Relatively OOC as well. In a bright flash, they were gone, presumably off to Apollo's palace to take care of Percy's wounds. PCI Option ROMs. And he developed a huge more-than-crush on Triton in that time. Unlike the hatred he reserved towards his half blood brothers. But what will happen when both of them have a little surprise for their new husbands? Who else thinks Im dead?The girl gave him an odd look. The Corvin Series Tower Of The Gods The Dark Storm Awakening Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Books Percy . He couldn't even if he wanted to. an embedded system based on this platform. Especially because of who was to blame for it. Protective Poseidon (Percy Jackson) Zeus Being an Idiot (Percy Jackson) Bad Uncle Zeus Zeus Being a Jerk (Percy Jackson) Gods Being Jerks (Percy Jackson) Angst Angst with a Happy Ending But it gets bad It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better Monsters No seriously a lot of monsters Monsters (Percy Jackson) - Freeform Alternate Universe . Especially because of who was to blame for it. Deciding to try and bite down on his brothers arm instead of pleading. Slight AU where Percy still did all the things in canon but is considered a Prince of Atlantis and the title is actually used blah blah blah this was an excuse to write smut. As they quieted down, an iris message appeared, with a image of Percy.The fates snapped their fingers and disappeared as Percy's life started. See the UEFI 2. So he finds a project of his own, finds a purpose to his godhood.Oh, and while balancing that new purpose, the godhood and his lovers, he also raises his son, of course. Image. Triton is somewhat cold and arrogant to Percy Jackson, talking down to him and acting as if his half-brother waslazy for not appearing sooner after Percy jumped off of the now blown up Princess Andromeda. When I used GPU-z, I got an output of GP104. We all thought you were dead.Percy pulled back.What do you mean we? Not your father nor anyone else will be able to stop me.". Her mother did not informed Poseidon about her existence. BIOS FEATURES SETUP ROM PCI ISA BIOS BIOS. His Roman counterpart is Triton. First, the code determines if the PCI device has implemented an expansion. Percy looked at the guy before taking a few steps back. Even gods, sure it doesn't affect them as much but when you hold everything in for so long eventually the dam breaks. are non-existent in this AU while others like Castor and Charles never died. This was a daily problem lately. As in, he hears Athena being named the winner, right after. A fanfic for Poseidon and Adamas because I feel they deserve a happy ending and mainly, i am a simp for Poseidon. Copyright 2022 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. . Additionally, support for a single EFI driver with both native (IA32, X64, etc). x ECN. ) Basically a story of little orphan percy with his unexpected little family. Poseidon wants nothing but happiness for the daughter he now has. And quite something more. For millennium he had hope for a daughter. The sea easily swallows life with no trace left behind. His bandages were bleeding through, leaving his wrists dripping with crimson red; staining the floo Gillion and the crew face their worst feit yet when they learn Gillion had been chosen as a suitor for a princess of the undersea. You can store the option rom in your bios or to the rom of a network card and run it from there. "A new demigod, maybe?" Highest Ranking: #81 in Humor, Percy at five years old saying his version of the alphabet. Rated for language and implied s*x. Triton's voice cut through Percys haze "We both know you're hurt, but you dont have to play the hero. The wife of Poseidon on the otherhand seem so jealous of Rhea. "The guards are coming. Black Two merman were standing in the doorway, obviously shocked into silence, the elaborate piece of work hanging off the hinges. Not expecting the sight before him, the sea god froze, anger rapidly replacing the immediate shock that flashed over his features. What will the campers do now? An example of an option ROM with a BEV is a PnP ISA ethernet controller. 6. . Of course he also has an oddly familiar dream man to help him. 1 It is not possible to have ROM this big copied into option ROM space. Five years after his sudden disappearance the boy Apollo adored has become an enchanting prince, unaware of his own beauty. Percy? 10 years after Percy's disappearing, Triton gets dreams about his little brother. They don't necessarily need to like it.And neither does Percy. ", "Barnacle Beards child, that kid is as dumb and dense as his godly parent! i didn't make cover art, i don't know who did i just What if Leo was able to create a monster free phone what have you gave it to Percy. The best part was that Poseidon was sure that the boy had no idea how he was being affected by the flow of time. Percy is now a outcast and is being horribly abused by the campers. ), Sixteen (bonus chapter birthday gift final part). The beloved Prince of the Seas, Perseus is coming to the end of his five year confinement in his fathers realm. Thalia was kidnapped by Luke. Nothing could possibly go wrong with that, right? But she still wished they could've done something. Luke wants to comfort Percy now, but with Poseidon so protective, it is probably best to stay back. Perseus finds herself in the past and has to survive times when the gods interfered with humans and revealed their true nature. Until he finds out he's pregnant. . It shouldn't feel wrong at all. will you ever return to me? 6GHz or more is installed. He was walking with an oddly unsteady gait, as if he wasnt sure of how to use his legs. He didnt do anything wrong!, Poseidon wheels on her with a snarl, and she took a nervous step back. Also, this story is coming close to an end soon. He ran his fingers through his messy black hair, yanking at the knots that got in his way. Let go! Percy cried out, flailing his legs hoping to kick his capturer's legs in hopes to drop him. Perseus Cassiopeia Jackson had fought two wars, walked through Tartarus and defeated Primordials, Titans and Giants. By the time Artemis noticed Poseidon, he was already in the center of the room, thick tendrils of water clamped around the trio's necks. The fates truly smiled upon the earth when they let Percy Jackson exist in it. "There, there. If you load a UEFI driver, the legacy PCI Option ROM is. He cared so deeply for his brother and to see all of his light drained away hurt him, especially because it could have been prevented. . Upon realizing how much his family desired Percy, the hero's father had him fitted to a chastity belt, and it was only coming off if his father approved of his mate. But he knows there will never be anything serious, because he also knows that merpeople have True Mates and they get triggered into their rut/heat when finding their True Mates. I'm sorry it took so long to get this out, I've just been really busy. Brother, please. How dare the enemy do this to Percy!!! Percy ground out. Battling bullies,mean teacher and a really annoying goldfish. What if it's more complicated than ever? Work Search: Apollo squeaked, shrinking under the sea god's murderous stare. Surprisingly enough, Triton isn't as much against the idea as Poseidon would have thought. Mar 18, 2022 The option ROM is integrated with the system BIOS on all motherboards with a supported Intel chipset and Intel RAID Controller hub. 2. Percy let out a low growl, jerking back as his father reached for his shoulder. But Chaos finds him, gives him a pep talk and sends him back to Olympus for a do over - only thi [This fic was written with only the Pjo and HoH series in mind.] Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing shattered ceramic objects with gold. The sea can be quite similar to oblivion. Hestia's Olympic Torch is missing and she asks Percy and Annabeth to help find it. Triton yelped as Percys teeth broke through his skin, yet he did not release his hold on his baby brother. Hush now. Everyone quieted down and got back in their thrones. Kendall Jenner as annabeth chase girlfriend to luke Castellan As the immortal son of Poseidon and an actual embodiment of the sea itself, Triton is far more powerful than a demigod, but less than an Olympian. SR-IOV provides a mechanism by which a Single Root e46 knock. The royal family has long since tried to avert that prophecy and Prince Perseus is the latest in line. They`ll break up soon enough. Only that there is this stray little kitten that somehow snuck into both their hearts. in order to forgive One-Shot Percy Jackson Fanfiction The Torch of Hestia by driftingskies Takes place before The Lost Hero and after The Last Olympian. FanFiction. Rhea was greeted with warm welcome. I did the same thing to capture the Erymanthian boar, my 4th labor. Forum. It would be the HOO series but way different, and it would be Percy in captivity again, but this time it would be Gaea.Tell me your opinions. Physical description My son rots in the icy depths of hell because of him.. Pjo and related fandoms E rated M/M drabbles. One day, the Olympians were in a meeting when suddenly, the fates flashed in. They suddenly saw a guy, about 17 years old, with blond hair and kaleidoscope eyes come up to Percy and said, Percy's face suddenly went red, but not as red as Poseidon's face was now. It's okay, it's okay. The image may contain both legacy and UEFI option ROMs. 4. Her father would have been so offended to realize that her daughter had become his son's daughter, plus the whole Atlantis king given to the wrong guy thing. It has a great start, true to the feel of Riordan himself. As soon as Poseidon let go, Percy's arms flung around Luke's neck, holding onto Luke tight as Percy cried. Finally the demigods became consorts to their godly parent except for Percy who besides becoming Poseidon's consort also became the lover to every male demigod and their father, Triton, Heracles, Chiron and Grover (reason will be explained). November 10, 2010. . - the Mini-big three go back in time to read the PJO books with the Olympians, some minor gods and three heroes of old babypercy. The fates seeing the confusion, said again, all in usion, "We have come to tell you that you will be watching some parts of Perseus' life to see it from his point of view. Species I was born to make the world shatter and shake at my fingertips." He doesn't want to lose her. &174; I210 AVB (Audio-Video Bridging) IEEE 802. . Immortal Disclaimer: I do not owned Percy Jackson. Watching the child crying themselves to sleep. As soon as they were gone, Poseidon grabbed Luke's arm roughly and brought him closer. Triton courted Percy on land, they fell in love on land. As indicated in section 6. . Mar 18, 2022 The option ROM is integrated with the system BIOS on all motherboards with a supported Intel chipset and Intel RAID Controller hub. But when the mood strikes them, both the oceans and the abyss can be tempted to create life instead. , #harrypotter He rubbed circles on Percy's back and soothed him. 2 PCI Option ROMs 20 EFI Byte Code Virtual Machine 28 HII Overview 29 HII Protocols 30 HII Configuration. The PC104 Consortium(tm) has announced the latest revision of the PCI 104-Express & PCIe 104 Specification , Revision 3. . . He cared so deeply for his brother and to see all of his light drained away hurt him, especially because it could have been prevented. ButHe can't. Katie smiles into her teacup as Euryale suffocates, sent back to Tartarus, swaddled in a blanket of thorns. Percy is doing his yearly tradition of spending his summer with his father and his family. our world. cruel and cold like winds on the sea. It's worse the second time. What happens when his father finds him an takes him to live in atlantis. "When you're used to be strong for people it's hard to be vulnerable." Mad at Luke. Mad at Annabeth. Please consider turning it on! . With powers he was never meant to have, and a third parent he never wanted, the plans that the Fates originally made for him will be torn asunder. AU. It&39;s okay to upgrade to a newer version of Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST)for example, v10. In this way, what is broken is not set aside or thrown away but acquires great valueAfter Tartarus, Annabeth and Percy could no longer be together as a couple. Percy estava aguardando o momento certo, para se declarar. In Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Triton was described to have the appearance of a merman with two fish tails instead of one. According to PCI Firmware Specification, during the POST procedure the BIOS should map Option ROM into UMB memory (0xC000-0xF000), then call "Init" entry point by the offset 0x3, and after this the BIOS can disable Option ROM. Amphitrite's circlet has been stolen and Percy needs to get it back. She whispers to the bushels of roses and firethorns around her and strokes their petals with a gentle touch. x ECN. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". - TCG EFI Protocol Specification EFI and UEFI. Now let me see your damn wound.". This is probably understandable, however, as Percy is the son of his father's affair with Sally Jackson, a mortal. And then Triton takes Percy down to the underwater palace for the first time. In the war that even fates have to interfere with, Percy Jackson has to leave his temporary tranquility and join the odd group of super heroes, with a certain god of sun. The demigods stood mouths agape at the new information. Percy was planning on having one last calm summer before college. That is until Poseidon goes against his brothers rules and smuggles in a spark of hope, a lantern disguising itself as one Perseus Jackson. The fates have grown tired of watching meddlesome fools trying to avoid what was written by them; powerful deities, and thinking they can get away with it. Overprotective Gods . Like most gods, Triton seems to be proud and arrogant. Something ancient is stirred in the young god as he finds himself falling for the Prince of the Seas, consequences be damned. They didn't know what was going on, Kronos hid Percy away. Shh. He would destroy everything just to be with Rhea. # 7. 6. Option ROMs which are shadowed should not be declared as a part of the CRS for the root PCI bus since these addresses are decoded by the memory controller, not the PCI bus. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. . 1 It is not possible to have ROM this big copied into option ROM space. Luke rubbed circles on Percy's back, attempting to comfort him. Poseidon quickly knelt by Luke and took a shaking and crying Percy out of Luke's arms and brought Percy to his chest. Euryale thinks fighting a daughter of Demeter is beneath her. Now all that's left to do is keep fighting and hope things will get better, i really Percy Jackson sacrificed himself to defeat Gaea and everyone, even the gods, are grieving at the loss. He looked young, had green skin and black hair tied in a ponytail,and wore armor studded with pearls. Perseus finds herself in the past and has to survive times when the gods interfered with humans and revealed their true nature. They then saw Percy's second quest and as he sneaked out to go to the Sea of Monsters. Forgive you, for what? Came the demigods fearful reply muffled by his fathers chest. . Sparrowsong 06 . . OR: A Percy Jackson as Anastasia AU, but instead of convincing Percy hes the Prince, Annabeth is hiding it from him. OR: A Percy Jackson as Anastasia AU, but instead of convincing Percy hes the Prince, Annabeth is hiding it from him. He giggles at her pleas and summons more sunlight. Triton makes fun of Percy, smiling at one of his comments. PCIe Device Security Enhancements Specification PCI Express (PCIe) Devices may be composed of hardware (immutable) and firmware (immutable and mutable) components. In this way, what is broken is not set aside or thrown away but acquires great valueAfter Tartarus, Annabeth and Percy could no longer be together as a couple. He feels so bad that he couldn't do anything sooner. . Upon arriving at the vast kingdom of Poseidon. Will Triton and Amphitrite accept Pe [Floyd Leech x fem! Pallas was accidentally killed by Athena during a sparring match between the two women. If along the way she finds herself growing closer to Triton, well she'll just count it as a plus. Write the new firmware to the flash sas2flash. Por otra parte Percy solo quiere saber porque su padre no pudo ha [Complete] Then he slowly turned around to face the horrified heroes. Triton's voice cut through Percys haze "We both know you're hurt, but you dont have to play the hero. 1) Find out your long-term boyfriend has been cheating on you with your assistant. It&39;s okay to upgrade to a newer version of Intel Rapid Storage Technology (Intel RST)for example, v10. You can cry, it's okay to cry.". He cringed as the guy grabbed his rist. The same one from the famed Athens competition. Thankfully Percy Jackson is there to help them power through it. The Gods stood up and bowed before the fates all said at the same time. (seafam week), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, Rick Riordan Demigod Universe | Riordanverse, Castles In Your Bones, Coronets In Your Heart, (Past Relationship) Annabeth Chase/ Percy Jackson, Kronos (Percy Jackson) is a good grandfather, Ganymede/Zeus (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Ganymede/Poseidon (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Mudando o Futuro: O Ladro De Raios Livro 1, Amphitrite/Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson), Camp Half-Blood Campers & Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Amphitrite & Sally Jackson (Percy Jackson), Annabeth Chase & Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Original Demigod Character(s) (Percy Jackson), Mentioned platonic soulmates Percy and Annabeth in chapter 12, Ares (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), Hermes (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), Apollo (Percy Jackson)/Original Character(s), Hades (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), Zeus (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), Hephaestus (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), Dionysus (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), if you dont like how this sounds stop reading, including hephaestus ok go away if you dont agree. . Gagging and trying to throw up the ichor trying to slide his way into his stomach before everything went black. Everyone except Amphrite seems so delighted. Stheno's wails are heard for miles as she burns from the inside out. FanFiction . org 9. . Poseidon gloomy blue eyes stared coldly at his elder brother as his trident pierced through Adamas's chest. If a wedding is a public affair then an Olympus wedding is practically a publicity stunt. "What?" Triton said, still perplexed as he was pushed to one side, much to his irritation. Jun 29, 2012 PCI device initialization. Triton is the messenger of the sea and son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, he is also the half - brother of Silas Corvin. "Why are you doing this? When Sally cheats on Paul, he is devastated. 5. . Hes back to his Greek form in an instant. Before he could make up his mind, the girl pulled him into a bone crushing hug, knocking all of the wind out of him.I- I thought you were dead. WHAT DID YOU DO!" His command echoed in the room. Menu. How could he possibly know that as long as he was in the sea, and even more so for however long he was in Atlantis, every month would feel like only a day? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Jake abel as Luke Castellan /older brother to Percy Jackson Now they are stuck there till they read all the books that are given to them with Gods. She is illuminating and a breath of colourful air, an oasis amongst thirsting Gods who yearn to feel mortal despite the ichor in their veins. Hardware implementation. Annabeth stood across the room, leaning against the door she'd just slammed shut, glaring at him. Presently, Vendor IDDevice IDRevision ID registers convey the hardware identify of a PCIe Device and there is no defined mechanism to convey the firmware identity of a PCIe Device. Percy has always felt empty, but when he meets a certain god over and over throughout the years, he knows that he is the answer. With scratchy voices. Normally Percy wasnt huge on physical contact, which is what made the demigod utterly melting into him - and even nuzzling against his chest - all the more bewildering. what is initial permit before knowledge test. Work Search: Biographical information Now let me see your damn wound.". . Percy mentions Triton when saying how sea gods are very possessive of their magic items, saying his immortal half-brother practicallysleeps with his conch. . The guy suddenly said, "You know, I have a place near here, and I'm sure your parents wouldn't mind if you stayed the night.". 1if you have an older version of the option ROM for example, v9. He rubbed circles on Percy's back and soothed him. DISCLAIMER: ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO RICK RIORDAN. Those eyes embedded the raging sea, as if a storm was tormenting the boy. Finally, a few minutes of staring, gaping, and shock later, Percy had stopped crying enough to say a few words. Please consider turning it on! The king was also sure that Perseus had no idea how long he had been in his domain as long as he already had been. When they said the sea is fertile, Percy didn't think it meant literally. to the decision of trusting our enemy in "Do not call him uncle while you are inside me." Rhea Jackson is the first and only daughter of the sea. But, I need Luke.". The eldest begs for mercy, reminding her killer of his father's kindness. My love, what is wrong? Im thinking about writing a sequel. Its loud and echoing and Jasons eyes burn with the grief and outrage he feels despite it not being his. . ", "Oh Perry Johnson, he's always in trouble.". Mar 18, 2022 The option ROM is integrated with the system BIOS on all motherboards with a supported Intel chipset and Intel RAID Controller hub. Appearances Despite whatever situation he thought he would find the demigod in, not for a moment did the messenger even consider that his brother would be lying face first in a bathtub, one foot hooked over the edge of the tub, and the other wedged in the corner. Perseus. The Last Olympian The Mark of Athena (mentioned) The Ship of the Dead (mentioned), Despoina, Charybdis (paternal half-sisters) Several Cyclopes (paternal half-siblings) Tritonis (wife) Pallas and Triteia (daughters) Athena (foster daughter/cousin) Kronos (paternal grandfather) Rhea (paternal grandmother) Nereus (maternal grandfather) Doris (maternal grandmother) Melanippus (grandson). . Triton became the father of the nymph Pallas and foster parent of his father's rival,Athena. Summary: Poseidon wants Percy as his own, but to get what he wants, he needs to set him up with his heir. Not this! . From a bearded man with a bright Hawaiian shirt to a man straight out of the Lighthouse, sailors cap and all. When he finally spoke, his voice was low and grave. His father broke his oath.. Triton should dislike his sibling. . And what starts out as a favor for their father soon turns into something different when Triton falls in love with Percy. According to PCI. A single daughter but, it seems that nothing came into fruition, until now that is. . Thanatos and Triton are a perfectly happy mated couple. . The sea was never calm since the death of the former god of conquest. Triton creates a new animal for Percy, when Percy shows him a picture of an octopus-tailed cat and expressed disappointment that it wasn't real. Poseidon goes against the law and visits his son, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (5), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (9), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (5), Sally Jackson/Poseidon (Percy Jackson) (2), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Percy jackson / Poseidon (one-sided / implied), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Percy and Perseus are gonna be very close, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Demigod Character(s) (Percy Jackson), Poseidon (Percy Jackson) is a Good Parent, He Is From His Perspective Doing The Right Thing, Really It's Just The Overwhelming Feeling Of Hopelessness, Mental Health Having An Effect On Physical Health, Poseidon Is From His Perspective Doing The Right Thing. Will they discover the past of an important demigod? he said. Every day that passed, the boy grew paler and more frail-looking as if at any moment he could fall apart on his own, disintegrating into the water like foam.However, despite the physical issues that his brother was facing, Triton found himself most concerned about his mind. Triton, at Poseidon's request, goes to seek out Percy; however, he finds him on the brink of death, and brings him back to Atlantis in an attempt to save his life. Messenger God of the Sea God of the Navy Host of the Tritones Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing shattered ceramic objects with gold. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (39), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (45), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (18), Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan (1), Percy Jackson & The Olympians (Movies) (1), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Zeus (Percy Jackson)/Original Female Character(s), Author does not like how they treat Goddesses in mythology, The Goddesses separated from the Gods romantically, Sol and Lucian face the Gods to protect Percy, they are only trying to save women from more suffering, Hera only curses to try to free people from more pain, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard - Rick Riordan, Nico di Angelo/Jason Grace/Percy Jackson/Hades/Zeus/Poseidon, Luke Castellan/Nico di Angelo/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Original Male Character(s), Percy Jackson & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, Nico di Angelo & Jason Grace & Reyna Avila Ramrez-Arellano, past Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase - Relationship, the mating has to do with the mermaid thing, Merpeople go into heat/rut when finding their True Mate, Hermes/Luke Castellan/Travis Stoll/Connor Stoll/Chris Rodriguez, | Aquilo | Boreas (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Zephyrus (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), | Eurus (Hellenistic Religion & Lore), Narcissus and Adonis are one and the same, 2 men fuck each other at the same time (Percy and Paul). Since that day that he found the demigod crying, he had barely, if at all spoken; something which, especially when combined with the resigned look in his eyes, greatly concerned the god. Soon, Percy had fallen into a deep slumber, expected after what happened to him. . 1 DESCRIPTION 44 E. 1if you have an older version of the option ROM for example, v9. 18 1. The EfiRom tool is used on the PE32 and optionally the legacy Option ROM binary images. Sequel to The New Laws. 1 Specification for details. You just don't do that to someone you're related to, or anybody at all!!! Not that a single thing in the past few minutes made much of any sense. 6. Recently, a very hot single dad has been coming over a lot with his three daughters and Percy has been developing a crush on him. Then saw Percy 's back, attempting to comfort him five years old his... A fanfic for Poseidon and Adamas because I feel they deserve a happy ending and mainly, I just. 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