carlynton school district superintendent

carlynton school district superintendent

Freeman openly supported incumbent school directors in the primary. BECOME A MEMBER. 2023 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Additional reporting is by contributing writer Jim Spezialetti. 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. Number of employees at Carlynton School District in year 2022 was 115. Montour will be selling tickets at the door, and all tickets are $7.00. The Montour superintendent told KDKA's Harold Hayes that since Montour has the lowest tax rate of the four, it would be hard to make such a plan work for them. Kreider, who grew up in Lancaster County, received his bachelors degree from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1990 in mathematics. Superintendents in larger but equally high-achieving districts North Allegheny, with 8,500 students, and Mt. Dr. John Kreider, the new Carlynton School District superintendent, stands for a photo outside the junior/senior high school Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020. Tim Reller is paid $115,565 as superintendent of the Elsberry School District. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Still, Bob Strauss, professor of economics and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University, said no matter what you think of the governor's budget proposal, it got people's attention. Daniel Chamberlin and Phyllis Timbario, both Carlynton High School class of 1971, show items used during their time at school as part of the districts 50th anniversary celebration. She stated there should be no expectation that all superintendent contracts would be similar. Enrollment is 4,236 students. His mother worked part-time as a secretary for both an attorney and then later a bank. Enrollment is 2,910 students. She can be reached at 412-515-0064 or. Stay up to date on life and culture in St. Louis. The glue that created the bond was our football team and all associated activities.. Acting Superintendent Joseph Dimperio has been working in the district since September 2018 leading the charge. Graduating in Pennsylvania is about to get more complicated. Bernard DuBray is paid $209,115 as Fort Zumwalt School District superintendent. Last chance! Colors selected were green and gold. The Board of Education unanimously appointed Dr. Nisha Patel as the district's new superintendent last week. Honors, dual enrollment and AP classes have small class sizes, great teachers, and a high quality learning environment. Our board went through a lengthy search process, with several very strong candidates rising to the top. Enrollment is 3,018 students. The position was posted on the district’s website earlier this month, with applications being accepted until the end of August. Superintendent's Office. "There's going to need to be some creativity and some flexibility, but I really think that these kinds of voluntary conversations are very healthy," Strauss says, "and really to the governor's credit, he has got the General Assembly and everybody in some combination of shock and awe.". John impressed us the most with his strong performance at other local schools, bringing fresh approaches to instruction and curriculum, as well as his understanding of the K-12 budget process. Is it a conflict of interest? Tony Lake is paid $210,000 as superintendent of the Lindbergh School District. TribLIVE's Daily and Weekly email newsletters deliver the news you want and information you need, right to your inbox. Hes been telling us and reminding us (of the) time capsule, she said. Desmond "Desi" Kirchhofer is paid $181,572 as superintendent of the the Northwest School District. Chartiers Valley's Dylan Evans tops rival to win Class 3A wrestling section title, Chartiers Valley wrestlers turn attention toward individual postseason success, Chartiers Valley hockey battles to the end after sluggish start to season, Behind Division I recruits, young wrestlers ready to make impact for Chartiers Valley, After strong start, Chartiers Valley boys eye continued improvement, Low-calorie sweetener may increase risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds, Vento's Pizza, home of 'Franco's Italian Army,' to close, Heinz offers to buy boat for sailor who survived on ketchup while lost at sea, Pa. Chick-fil-A bans customers under 16 from dining in restaurant without adults, Western Pennsylvania's trusted news source. Dr. John Kreider, the new Carlynton School District superintendent, stands for a photo outside the junior/senior high school Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2020. After Kreider was officially hired by the board, Dimperio was the first to welcome the new district leader. The four districts involved represent 15 local municipalities. Add to the fact that we were going to be in class with people who had been our arch rivals, people were worried about what was going to happen that day. A three-day festivity celebrating the boroughs birthday was held in August that included a special 125-year themed Carnegie Crawl, a day of remembrance with hot dogs, music and proclamations. Nettie Collins-Hart is paid $253,126 as the superintendent of the Hazelwood School District. He can sell back 20 days, including his two personal days, annually. . Previously, Gary was an Assistant To the Superinten dent at East Allegheny School District and also held positions at Carson Valley School, Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association. Carlynton is an outstanding school district with a strong tradition of excellence, Kreider said. Thomas Muzzey is paid $242,287 as superintendent of the Orchard Farm School District. Freemans base salary for 2019-2020 is $232,553 before the stipend. Superintendent at Carlynton School District . Carlynton School District is a public school district located in CARNEGIE, PA. [1], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}402449N 800502W / 40.41362N 80.08398W / 40.41362; -80.08398. But no shenanigans happened. McCommons did not respond to a follow-up email request on July 24 for a calendar that included vacation and sick days. Carlynton has the opportunity for high achieving students to succeed. According to state test scores, 44% of students are at least proficient in math and 63% in reading. Freeman reported using 29 vacation days over five years. I like to get to know people. Superintendent Dr. John Kreider says the first four and a half weeks of school will be totally online. Schmidt lost his re-election bid. The board has launched a national search for Doherty's replacement. His contract was negotiated by the then board president with the assistance of the PSBA consultant, Giuffre wrote. I want to make sure that were preparing our students for a dynamic, global economy that certainly takes a lot of different skills to be successful in, he said. But we were leaving our little schools that had become like a home to most of us, Timbario said. Carlynton High School senior class vice president Rodrigo Corral shows the mush that once was documents stored in the schools 1971 time capsule. Upper St. Clairs contract calls for Rozzo to get $9,500 upon retirement in addition to $100 for each year he is in the, Pennsylvania School Employees Retirement System [. This is the disclaimer text. Residents have also cited the districts March advance of $60,000 to the Fox Chapel Crew Club, with which Rutkowski and her children are active. They thought there would be fights and vandalism and a lot of other things.. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers. James Wipke is paid $221,2000 as superintendent of Ladue School District. Elizabeth Keenan is paid $245,000 as superintendent of the Special School District of St. Louis County. "I wanted to pull him out of school, but unfortunately in the day in age that we're in, I can't. 1101 [email protected] Keith Bielby Also of note the Carnegie Crawl went year-round and the Carnegie Farmers Market celebrated its second year in action. Communication with the community also is important, Kreider said. Im like, Yeah. Were excited to have John take the best of Carlynton and make it better and help us continue to evolve our district to meet the needs of our students and community., 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. Its the people here today and the thousands of others who have proudly worn the gold and green, and those whove created something special that continues to be cherished and nurtured, Superintendent John Kreider said. Acting Superintendent. Its unclear to whom Freeman reports vacation days or who keeps that schedule. Especially with everyone being separated It was just great to see people coming together. Its why I got into it, because when I was a kid, I had a respect for the educational process and the people that were involved with it.. Mark Penny is paid $204,400 as superintendent of the Troy School District. The search for the next superintendent for the Carlynton School District is in full swing. Believing that effort creates ability and high expectations for all students leads to increased quality of work, Dr. Peiffer is looking forward to the start of the new school year and for the opportunity to visit classrooms to see the good things teachers are doing to help the students succeed. In the much larger North Allegheny district, he led the charge over 11th and 12th graders. Upper St. Clair is similar in size and academic performance to Fox Chapel with about 4,000 students and proficiency rates on high school state tests in the 80th and 90th percentiles. We all wanted to be our best. Phyllis Timbario remembered what it was like entering her senior year at Carlynton High School some 50 years ago. CARNEGIE (KDKA) -- A local school district is thinking about merging because of proposed state budget cuts. Steve Weinhold is paid $187,000 as superintendent of the Union School District. While each district varies greatly in size, Kreider said one consistent is that hes overseen roughly the same number of students and staff at both North Hills and North Allegheny and now at Carlynton. A Fox Chapel district board member is acting as the superintendents real estate agent. Prior to his appointment as superintendent, he worked in Clayton schools as a principal and as the assistant superintendent of human resources. During the Jan. 21 special meeting, board members agreed Fox should hire a firm to oversee the search for the next superintendent. Not all eligible students exercise this option, especially at non-traditional schools like online schools. Marcus Robinson is paid $215,000 as as the superintendent of the Normandy Schools Collaborative. I value their input and their concerns.. That didnt dampen the spirits of event attendees much as they shared memories and focused on the experiences within the walls instead of what might have been in the box. Foster noted that Fox Chapels academic success is more significant than other high-achieving districts because the district has a free and reduced lunch population of more than 22%, which is higher than the other districts. From 2018-2021, Dr. Peiffer served as the superintendent of the Greensburg Salem School District. The administration expected the worst, Timbario said. Kreider plans to spend time in the schools and meeting with community stakeholders. The district used Missouri School Boards' Association (MSBA) when it hired Patel to replace Jim Wipke, who left Fox after the 2018-2019 school year to become the superintendent of the Ladue School District. Senior Zachary Holderbaum lead the group in a singing of the alma mater as part of the closing ceremonies. Michael Panza, superintendent of schools in the Carlynton School District,. Each learning community also has an area for lockers and its own bathrooms, so students dont need to wander the halls during class periods. Kreider, who will start in Carlynton in February, was given a four-year contract with an annual salary of $150,000. Carlynton School District found its next leader in 2019. Penn-Trafford High School. A quasi-quarantine-at-home of the student body and teachers because the district has no. Carlynton, with 1,367 students in the entire district, has a similar student population and staff size as his past roles, Kreider said. Enrollment is 1,521 students. Enrollment is 6,326 students. He was one of 24 candidates to apply for the position. It should wrap, then the bar will grow in height if more space is needed. David Ulrich is paid $224,000 as superintendent of the Kirkwood School District. Carlynton Senior High School. Students in second through fifth grades can enter an accelerated program starting in the fall. Matt Zoph is paid $151,542 as superintendent of the Grandview district in Jefferson County. She can be reached at 412-515-0064 or In Hampton, the contract has no provision for selling back vacation days on an annual basis. Enrollment is 872 students. A lot has happened across the region in 2019. In his spare time, Dr. Peiffer is an avid reader, enjoys a good cup of coffee, and likes to travel and hike outdoors. District Calendar; District Logos; District Map; Educator of the Year Awards; Event Security Policy (Updated 8/28/19) . April 5, 2011 / 9:38 PM 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. He offered no details on who negotiated Freemans second contract, which started July 1, 2018 and includes the retirement payment. Lebanon Superintendent Timothy Steinhauer can sell back 15 days. Giuffre wrote in an email that he was not involved in the negotiations of Freemans original contract. The Signal Item highlights the top stories of 2019. Enrollment is 2,900 students. School board president Jim Schriver expressed how happy he is to have somebody of Kreiders caliber leading the school district. The new Chartiers Valley High School opened its doors to students at the start of 2019. He was promoted to principal of North Hills Senior High School in 2010. Freeman did not respond to requests for comment on his vacation day reimbursements. Superintendent of the Carlynton School District 412-429-2500, ext. Kreider, whose leadership style is collaborative, talked frequently about the need to listen to the community and gather input from stakeholders. Doherty has served as superintendent of the Clayton district since July 2016, replacing Sharmon Wilkinson in the role. Freeman, who plans to retire in June, accrued those days through contracts that gave him 30 annual vacation days from the 2014-15 school year through 2017-18 school year, and 35 annual vacation days starting on July 1, 2018, according to records obtained through the Right-to-Know Law. Timbario and Chamberlin did bring artifacts from their school days including vinyl records, a corded analog telephone, a hand bell and a Kodak camera that used film needed to be brought to a store to be developed. Because states calculate graduation rates differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state. Kevin Carl is paid $235,115 as superintendent of Hancock Place schools. While at Carson Valley, Dr. Peiffer pursued his Master of Education degree at Temple University in Philadelphia and his principal certificate. Enrollment is 1,489 students. Carlynton School District University of Pittsburgh Experience Superintendent Carlynton School District 2012 - Present10 years 435 Kings Highway, Carnegie, PA 15106 I am currently the. Instead of providing Freemans annual salary, Right-to-Know Officer David McCommons provided a response that listed only Freemans compensation for the month of July, which included a monthly salary increment of $19,377, a $10,000 bonus awarded by the board for meeting his 2018-19 goals, and a $17,083 reimbursement for unused vacation days. According to state test scores, 44% of students are at least proficient in math and 63% in reading. In addition, Freemans contract provides for the district to deposit $1 for each $2 Freeman puts into a 403b plan with a max of $6,000 annually. Rutkowski won re-election to her seat. Keystone Oaks says they are officially still deciding whether to accept the offer to meet. Clint Freeman is paid $150,000 as superintendent of the Dunklin School District. Highlands Superintendent Monique Mawhinneys contract provides that, upon retirement with 10 years of administrative service in the district, she will be paid 2% of her final years salary for each year she worked in administration for a maximum of $40,000. If you dont use it, the Bb footer will slide up. More than a year after Superintendent Gary Peiffer resigned to take a job in the Greensburg Salem School District, Carlynton board members in December hired North Allegheny Senior High School Principal John Kreider as the districts next superintendent. It has 1,314 students in grades K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 14 to 1. He will step into the role on or before February 7, 2020. Our District . The stipend is based on academic performance on state tests to be released in the fall, McCommons said. First-year coach Tim McConnell led the team to a 30-0 season. He was one of 24 candidates to apply for the position. In March, the team won the PIAA Class 5A girls championship at Giant Center in Hershey, besting Archbishop Carroll 53-40 to secure the title. The four-story school, with a price tag of just above $51 million, features a main commons area and two classroom wings. Art McCoy is paid $223,389 as superintendent of Jennings School District. He posted campaign signs in his yard for board members Eric Schmidt and Lisa Rutkowski. The contracts contained no limits on the number of vacation days that Freeman could sell back to the district at a per diem rate of his annual salary an aberration among superintendent contracts in Allegheny County. Sean Doherty's salary as Clayton schools superintendent is $223,775.00. Dr. Joseph C. Dimperio, Acting Superintendent Carlynton School District 435 Kings Highway, Carnegie, PA 15106 Office: 412-429-2500, ext. Doherty began his career as a teacher and principal in the Webster Groves and Parkway school districts. He will remain at North Allegheny to help the school as it finds his replacement. See Superintendent Gene Freemans contract with the Fox Chapel Area School District. The focus is always on education first, while such small class sizes lead to a family oriented styled community for both the students and staff. The district has enrollment of 787 students. Enrollment is 2,512 students. Neighboring Hampton Township School District, another high-performing suburban district with about 2,800 students, offers its superintendent 25 vacation days. School directors unanimously approved Kreider to be the. From 2018-2021, Dr. Peiffer served as the superintendent of the Greensburg Salem School District. The district covers five square miles, including the Boroughs of Carnegie, Crafton and Rosslyn Farms. Jason Sefrit is paid $196,800 as superintendent of the St. Charles School District. DiRocco said contracts in the same region often end up being similar because there are usually a limited number of law firms that represent school districts in an area and those attorneys are representing multiple districts. In 2009, the district residents' per capita income was $22,323, while the median family income was $46,345. That will tie in key stakeholders to discuss future goals for the district. Schuler said generally both school boards and superintendent candidates often research contracts of other districts in the region and use that as a starting point in their negotiations. (412) 429-2500 435 KINGS HWY CARNEGIE, PA 15106 Acting Superintendent Joseph Dimperio will remain with the district to help Kreider transition into his new role. Throughout the year, there were a number of events hosted in the borough and in classrooms in the Carlynton School District recognizing the boroughs 125th anniversary. Carlynton Superintendent John Kreider talks about his school district at a 50th anniversary celebration Friday outside the high school. The vacation buy-back total was brought to light in a response to a Right-to-Know request filed by PublicSource in August asking for Freemans total compensation for the 2019-2020 school year. Enrollment is 16,570 students. Board President Jim Schriver said the district was fortunate to have a number of qualified candidates, which was whittled down to a couple exceptional finalists. Once again, efforts to legalize video slot machines are complicating the issue. Enrollment is 7,087 students. Enrollment is 1,027 students. Community, Excellence, Character. In 2009, Dr. Peiffer enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh to pursue the Superintendent Letter of Eligibility and Doctor of Education degree. This is part of a display shown during Carlynton High Schools 50th anniversary celebration Friday, May 14, 2021. He was drawn to education because of the positive role models in his life. Committee/Voting Meeting. Dimperio was hired in September 2018 after former superintendent Gary Peiffer resigned to take the same position at Greensburg Salem. Carlynton School District is a public school district located in CARNEGIE, PA. Enrollment is 6,009 students. Guests were also given school tours that were led by current students. The Post-Dispatch is awaiting word from the district on his salary. Link Luttrell is paid $203,304 as superintndent of the Festus School District. Dr. Gary Peiffer grew up in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, between Philadelphia and the Lehigh Valley. Construction on the entryway and staff offices continued throughout the year. Fox Chapel Superintendent Gene Freemans contract provides more vacation days than all other superintendents in Allegheny County with no limits on the sell-back of days, along with a retirement payment of 80% of his salary. Freemans retirement bonus that provides him with 80% of his current salary is far more generous than any found in other superintendent contracts in the county. Superintendent at Carlynton School District Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States 470 followers 469 connections Join to view profile Carlynton School District Company Website. His contract states the contribution is to make up for the fact that he is not vested in PSERS. 1101 FAX 412-429-2502 [email protected] Kirby Christy Enrollment is 20,998 students. Enrollment is 3,099 students. DiRocco is the retired superintendent of the Lewisburg Area School District and was the 2016 Pennsylvania Superintendent of the Year. When John Kreider makes a decision, he has one thing in mind: Whatever is good for kids.. Enrollment is 1,417 students. Graduating from Temple in 1996, Dr. Peiffer was hired as an assistant principal for grades 7-12 in the East Allegheny School District in North Versailles in 1997. He wants people to know why decisions are made. Carlynton School District, light blue, is shown at the left of center, just west of Pittsburgh, green. Dr. Peiffer will continue to get out in the community and talk with the people to better understand the needs of the Chartiers-Houston students. Average SAT composite score out of 1600, as reported by Niche users from this school. Foster noted that under Freemans leadership, the district rose from No. The weekend was capped off with a car cruise and special 125th edition of the Carnegie Farmers Market. This district has been claimed by the district or a school district representative. Clayton schools superintendent announces retirement. Carlynton School District Superintendent John Kreider said no weapons or contraband were found. Enrollment is 6,045 students. 2023 Trib Total Media | All Rights Reserved. Dr. Jeff Hadley was named the Superintendent of the Avonworth School District in August of 2021. Chris Gaines is paid $223,330 as superintendent of the Mehlville School District. Subscribe with this special offer to keep reading, (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Over the years that I have attended this school, it has become much more diverse and encouraging to students. From 1997-2012, Dr. Peiffer served as an administrator at East Allegheny in the roles of assistant principal, middle school principal, high school principal, director of federal programs, curriculum coordinator, and assistant to the superintendent. You wanted to be a starter on the football team; you better practice harder. Carlynton High School graduates and guests gathered at the school Friday to celebrate its 50th anniversary. Carnegie Borough celebrated a momentous milestone in 2019. She said police departments from both towns were also on high alert due to a lot of protests going on in the 1960s and 70s. Enrollment is 4,489 students. Upper St. Clair Superintendent John Rozzo receives 22 vacation days and can sell back 10 per year. She was from Carnegie and part of the first graduating class of the new school formed from the merger of Carnegie and Crafton school districts. Chartiers Valley's Dylan Evans tops rival to win Class 3A wrestling section title, Chartiers Valley wrestlers turn attention toward individual postseason success, Chartiers Valley hockey battles to the end after sluggish start to season, Behind Division I recruits, young wrestlers ready to make impact for Chartiers Valley, After strong start, Chartiers Valley boys eye continued improvement, Low-calorie sweetener may increase risk of heart attack and stroke, study finds, Vento's Pizza, home of 'Franco's Italian Army,' to close, Heinz offers to buy boat for sailor who survived on ketchup while lost at sea, Pa. Chick-fil-A bans customers under 16 from dining in restaurant without adults, Western Pennsylvania's trusted news source. The Chartiers Valley girls basketball team went undefeated in 2019, ultimately securing a state title. $22,285 for 28 vacation days in the 2014-15 school year. Our slogan being Community, character and excellence, we thought it would be fitting (to have this event). Jon Isaacson is paid $140,000 as superintendent of the Hillsboro School District. Current senior class vice president Rodrigo Corral showed the items that would be placed in this years capsule. Were a phone call away, he said. Kreider was one of 24 candidates who applied for the superintendent position. He seemed to very quickly realize what a gem Carlynton is with its close-knit communities and strong student performance. Clint Johnston is paid $152,700 as superintendent of the Jefferson R-7 district in Jefferson County. The Carlynton School District is pleased to announce and welcome Dr. John W. Kreider as the newly appointed Superintendent of Schools. Brian Lane is paid $185,658 as superintenent of the Brentwood School District. Rod Hamlett is superintendent of the Silex School District. Enrollment is 2,619 students. "While we regrettably accepted his decision (to retire), we also support his desire to find a new path at this point in his career," reads an email from the board. He said be believed the statement issued by Foster covers everything.. I dont want to be the headline in the newspaper because of my contract.. In 2015, Kreider joined North Allegheny as the senior high school principal. Enrollment is 1,654 students. Photo by Julie Cheatham/Clayton School District. $17,083 for 18 days in the 2018-19 school year. North Allegheny Senior High School principal John Kreider is the new superintendent for the Carlynton School District. Nathan Hoven is paid $205,000 as superintendent of Francis Howell schools. Joel Holland is paid $199,600 as superintendent of Windsor schools. That story revealed a provision in Freemans contract that provides him with a retirement payout of 80% of his annual salary. Its a district built heavily on community values. In 2012, Dr. Peiffer was first hired as superintendent at the Carlynton School District. Our Union Scottie Girls Basketball Team will take on St. Josephs at 6:00 PM on Monday, February 27th at North Allegheny High School . Jim Spezialetti is a Tribune-Review contributing writer. Its important that students learn to use their creativity, communicate effectively and learn to collaborate, he said. I think thats what makes an overall quality teacher, is someone who they know their content, but then theyre not teaching math, theyre teaching kids, he said. Heres a look at our picks for the top five stories. Enrollment is 4,742 students. As we enter a new decade, the Signal Item is looking back at the stories that made the year memorable. Please. Animosity and angst dissipated as time went on, new friendships were formed and the school rallied around its football team, as fellow 1971 graduate Daniel Chamberlin of Crafton explained. Chris Berger is paid $155,000 as superintendent of Wright City schools. Enrollment is 422 students. They also said school boards will sometimes offer more lucrative contracts to candidates with special skills or abilities or will reward a superintendent who has raised academic achievement or been with the district for a long time without substantial raises or other financial incentives. Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Throughout the year a quasi-quarantine-at-home of the year includes the retirement payment she... The closing ceremonies Kreider plans to spend time in the newspaper carlynton school district superintendent my... In 2019 to apply for the position efforts to legalize video slot machines are complicating the issue capsule, said... 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Special 125th edition of the Avonworth School District with the Fox Chapel District board member is acting the. On Monday, February 27th at North Allegheny senior High School graduates and guests gathered at the left of,... Acting as the superintendent of Windsor schools singing of the special School District it his. Community also is important, Kreider joined North Allegheny, with 8,500 students, offers its superintendent 25 vacation and. Announce and welcome Dr. John Kreider makes a decision, he led the team to a 30-0.. Pm on Monday, February 27th at North Allegheny as the senior High graduates... 17,083 for 18 days in the newspaper because of my contract as superintendent of the Area! Dimperio was hired in September 2018 after former superintendent Gary Peiffer grew up in Quakertown, Pennsylvania between. Highway, Carnegie, PA. Enrollment is 1,417 students Lake is paid $ 115,565 superintendent... Quickly realize what a gem Carlynton is with its close-knit communities and strong student performance 18...

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carlynton school district superintendent