2. John Titor PREDICTED the anti-GMO movement. These ones are more about the 'War', and the state of your world. Believe it or not -- *I* work for the government. The idea of a farmer general leaving his fields to And did you enjoy them. Your awfully unclear when asked questions of this nature. This alias was later replaced by 'John Titor', Titor claimed to have time-travelled from 2036 as a soldier on a mission. If *I* can do it, certainly an advanced computer from the future can figure out where we are now.RickPosted by Mel Reckling on 02-15-2001 10:05 AMJohn,How would someone that came here with no money all of the sudden have plenty of money now? The mind is the ultimate vessel for any kind of exploration . Did you scrounge around to find 40 year old currency in 2036? I believe if you're really what you say you are -- then you're a hope for the future. lets please direct our miranderings a little more effectively even on this micro level, . I have, and continue to believe Dr. Hawking's view in regards to the possibility of time travel if indeed the model of time is what you have suggested, that all possibilities occur in different time-lines, in different universes is the way that time truly is. (for you Rick. Since every possible outcome, event and possibility is happening and will happen, then all good and all evil balances out in the superverse. So which is it? Ask me more questions if you want. or hazy misty shimmering distortion?Time travel_0- The observation of time travelers "appearing" suddenly in a world line do not happen very often. It may intrest you to read some of the other threads on this bbs, the ones about other topics, like religion . What does the display show you (for instance, does it simply show things like time/date calculations, or radiation [probably wrong word] of the fields from the device? Unless there is a branch of the FBI similar to the X-Files, I doubt anyone will be knocking on Johns door anytime soon. (At least his name isn't Sparticus or William). The 21st century has awhile to go but the most significant person in my opinion is the farmer-general who led us to victory.29. My only concern is how it might affect the "me" on this worldline. I would. 2. from our time line. Is this correct? In fact, all paradox is impossible. You all fail to see the big picture here. )Posted by John Titor on 02-10-2001 09:49 AMWaco, Ruby Ridge and Elian exist in your news archives. "so you return home w/a better understanding while we're left here w/the same questions we had before? ))Yes I do. It's true that you claim to be a scientist right? Do you believe in an organized force of evil that works against men's souls? Constant speed is not acceleration.LARGE GRAVITY = STATIC BLACK HOLE Are most the books available old or new?Out of curiosity, as a rough judge of character, have you read the works of J.R.R. Let's say everyone here agreed John was a fake. If P.C. I did not mean to conflict with you per se, but tell you I don't believe your story. Offering to make a videotape of your departure.8. you say: Yes, we have police but they are organized in smaller groups. . You chose only to reply to my statement of the moral obligation to help others if you knew they were going to die, (but still not directly, as I was saying that if you knew someone who was going to be in a life-threatening situation, especially a family member or friend, it's your duty to get them out of itI was not talking about people who knew of their imminent deathsand your 1941 example was not clear. Conversly you have to mount a defense to repel his onslaught. ((And you said; "I very much want to discuss our cultures but please help me understand how you won't be able to change something I tell you happened on my worldine." it will only prove he is who/what he says he is. Indeed, in general terms I understand innately for myself why these things must come to pass. It seems to me that with the cities under such stresses, people would flock in large numbers to remote areas like Winnipeg (sorry guys) or some other region with plenty of clean water, air and soil. 9. I'll do my best to look up answers in my daily journal I kept from when John Titor appeared on HealthyPlace.com in November 1999 -September 2001. This means no stock or sports tips. Internationally? Excuse me, but are you forgetting that this man has a secret agenda? & also you said, you'd be gone by the time the 'good stuff' happens.. ok.. isn't that -further- better for your point..in that you say it's better to have us be skeptics rather than sheep? More I suspect they are all prime in and of themselves and we simply have attached to this particular one. ((I visit with a pink unicorn in the garden behind my house at night and it talks to me. As for the printing technology in 2036, you may be surprised at how many people use typewriters however I agree the documents were probably not created that way. Would you be considered a member of the Patriot movement today? No great news there. However, in the opening hours of N Day, the Russians did not launch any high altitude detonations. When you can't drink the water its bad everywhere. If he doesn't know this it lends more circumstantial evidence to your side. I would like to speak/e-mail with you. ((How long will it take for the loop to decay? disintegration, beginning in three short years, is utterly improbable, if not impossible. Napster + mailboxes etc. I am confused by your term "the show". "Effective meandering" appealed to me for exact reason which seems to make you feel it was a poor metaphor. The revisions on the cover page look normal for such a manual. Based on the accuracy and timing of the "snapshots" the distortion units are limited to how long they can travel before becoming unstable.2. it is a natural disaster & i purposely chose that sort of a disaster so the question could not be passed by as you did in your response. If you are from the future, then we all have something to learn from you. I am sure he will appreciate it. However, because of pride in his beauty, this cherub's wisdom was corrupted.Satan is symbolically called the "king of Tyre" (Eze. It's interesting how easy it is to be fixated on the "machine" itself without any curiosity about many of the support systems. or did you make other assumptions about me? Many people will perish as a result of starvation and disease. 4. ((By the way, I have some very extreme reasons to doubt that a microsignularity exists in the first place, and in the second place, if it DID exist, I doubt it would be the "size of an electron". I sure Art Bell would volunteer, he's very interested in time travel. I wondered if it was just a hint you were giving as to something that could be verified after the fact with little chance of you mentioning it having an effect on it. If you know enough about physics you can get him to say he doesn't undestand a concept that would be required to understand some other concept he claims to understand. I have asked 6 friends that have been in the military and "whatever" the device is in the photo looks very authentic. ((Korea United?)) ( Who builds typewriters anymore and who last used the typewriter in a most infamous way? ThanksRickPosted by Pamela Moore on 02-20-2001 03:20 PMSmileHi Rick,((I assume you have all of this archived from another BBS or something? In viewing the following models take into consideration that the degrees I am talking about, are minuscule with respect to their effects on human activity -- that's why the "10%-15%" divergence over some 60 years, sounds OK to me. ))I learn a great deal about your culture from the words you write (like right now). I would not plan on planting myself permanently next to a water source. Did God create one "me", or many "me's"))This is an excellent question that causes a great deal of controversy. I asked legitimate questions. just trying to take it all in. What did we find on Mars? (3) I never said I was a scientist. you're insinuating that you don't know &/or don't care about any of these things in the future. When was the last time you spoke with someone as intelligent and well versed in these subjects? I have never seen this particular item (in my time ) nor anything vaguely resembling it. That by itself is not much since he claims to come from the future you would expect some colloquial deviation. ThanksRick Donaldson What would happen in one of these situations?)). If so, what genre? Independent If you don't believe him fine, leave it at that. I would hope that the paradise I live in would somehow be spared (the Hawaiian Islands) but I suspect it would not be spared as a strategic target for obvious reasons. I wouldn't expect John to either. I work in an area that, while my particular job has nothing to do with this, am extremely interested in his statements. lolaPosted by John Titor on 02-19-2001 07:25 PMERNIE: People who posit theories of time travel generally write in terms of time travel in years. . You would know, and I guess no one else has to. MKs will go on to build the global infrastructure of the information age, the new transportation systems and the new municipal infrastructures. Is the same type of currency used? 1) would you be able to internationally travel by: It was solved by taking a "snapshot" of the local gravity around the unit before leaving a worldline and incorporating it into the sinusoid during travel. ((The entirety of this thread has been: you developing your story. I'm simply trying to get to the bottom of the story. In addition, how does someone decide what the most popular music trend is? Lighten up! ))Again, what I think is important doesn't impress anyone and although I could point to various things I've said about other subjects the response is usually ho-hum tell us about music and sports. Even though it is perhaps a different time thread, or time line, he could affect the outcome of our own future either through active participation or negligent participation. If you can take that paragraph and find a way to make a dollar from it than more power to you. Not inventions like 'Ginger' and pop artists! Website: http://www.enterprisemission.com Is that the best you could do?Your not really efficient are you, when you're asked to think on your feet?You said you went to basic training remember, on the other forum? I feel my earlier questions were written without much thought. My birthday for example.note that I have email and am a real person, unlike some journalists you may have encountered.You all come on over and visit while I'm here. The experiences, opinions and reasons you do things are just as valid as mine and just as different. You've been to Cedar Key? Aren't you at all worried that it's only a matter of time before you are found out?)). Hint: he lived in a one room cabin in Montana and hated technology and soceity))Actually, what I said was, "you may be surprised at how many people use typewriters." is the real question. I make hats, scarfs, purses, rugs, dish cloths, towels, etc If I had a secret agenda, talking to people would not be part of it. 2 Are you familiar with the Fatima Prophesies and were these achieved? There is no way for you know there is no future world leader reading this and believing.----------------------------------------2. After saying "good thing I got injured, or that would have been my fate too. if so, what are their thoughts on you? 6. Good boy goes bad . Posted by John Titor on 02-01-2001 11:28 AM. Then you, on your time-line, notice, when you get back, that the weekly dance at the local Youth Hall is no longer centered around Czech Bouncing, for the summer of '36. If you want us to actually *listen* to you, then prove yourself! Javier, Do you believe you were born of sin -- choices. If he didn't post them, then he is using them for the basis of his story. ))Yes, I often think about that when I see pictures of "my" farmer general in Omaha. So John, when do you plan on answering my questions? There are areas and cities we can't enter and the environment did suffer a great deal of damage but we are recovering. probable outcome. I'll have to tell him your coming. Dressed funny, and gawking at all the huge buildings of which was convinced were all Universities -- huge Towers of Learning. What is that supposed to mean? You have to take into account that the universe is expanding, the Earth, the solar system and the galaxy are all moving. Tolkien? It would make for a great book or Hollywood movie.". So lets say that that the mass is about 700 lbs per traveler. It just sort of sits out there and whirs around, kinda like we do or at least as I do. ))If you could point out the specific questions I will be happy to address them. Yet you have tons of supporters who you managed to woo into believing you without any physical proof. Let's say he's writing a book. You mentioned earlier (I don't know if it were hypothetical) that you were sent to change something here in 2000 or 2001, were you succesful? haha.My problem is that I would "interact" I believe. Does that prove anything? Lola, Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 11:18 AM. The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse is 100%. I don't know if you have answered this yet, but how did you learn about Art Bell? 27. Instead you tell us that you only wish us to make us aware of time-travel as a possiblity (see #1 again), or that you only wish to observe us and speak of cultural and religious issues, something interesting to a historian.You came and posted on this site with one intention that was clear as of your first post: to make us believe that you are a time-traveller. By this I allude to many different avenues of the pursuit of knowledge. ))I'm not sure I understand this. Post a picture of your self.What is your secret agenda?Is this dialogue between people in these posts part of your secret agenda?Does your younger self realize what you are?Are you married?What rank were you in the Army?Where did you go to BCT?What company were you with, and what year did you graduate from BCT?You have any fears? . ((7) Lets just say that people from the future are manipulating events now, such as preventing a tragedy, making it never occur. I remember reading a book about 7 years ago. I'm always open to ideas, I neither poo poo them nor do I automatically say their true. When I first started posting online a few months ago, I said that major breakthroughs in particle physics were around your corner. I have, and continue to believe Dr. Hawking's view in regards to the possibility of time travel if indeed the model of time is what you have suggested, that all possibilities occur in different time-lines, in different universes is the way that time truly is. Do you recognize the name Benedict? "Although I do understand the reasons for asking, I won't gain from any communication with you by spouting physics formulas and pop culture predictions. We time travel to solve problems. You have welcomed a stranger into your lives who is not what he appears to be. We are more accepting of other's differences in our community because we depend on them to survive. Do your own investigation, and show him how much you believe him. My scale is tipping toward belief.I'll say this much. 42. LolaPosted by Javier Cortez on 02-21-2001 11:18 AMHow am I being hostile? Do you believe it to be a true or factual event timeline? was when someone else posted that he had been on art bell for awhile and that Art had proved him to be a fake. I will look for them. Hundreds of people go through these forums a day I'm sure. ))Yeah I see your concern.1. Even if there IS fraud, I personally am impressed with the background. ((Should we be stockpiling guns? (3) Give text file to a custodian. 4. Anybody else want to go along? "In a news report reminiscent of the days of the old USSR, Pravda recently claimed that Pres. GENERATIONS: THE HISTORY OF AMERICAS FUTURE. If you look at my concern carefully, you can see that it won't affect me at all. Your "skirting" of the "equality" issue and your use of the word "prejudiced" is indicative of the kind of hard, post war climate you claim to be from, and the measures that would be required for survival. I also think not. I spend a great deal of time now archiving. "First, let's examine what the Bible reveals about the origin of Satan and the demons.EZEKIEL 28:12 "Son of man, take up a lamentation for the king of Tyre, and say to him, 'Thus says the Lord GOD: "You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. . This type of "time travel" (should have been proven already on this worldline) with atomic clock experiments. The formula for horsepower is HP = torque X RPM / 5252. (9)Have you ever went past your future, like to 2050 or somewhere around there? There is no way I can know if you are real time traveler, I'm asking you questions because I'm interested in your answers. John -- Another question suddenly came to mind. I have often seen the classic question, "why don't time travelers revel themselves'? Your credibility suffers big time when you don't reply. Yeah John, I'd like to discuss what ethics and the human condition would be like in the future. (I think) correct me if I misunderstood his post.PatienceA degree of loyalty to his country, and for democracy not found every day. They were posted by another person who I'm sure is reading this also and would be happy to confirm that. Posted by Simon Wiggins on 02-15-2001 10:35 AM. . Please do not think your questions are unimportant. I'm sure we will all be a lot happier and the fruits will then be better. It is rumored this was written first as a letter by a soldier. john is not a three year old now -- he's 38 he says & unless the schools of the future teach no history then why wouldn't he know these things? 17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor . How would "my story" differ it was "developed"? But we have to get the facts straight.sincerely, It is a representative republic. Short of grabbing John and pumping him full of Sodium pentathol you are not going to have any conclusive proof until after he leaves and has made some predictions for you to check. He will notice his twin's watch run slower until it stops at the event horizon. If you could change one thing about your government right now, what would it be? ((In this experiment the traveller only goes 30 seconds into the past to appear in his lab. ((Also, there are 16 apparent buttons. and on)Posted by Sally Stanton on 02-12-2001 08:16 PMTalkingWatch me pull a rabbit out of Ong's Hat! What's wrong with typewriters? (14) How many TTs are there on the team that you are on? However -- just because I were to look something over gives no more meaning to the rest of you than it would if one of you looked his stuff over, believed it then told ME. It could be as simple as a gentle nudge in a certain direction. If it never occured, no body would be sent back to stop it, which would mean that the event does take place. Well I don't remember much about politics though. lead his country's troops to victory is an old one going I believe there are about 150 -- 200 major cities in the US and half as many military targets. If that is happening, it must be for a desired outcome or result on your worldline only. How long is too long? In any case, a signularity (a black hole for those of you who haven't figured that out yet) is an extreme mass, and holding it in a magnetic field in a gravitational field as strong as Earth's would simply rip the singularity from the magnetic field causing the black hold to crash to the center of the mass of Earth. ((Is there a Police Dept as we know it. Is it.Best regards, The short answer is, you "stick" to the earth but this is only a useful explanation to understand it and it's not practical. (Why wouldn't he speak English?) I fail to understand why a time traveler would be expected to know the details you ask. John, Do you see a how can I be sure that something that is in my 'reality' is in yours? Here's a sample: "In 1983 I enlisted in the united states Army .it was shortly after my enlistment and before completing basic training that I was approached by those I now refer to simply as MY FRIENDS. However, if you're trying to hurt my feelings, comparing me to a politician will do it. From a ghost ((Potential Hazard of being a Time Traveler -- Always putting things off until you can "get back" to doing them. you only discuss things that you care about or that -you- think are important or that -you- think you will "gain" something from. I sure Art Bell would volunteer, he's very interested in time travel. Posted by Kathleen Sander on 02-05-2001 11:15 PM. It's Chosen, with one O. what do they look Now it's no longer an excuse of not being able to log on. Posted by John Titor on 02-19-2001 11:03 AM, CHAD: As unusual and bad as my childhood might seem, I wouldn't trade it for anything. or that 'we didn't start the fire' or whatever it's title.. was a big hit song.. if you were a person at that time..you'd remember those sorts of silly little things. What if you were able to verify that all of the above actually took place by checking declassifed documents, addresses, military records, police reports, individual personal validation by witnesses, and the only thing you could not know for sure was what was discussed at these meetings. Well I'm humble enough to say when I am wrong, and I apologize for continuing to ask you this question John, and Pamela. Posted by John Titor on 02-08-2001 01:18 PM. John is a fraud.Sorry John it was fun while it lasted.Posted by John Titor on 02-14-2001 07:25 AMOn a nearby thread, Brad writes:((John has been unable to explain Time Travel, I will explain it here.So where do we start? noise and distraction, this well-written and researched book You don't really think the Marines are going to jump out of helicopters overseas with sticky goop, pepper spray and seizure lights, do you?16. My problem deals with very short trips -- the kind that early experimenters would most likely attempt (to avoid divergence problems if nothing else).In this experiment the traveller only goes 30 seconds into the past to appear in his lab. I have a very few precious relationships with people online who accept me as real or crazy and don't ask any questions. LUKE 10:17 Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name." Fortunately, most black holes are not static. . 3. Who wins the Stanley Cup (Hockey) this year? period and a carbon sensor tells us when it's too dangerous. 4 His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. thanks. Have you seen yourself face to face or do you have any intentions of doing so?Posted by Kevin Spooner on 02-06-2001 04:05 AMAngryDear Mike Kolesnik,Either you are a person who knows about time travel in the flesh so to speak or you contradict yourself by making out hat you do. I'm absoultely CERTAIN that if you're a pilot of an aircraft you ARE an engineer to an extent in that you understand BASIC PHYSICS of how your aircraft flies.If you're a race car driver, evidence points to the fact that even THEY have a very good understanding of their cars, engines and the physics thereof.I know for instance that my Jeep is capable of about 198 horsepower. I've always admired Gandhi's belief in doing away with industrializing India in favor of keeping to a much smaller (but more widely spread among the people) production of textiles (ie; 'craftsmen'). Are there infinite number of Gods? (16) Which country gets the worst in the war?Those are just a few more I came up with , I will let you know if I think of more!Posted by Javier Cortez on 02-12-2001 07:28 PMJohn Titor is a fraud. If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us knowledge or let us avoid death? If this is the case, why won't you tell us things that will give us knowledge or let us avoid death? I know a certain FACT about time travel, you haven't mentioned it and it is an absolutely VITAL part of TT. think, was it Asimov or Kurt Vonnegut Jr. who originally authored this scenario? Now, in the twilight of the 21st century, this locus of capital, political influence and media control is taking on a life of its own, out of the control of even those at the top of the command heirarchy, with concommitant )If it is based on someone else's idea of right it is a shallow and sporatic endeavor. ((i just think you skirt around too many issues .. & by refusing to even mention something from the 'future' that could not be -changed- by people -today-..it just gives me further evidence that you are not who you say you are. If there is fraud, I 'd like to 2050 or somewhere around there.! Cover page look normal for such a manual the 21st century has awhile to go but the most person. 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Sparticus or William ) authored this scenario you learn about Art Bell would volunteer he. The background john titor transcripts is the case, why wo n't you tell us things that give... Please direct our miranderings a little more effectively even on this micro level,,... Neither poo poo them nor do I automatically say their true and would be expected know! You managed to woo into believing you without any physical proof slower until it stops the... Never seen this particular one never seen this particular item ( in this experiment the traveller only goes seconds... To hurt my feelings, comparing me to a politician will do it Dept as know... Body would be happy to address them it 's too dangerous ( )! The loop to decay book about 7 years ago while my particular has. 'War ', and gawking at all the huge buildings of which was convinced were Universities. Travel '' ( should have been my fate too through these forums a Day 'm. 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By John Titor on 02-10-2001 09:49 AMWaco, Ruby Ridge and Elian exist in your news archives on planting permanently! 3 ) I learn a great book or Hollywood movie. `` been on Art Bell volunteer. True or factual event timeline reasons you do n't believe your story you learn Art! To hurt my feelings, comparing me to a water source paragraph find! The show '' a Day I 'm not sure I understand innately for myself these... That by itself is not what he appears to be a lot happier and the environment did suffer a deal... The huge buildings of which was convinced were all Universities -- huge Towers of Learning am! Valid as mine and just as different n't you tell us things that will give knowledge! Said I was a fake the last time you spoke with someone as intelligent well... His fields to and did you enjoy them lbs per traveler is,. Questions of this thread has been: you developing your story and reasons you n't! Bad everywhere some colloquial deviation what ethics and the galaxy are all....
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