Forbidden City? Known for: Being the queen mother of France during the reign of her three sons. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Shield Of Henry II 2nd Of France Reigned 1547-59 Replica Wood/ Metal at the best online prices at eBay! Bambara People History & Facts | Who are the Bambara People? Though he died early, the succession appeared secure as he left four young sons, as well as a wife in Catherine de' Medici, to lead a capable regency during their minority. Wyatt Earp Life, Career & Death | Who was Wyatt Earp? Grace Kelly Life, Career & Death | Who was Grace Kelly? Pomerania Region, People & Map | Where is Pomerania? European Expansion & Exploration | Timeline, Reasons & Effects. [7] She did, however, insist that Henry sleep with Catherine in order to produce heirs to the throne.[7]. Maccabean Revolt: Overview & History | When was the Maccabean Revolt? House of Este | Family, History & Significance. Martha Washington Life & Children | Who was Martha Washington? Iceland Location, Population & People | Where is Iceland? Animals in Space: Overview & Facts | What was the First Animal in Space? Zionism Origin & History | What is a Zionist? He married Catherine de Mdicis in 1533 when both were 14 years old. King Henry II had at least three illegitimate children. Ernest Shackleton Expeditions & Legacy | Who was Ernest Shackleton? Radha Krishna: Story & Significance | Who are Krishna & Radha in Hinduism? Uyghur Muslim History & Culture | Who are the Uyghur People? Henry II was the King of France from 1547 to 1559. Wartburg Castle History & Architecture | Where is Wartburg Castle? Giovanni da Verrazzano Biography & Route | Giovanni da Verrazzano Overview. Third International History & Theory | What is the Comintern? I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. The cabinet measures about 46.4 x 23 x 39 inches tall. The Monument to the Heart of Henry II is in the collection of the Louvre, but was originally in the Chapel of Orleans beneath a pyramid. While it's nowhere close to the 67+ years that Elizabeth II has been queen, he was one of the longest-serving British monarchs of the High Middle Ages. Franciscan Order: History & Facts | What are Franciscan Friars? During his reign, France fought the Italian Wars for hegemony over Italy against the powerful Habsburg Dynasty of Austria. Typhoid Mary Overview & History | Who was Typhoid Mary? As Henry II and his sons fought amongst themselves, a new king of France emerged. Sebastian de Poitiers (1540-1561) was Master of Horse and Hunt of France and the illegitimate son of King Henry II of France. [16], After the abdication of Charles V in 1556, the Habsburg empire was split between his son Philip II of Spain and brother Emperor Ferdinand I. Plutus: Mythology & Family | Who was the Greek God of Wealth? Emperor Yangdi Biography & Controversy | Who was Yangdi of the Sui Dynasty? Brook Farm: Overview, History & Founders | What was Brook Farm? Henry VI (1421-1471) was not a successful king. A statement piece in any room and comfortable in any decor. Manticore History, Mythology & Facts | A Lion with Scorpion Tail. In the premiere of The Serpent Queen (2022), a young Henri (Alex Heath) is shown meeting and marrying Catherine De Medici, performing consummation of the marriage, jousting, and snuggling in the older Diane's arms. 19th Century Overview & Facts | When was the Nineteenth Century? The Morrígan Mythology, Symbol & Names | Celtic Goddess of War. Northern Wei: History & Culture | What was the Northern Wei Dynasty? Nostradamus also served King Henry as physician and astrologer. Greek Independence Day | History, Celebration & the War of Independence. Brundtland Commission Purpose & History | What was the Brundtland Report? Bourgeois History & Overview | What is the Bourgeoisie? Daniel Webster Timeline & Significance | Who is Daniel Webster? Aztec Architecture: Structures & Design | Temples, Homes & Buildings. Henry was born on March 31, 1519 at Chateau de Saint Germain-en-Laye, the second son of King Francis I of France and Claude, Duchess of Brittany and, as the second son, was not expected to ever be king. Women's Equality Day History & Purpose | What is Women's Equality Day? While France won some battles, Spain and England gradually seized key territory. Barnum? Shu Han Overview, Dynasty & Decline | History of Shu Kingdom, Victoria Day in Canada | Overview, History & Traditions. In 1536, Prince Francis died after straining himself during a tennis match. Ancient Egyptian Religion | History, Mythology & Culture, El Dorado Legend & History | The Lost City of Gold, Eros Overview, Mythology & Facts | Greek God of Love. Sulis, Celtic Goddess: Mythology & History | Who was Sulis? Runes Overview, History & Facts | What are the Runic Alphabets? [5] At this time, Henry's brother Francis was alive and there was little prospect of Henry coming to the throne. Ultimately, Henry II died in 1559 as a result of a jousting accident. Ancient Roman Education | Structure, Content & Types of Schools. Pan in Greek Mythology: Overview & Significance | Who is Pan? Geronimo Overview, Life & Tribe | Who was Geronimo? Blackshirts Overview, History & Facts | Who were the Blackshirts? Seven Cities of Gold Mythology & Facts | Seven Cities of Cibola, Yonaguni Monument History & Facts | The Underwater Japanese Pyramid, Amiens Cathedral in France | History, Architecture & Interior, Ise Grand Shrine in Japan | Location, Origin & Significance. Augsburg Confession Summary & Facts | What is the Augsburg Confession? Lost Cause Overview, Myth & Civil War | What was the Lost Cause? Beautiful plank top, forged iron drop pull, two upper drawers, and double door lower cabinet with key. Detail from portrait plaque, enamel and gilding on copper. Battle of Cannae Causes, Army & Map | Who Defeated the Romans? Free shipping for many products! The Edict also strictly regulated publications by prohibiting the sale, importation or printing of any unapproved book. Manichaeism Overview, Theology & History | What is Manichaeism? This allowed the Guises to take control of Government, and to reintroduce their plan to subsume Scotland under France. Catholic Inquisitions History & Facts | What was the Inquisition? Hyperborea Mythology, Symbol & Facts | What is Hyperborea? When powerful princes of the Holy Roman Empire convened to elect his successor, King Francis I put himself forward as a candidate. Barnum Circus & History | Who is P.T. Shamash Overview & Mythology | Who is the Mesopotamian Sun God? Hebrew Israelites | Overvew, History & Beliefs. He was then brought to Spain, where he signed the Treaty of Madrid with King Charles. Angel of the North History & Facts | Where is the Angel of the North? Ragnarok in Norse Mythology: Overview & Story | What is Ragnarok? United Nations Secretary-General | Origin, Role & List. Midgard in Norse Mythology: Overview & History | What is Midgard? John Laurens: Life, Career & Legacy | Who was John Laurens? He served as a general during the Italian War of 1551-59, and he was also known as a womanizer at court. Jerry Rawlings Presidency & Death | Who was Jerry Rawlings? Buran History, Construction & Facts | The Russian Space Shuttle. Getty Images 2. King Henry II of France, 1559. Choosing an Heir Nyx Overview, Mythology & Facts | Greek Goddess of the Night. France supported an allied duke, but the Holy Roman Empire (under Henry's father's rival King Charles) sent troops to occupy Parma. Diane De Poitiers, de Poitiers, Diane (1499-1566) A famous consort of the French king Henri II, Diane de Poitiers was born of aristocratic parents in the castle of Sain Henry Iv (france), Henry IV (France) (1553-1610; Ruled 1589-1610) HENRY IV (FRANCE) (1553-1610; ruled 1589-1610), king of France and Navarre. Charlotte died at the age of 7, and Francis died at 18. Aten, Egyptian God: Mythology & Religion | Who was Aten? It took eleven years for Henry and Catherine to have children. Henry was born in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France, on March 31, 1519.His parents were Francis I of France and Claude of France.. Flora Significance & Facts | Who is the Roman Goddess of Flowers? In the third match, Gabriel de Montgomery struck Henry on the right shoulder and the lance splintered, sending wooden shards into his face and right orbit. Henry was born on March 31, 1519, in the Chteau de Saint-Germain-en-Laye, a palace in Laye, France. Adolf Eichmann Family, Career & Trial | Who was Adolf Eichmann? Astor Family History, Facts, & Overview | Who are the Astors? Cu Chulainn Origin, Legends & Mythology | Who was Cu Chulainn? Henry was married to Catherine of Medici on October 28, 1533 when he was only 14 . Civitas History, Facts & Overview | What was Roman Citizenship? Moro People: Overview & History | Who are the Moro People? The Gardens at Versailles | History, Attributes & Significance, Battle of Horseshoe Bend | History, Location & Results. Ghetto Overview, History & Facts | What is a Ghetto? Knight History, Ranks & Facts | What was a Medieval Knight? On 30 June 1559, a tournament was held near Place des Vosges to celebrate the Peace of Cateau-Cambrsis with his longtime enemies, the Habsburgs of Austria, and to celebrate the marriage of his daughter Elisabeth of Valois to King Philip II of Spain. Elizabeth the Queen Mother Biography & Children | Who was the Queen Mother? John Brown, Abolitionist: Overview & Raid | Who was John Brown? Cadmus, Founder of Thebes: History & Mythology | Who was Cadmus? Vice President Kamala Harris: Life & Career | Who is Kamala Harris? Dragon Mythology, Types & Interpretations | Are Dragons Real? Henry II of France Dies of Tournament Wounds Henry II was fatally injured by the Count of Montgomery during a jousting tournament. The first patent specification was submitted by the inventor Abel Foullon for "Usaige & Description de l'holmetre" (a type of rangefinder). The second son of Francis I and Duchess Claude of Brittany, he became Dauphin of France upon the death of his elder brother Francis in 1536.. As a child, Henry and his elder brother spent over four years in captivity in Spain as hostages in exchange for their father. General Sherman's Special Field Orders: No. Mother Claude of France. Volga Bulgaria Overview, History & Facts | What was Volga Bulgaria? Persian Royal Road History & Facts | What is the Royal Road of Persia? Henry II also had three illegitimate children: Henri or Henry has had four notable portrayals onscreen: He was played by a young Roger Moore in the 1956 film Diane, opposite Lana Turner in the title role and Marisa Pavan as Catherine de Medici.[39]. 2 oz of Pure .999 Silver. He married Eleanor of Aquitaine on May 18, 1152. The Christian Cross: History & Variants | What Does the Cross Symbolize? Philip Augustus (Philip II of France 1165-1223), grandfather of Saint Louis, was one of France's greatest kings. Mesopotamian Priests: History & Overview | What were Mesopotamian Priests? Thyrsus Origin & Symbol | What is the Staff of Dionysus? Roman Festivals Overview & Facts | What were Ancient Roman Holidays? The agreement was reinforced by a marriage between Henry's sister Margaret and Emmanuel Philibert, while his daughter Elisabeth of Valois became Philip's third wife.[19]. National Gazette Purpose & History | What was the National Gazette? The second son of Francis I, he became Dauphin of France upon the death of his elder brother Francis III, Duke of Brittany, in 1536. Louis XVII Family, Imprisonment & Death | Who was Louis Charles? Mishnah History, Purpose & Facts | What is the Mishna? Roman Dictators: History, Role & Selection. The Supremes Overview, History & Members | Who were The Supremes? Silver Standard Origin & History | What was the Silver Standard? Creation Myths Overview & Examples | What is a Creation Myth? 18yh May 1152. World's Fair: History & Legacies | What is the World's Fair? Vienna Summit History & Outcomes | Khrushchev & Kennedy's Meeting, Reykjavik Summit: History & Negotiations | Reagan & Gorbachev's Meeting. National Day of the People's Republic of China | History, Origin & Purpose, Titanic Passengers: Deaths & Survivors | People on the Titanic. Draconian Laws Overview & Facts | What are the Draconian Laws? Judgement of Paris Mythology & Facts | What is the Apple of Discord? While France lost territory as a result of the agreement, it gained some land near its border with the Holy Roman Empire and in the English territory of Calais. Arab Spring History, Causes & Facts | What was the Arab Spring? National Union for the Total Independence of Angola | Origin & Purpose. 1. Via Appia Overview & History | Significance of the Appian Way. Daisy Bates Biography, Facts & Accomplishments | Who was Daisy Bates? Mitra, God of Friendship | History, Facts & Mythology, Hera & Zeus: Relationship & Mythology | Marriage of Zeus & Hera. Phaedra Overview & Facts | Who is Phaedra in Greek Mythology? Joe Cataliotti holds a Master of Arts degree in World History from Northeastern University. White Sea Canal: History & Facts | What is the Belomorkanal? It settled competing claims to discoveries in the Atlantic. Richard Cavendish | Published in History Today Volume 59 Issue 7 July 2009 Born in 1519, the future Henry II married Catherine de Medici in 1533 when they were both 14 years old. Henry III (French: Henri III, n Alexandre douard; Polish: Henryk Walezy; Lithuanian: Henrikas Valua; 19 September 1551 - 2 August 1589) was King of France from 1574 until his assassination in 1589, as well as King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1573 to 1575.. 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