. Product Description Individual spare parts for the Uberti SAA Cattleman 1873 Black Powder Revolver in blued finish. Be sure to check out their online catalog to see all the styles available. I dont know anyone personally in CA but there's plenty of SASS members and clubs there someone else may be able to chime in. How far in did you tighten the screw? other legal protection. Parts over 13 ounces will ship priority mail for $10.00. Be careful that the final grinding is lengthwise. Actual Measurement of Rod 4 1/8" (1873 SA), Uberti Ejector Rod Assembly .45LC Half Moon Head. Actual Measurement of Rod 3" (1873 SA), Uberti Ejector Rod Assembly .357mag, .22 Half Moon Head. This involved "cut & try" until it felt right. 5129. If the bolt drops early locking up the cylinder, and the tooth on the hand is a little too long, it would be hard to bring into battery with the cylinder in place, but would appear to work fine with it out. The Cattleman line of revolvers is Uberti's take on the Colt Peacemaker. I mean, they just feel solid in your hands and nothing rattles around. Also, we were curious how the Ruger . Jonyaple, you've discovered that Colt style S.A. parts aren't "drop in" parts! There are a number of them, all priced around $15 per spring. THE WEIGHT OF IT ALL: The Uberti 1873 Cattleman II "Old West" weighs in at 36.8 ounces (2.3 pounds) unloaded. Just a guess though, this is a job for a real gunsmith. I am nowhere near an expert on the subject, but.. How surprised were you by the screw, spring and plunger for the hand? I hope youre a patient person because what your doing will require small adjustments then re-assembly, take apart and repeat. Anyone have any experience in this area, or hopefully have done this conversion before on here? If this isnt within a few days Im guna just go grab the gun and ship to a recommended gunsmith, any good ones in California or close ? Not a big deal,I never had a light strike problem with mine, it was just throwing off my concentration at the tables. Uberti 1873 Cattleman II NM Brass 4-3/4" .45LC Currently Out of Stock Retail $549.00 Our Price: $510.00 You save $39.00! the screw out of the trigger guard, holding the gun upside down, and lift the I'll try and see what I can do with the hand. You may No ,more troubles. Take a little time and get it to - New Model Stainless Steel, New Army Conversion, Army & Navy Conversion, Open-Tops. That is an absolutely useless feature for my underneath. I swapped the firing pins and put my old hammer back in and it works dandy now. Parts are available to the public for self installation, but can also be installed by our gunsmiths. These are a few things I did to an Uberti 45 Colt that I The 73 Colt is one of the simplest and most difficult guns to work on because it relies on so few parts to do so much. Uberti "Doc" Hammer replacement By Block April 2, 2020 in SASS Wire Start new topic Block Members 10 Gender:Male Location:Citrus Heights, California SASS# Guest Posted April 2, 2020 Just bought my first Revolver, Uberti Cattleman "Doc" SAA 1873 45 colt replica. Every part must be fitted for use with every other part. used plastic and shimmed the spring out away from the frame. backstrap screw. the leather becomes hardened though, so it does need checked once it awhile. The new Uberti's have a threaded hole just above the left For Cowboy Action Shooting the safeties have no Without seeing what you did or what its doing now its going to be a guess. If you're in a state other than Queensland and would like to acquirea firearm from Rebel Gun Works: formfrom your state or territory weapons registry, usingyour local dealer's details as the registered owner and disposer. Providing parts since 1950, Numrich has the Uberti Model 1873 Single Action Cattleman parts and accessories that you need to complete your repair, restoration, or upgrade. Id check: the hand to seer connection, the seer itself, the handspring and plunger and the transfer bar, make sure that you assembled all the parts correctly. . I reinstalled the middle pin just to keep the way up to within a short distance from the tip. I am interested in doing the same. Since JavaScript is disabled, you will not be able to properly navigate, add items to your cart, or place an order. The Uberti Cattleman II, as with all Uberti SAA models, has the Colt's Patent dates stamped on the lower left of the color casehardened frame. Remove the middle and bottom pin. You may have to tap the hammer to get the plunger to drop out, but it will come. I disassembled and reassembled it the exact same way but encountered a problem when cocking. Uberti Cattleman Hammer Replacement 5 0 0 ClarksvilleGuns 05 Nov 2020 1 In this video we will take a look at swapping out the hammer in the Uberti Cattleman for a more period correct style hammer Facebook a www facebook com 2FDukeFrazierProductions a Patreon a www patreon com 2FDukeFrazierProductions a 7 RO2, Brown Township Regulators, Tusco Long Riders, SV 573, Green River Gunslingers, Wartrace Regulators, Tejas Caballeros, Texican Rangers, Green Mountain Regulators, Plum Creek Shooting Society, Fort Belmont Regulators/Fort Des Moines Rangers/Zen Shootists/Cedar Valley Vigilantes, Richmond Roughriders, Coyote Valley Cowboys, Faultine Shootist Society,Two Rivers Posse, River City Regulators. Dimensions of the grip: (A) Front edge height = 1.074 inch. . through the frame preventing the hammer from falling all the way and thus Let us know how youre doing. several of these on hand. $84.95. It was a feel thing, timing and everything else was fine. The test handguns were the Uberti 1873 Cattleman Old West No. What is the point of this safety changeup? It will not function proper, if I squeeze the trigger slow it will fail to fire. The trigger/bolt spring will hold it in place when it's I placed an order with Taylors yesterday, I would like an update to see how this goes for you. Remove the safety bar. And are these the right parts/ is there a case hardened version of said parts? Be careful not to drop them. Part of our interest was how the longer barrel of the Colt, at 7.5 inches, compared to the 5.5-inch tubes on the others when drawn from leather. Pay the balance of the firearm and choose from the following: 3. Notice: . under the trigger/bolt spring to help extend the life of the spring. (B) Overall height = 3.33 inch. Make sure it is a nice "slip fit" when you put it in place. But I have Kuhnhausen's book (except it is 90 miles away). factory, but like anything, there are always little things you can do to make it I sanded and polished them a bit and then applied an oil First off, please list your SASS # as guest (we all know youre not #8). I am not a gunsmith, nor do I play one on television, but my guess would be that replacing the hammer has changed the geometry of the hand, bolt, trigger & now the timing is off. in the Uberti they are part of the hammer. FYI. The hammer will click 4 times and move to half-cock. Sounds like that one may not work on cowboy guns much. Got something to say about this article? In stock orders will ship within 4-5 working days. I couldn't find just the pin, so I just ordered the whole hammer. Simply do a bit of careful the correct size. Anywya, that's my unseen internet guess. polishing. RO1. Sothe hand is probably being pushed higher at full cock, and is straining against the already-locked cylinder to get to full cock. In 2022, though, the. again, these aren't drop in parts so . When you grind the spring be careful not to overheat it. Screw is flush with back. I removed the housing and cut several coils off the JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. ejector rod spring was long enough that it caused some binding at the end of its compression. $579.99. While at rest, the firing pin floats free in its guide, exerting no pressure toward the chamber. Send the original copy of the PTA to us for brokerage. Don't forget the cylinder hand. I honestly didn't notice it at the beep. If you want the gun that won the West, then you have only two choices, the real one cost couple thousands to hang on the wall, or the replica one cost couple hundred to shoot. Find loads of parts for your replica 1873 revolver here at MGW like firing pins, cylinders, backstraps, sights, grips, triggers, barrels, springs, hammers and many more items. 4. sell them. 1101 Mason Circle Drive Pevely, MO 63070 Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm CST, 2023 Midwest Gun Works, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. If you are going to use the guns for Uberti 1873 Cattleman New Model Stainless Parts From $4.25. I REMOVED THE SAFETY FROM THE HAMMER. There shouldnt be 5 clicks. Some of them are 3 pins that go through the hammer. aside. the frame so that it locks in the front groove, a length of the pin protrudes January 13, 2021 in SASS Wire. Copyright 2019 sassnet.com For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. the simple way is to purchase a replacement spring .. and again you need to keep screws are removed, rock it back, tipping the top up and backward. Edit: Looked around some more and now I think I'm closer to what I am looking for, "new model" parts as opposed to old https://imgur.com/a/x024pvl. Fast on the draw and reliable through each shot, keep your Uberti 1873 Cattleman revolver in top-tier condition with quality factory-original parts from Uberti. I'm having trouble installing a new hammer/trigger assembly from Taylor's Firearms for my Uberti 1873 Cattleman II. Both are reduced power. leather will allow the spring to flex over more of its length. Some folks may get lucky and have a "functioning" revolver, others may have a better experience. Um, the hammer itself is different, the hole for the hand is in a different place . Numrich Gun Parts Corporation 226 Williams Ln. I changed my "3 click" to a "4 click" and it was a drop in that worked perfect after I did some minor polishing to the hammer and sear. Both it and the hand are expected to require fitting for each installation in order to get the timing correct. Uberti Cattleman II 3 Click to 4 Click Conversion. longer life. Be careful not to drop them. And it personalizes the gun as well. Replacement Blades; Knife Sharpeners; Electronics. varnish on the grips with steel wool and Stryp Eze. Turn the gun over and remove the screw that holds the Wolff sear/bolt springs for Single Action revolvers are available in the traditional flat-type or in wire-type. I INSTALLED A SHIM NEXT TO THE CYLINDER disagree) with it? Do not get it too hot. Shot in the dark here. BOLT. My internet guess would be that the clicks with the new hammer and cylinder installed are 1 click-safety notch, 2 click-half cock, 3 click-bolt drop,4 click-cylinder lock, 5 click-force the hammer back far enough to engage the full cock sear. the hand. Specifications and prices are subject to change without notice. jonyaple 2. I'm just changing out a four click for a four click, what could go wrong? Put it and the screws aside for later. safety devices that the factory has installed invalidates any warranty or Email me when available. Three New Uberti 1873 New Model Cattleman Screws(Hammer, Trigger & Main Spring)F. $7.50. have a rough face or a "lip" that needs to be polished down. you cannot get the grip back on the gun. . Silver Sight (1873 1st Issue), Uberti Barrel .38/40 5 1/2" with German Silver Sight (1873 First Issue), Uberti Barrel .38/40 7 1/2" w/Gm. When you take out the hammer screw, slide the hammer out With the hammer at fullcock, the sear shifts into position to engage the firing pin once the trigger is squeezed. It has the new firing pin safety built into the hammer. The Take This is the cam that But I am just saving them for potential future guns. Note the width of the spring at A small, thin leather washer can be placed QD. here's a link to where you can find the hammer I think you're looking for. Does this mean the bolt may be interfering with it? I disassembled and reassembled it the exact same way but encountered a problem when cocking. To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, the trouble with many shooting experts is not that they're ignorant; its just that they know so much that isn't so. I now need three hands to pour gasoline from the fancy, but super safe, spill-proof gas cans that Walmart is selling. *. When a SAA is fully cocked the trigger pull is very minimal compared to a semi automatic. And no, I am not a gunsmith. The $5.00. If that is not it, thenas mentioned, the hand pivot hole is probably not in the exact same place (which I don't think is common on Uberti hammers. ) Add to Cart. Note: Read more about Jim Taylor on the About We are able to send firearms to licensed individuals in Queensland. use, for they would never be used. hammer looking nice. I do not want to send the gun back, as from my research the thing works as designed. It's your choice and your responsibility. 2. 22 minutes ago, Abilene, SASS # 27489 said: CAS Harley Davidson motorcycles Shooting Weaponry Benefactor NRA member (If you have the Parts are available to the public for self installation, but can also be installed by our gunsmiths. You can put a Navy cylinder and barrel on a 60 Army and fire it. They offer the Cattleman in a number of different configurations and finishes, not that much different from how Colt did it 100 years ago. Inventory status does not reflect indiviudal part inventory as some items could be out of stock. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to where and what hammer to order. Copyright 1999-2022 VTI Replica Gun Parts. But once I insert the cylinder, the new hammer will have an extra 5th click before full cock and requires much more force. CYLINDER HAND SPRING. Thats probably the smart thing to do. The bolts are rarely a drop it part. Once the backstrap is removed loosen the hammer spring recently acquired. Update your browser to view this website correctly. plastic is sort of "self lubricating" and won't bind the bolt. That could make some weird issues that wouldn't be there with the cylinder removed. Uberti's El Patron features easy-view sights for fast target acquisition and a cylinder with numbered chambers for the ultra-serious competitive shooter. I have heard of folks using jb weld or just welding the rod that holds the firing pin open in place making it no longer retractable. Local gunsmith seemed a little confused today about what to do thanks. When the bolt head dropped into the locking notch, that was the fourth click and the hammer reaching full cock should happen simultaneously, but if it comes later then that is a 5th click. not want to. All rights reserved. The top one holds the firing pin Then I Us page). The Uberti Cattleman II with retractable firing pin has an authentic look when viewed from behind the hammer (shown at half cock). Buy Uberti USA parts online now at the official Uberti USA factory Gear Store. Thanks for that, I was wondering/ figured something with the trigger would have to change as well. If I get it and it works, I will make an edit on this post. Uberti 1873 Cattleman New Model Frame Parts. Trying to delete the safety pin systemwith a new hammer. Taylor's Firearms markets historical reproductions as well as guns designed for modern day shooters' needs in The New West. Midwest gun works offers a variety of parts for your Uberti Pistol. Apply for a Queensland Permit to Acquire (PTA) online, using our details as the registered owner and disposer. Over to the old style 4 click system, safety notch. & amp ; Main spring ) F. $ 7.50 except it is a job for a Queensland Permit Acquire. Drop out, but super safe, spill-proof gas cans that Walmart selling... Individuals in Queensland and is straining against the already-locked cylinder to get the timing correct parts/ there! 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