why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?

Not only did the Egyptians hold the cat sacred in the form of Bast, a warrior goddess associated with fertility and the moon, but so too did the Romans, for whom the cat was one of the symbols of the goddess of freedom, Liberta. Pope Gregory IX (Source: les.tresors.de.lys.free.fr) A witch and her cat. February 8, 2013. The theory that plague pandemics happen amidst a cat vacuum doesnt hold up: Europe didnt keep its cat population depleted for nearly 500 years. Its true that paper cutouts of these furry creatures make nice imagery at Halloween parties. Not sure I am convinced either way, but people (especially those who prefer dogs) do like to hate on cats, so it is not a stretch to believe that they have been killed en masse in any era. From there, its just a couple of logical leaps to the connection to the Black Death: inspired by Pope Greg IXs bull, everyone across Europe killed off all the cats. As I learned at the Profs and Pints event, cats persist as a marker of femininity in the media and our language of pop culture. It was Gregorys past as an astute lawyer that connected him to his acts of justice within the church. Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. Where do we get our stuff? After Pope Gregory IX associated cats with devil worship, cats throughout Europe were exterminated in droves. Konrad has evidence of people worshipping Lucifer and black cats, he also seems to possess some sort of confession. While rat-kind cant directly carry the disease, they carry the fleas that contain the bacteria Y. Pestis. As hysteria increased, the rat population boomed and the Black Plague began to spread out of control. Like, if I were to think of evil depictions on display in a museum, this would be one of them. (2007, September 1). Do you believe that cats are invested with the spirit of Mr. Morningstar. They were pure evil seeking nothing but power & control of the population. On October 11, 1231, he appointed Conrad as the first grand inquisitor of Germany. Just want to add that I like pretty much all animals, even dogs, but I am a cat person. At first glance, these rites, with their orgies and obscenities seem to be deliberately far-fetched. But the cars we have for pets are not naturally in the wild for thousands of years. The Black Death or Black Plague was the original zombie apocalypse. Those arrested by Conrad, therefore, had only two options: admit to heresy and spend the rest of their lives as a known former heretic or burn. Interestingly enough, the author of the article writes that one reason cats are evil is that they are the favored pets of witches. Actually, witches both modern ones and the one who were burned at the stake during Middle Ages owned cats because being close to nature is central to theirreligious beliefs. By Gregorys decree, there was a target on the head of every black cat. But this means that a papal bull that didnt tell people to wipe out cats and was only sent to Mainz somehow influenced the majority of people throughout Europe to kill off all their cats, and to stick to it over the course of the next 115 years. Required fields are marked *. Like most diseases, were hard pressed to find thebad guy. However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. Cats were beloved by Egyptians. Chairman Meow Says: Iz so awful that such a time occurred in our history. Gregory IX (Wikimedia Commons) Pope Gregory IX was a pretty good pope by medieval standards. In fact, the picture of a white Persian cat in Bond villain Ernst Blofelds lap is an indelible cultural image, as is that of the hairless cat that Dr. Consider a quote from Rastafari leader Haile Selassie; Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most, that has made it possible for evil to triumph. Iz just as true during Dark Ages as iz now. I suppose its possible that Vox in Rama simply set the stage for a cat-killing trend that would, generations later, result in the Black Death. There is little real evidence for this. That evil came to be neatly personified in the form of black cats that were beaten to death to purge the new season of evil spirits. The Waldenses, who were founded in 1170 by Peter Waldo claimed that individuals could commune with God directly, negating the need for priests. https://historycollection.co/thou-shalt-not-suffer-a-cat-to-live-why-pope-gregory-ixs-vox-in-rama-implicated-cats-in-devil-worship/3/, Of course, theres also the wee tiny fact that the paranoia about witchcraft didnt really start to get into full swing until the 16th and 17th century, and that included black cats. But it starts to fall apart once you roll it around in the ol brainpan. Although the explicit heretic activities mentioned within the Vox in Rama do mention something about our feline friend, this doesn't mean that Gregory IX endorse cathunt. These were, however, local affairs and dont serve as proof of the kind of massive cat recall modern folks have inferred from Pope Gregory IXs bull. My guess is this had something to do with ancient cat worship in places like Egypt, which made its clams by farming the fertile land around the Nile.1. He has a brother named Adenulphus who later on in life served as the rector of Anagni, while Ugolino himself was educated in Paris and per known tradition, Bologna. This timeline stretched from 1346 to 1353, a little more than a century after Gregory. He also became the first Pope to appoint inquisitors to actively root out such heretics. Both rats and pigeons would make a great next plague material though, The bull does not, however, dictate that Catholics across Europe kill all cats to stop Satan Islam doesnt tell Muslims to kill pigs but they still chase and try to kill one by kicking and hitting if they see it on the street because they believe it is evil and forbidden. He believed that cats were evil creatures because they were related to Satan. Its believed by some that the plague spread, at least in part,via rats. Here are our sources? Now this seems like a story of immense fiction but as it happened so recently in this modern time we have documented proof this is true so why is it so hard to believe the Pope and cat story? Theres one thing you havent considered. no- blood dives; you are 100% wrong, irrational clearly an agnostic who mocks then defends his false god, the pope- also, review another diatribe from papal high tower urging cats killed-clearly minions of satan, word cat not in catholic bible problem is, what did david kill as shepherd attacking his sheep? Its a little school in England that was established in the year 1096. But feline-human relations deteriorated sometime in the early 1230s (CE) when Pope Gregory IX issued a papal bull called Vox in Rama. Literally no cats. Classical Cats: The Rise and fall of the Sacred Cat, Donald W Engels, Psychology Press. Thank you for your cooperation.You can sign-up to the Membership any time to remove the adds and enjoy the content with no interruptions, 2 popes and a plague are to blame for burning felines at the stake. While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. So a thing about the inquisition was that they would torture people to get confessions and such because that's a good way to make people say what you want to hear. Henry was acquitted when he appealed to the bishop of Mainz and later that year Marburg himself was mysteriously murdered- probably at Henrys behest. Gregory IX. Encyclopedia of World Biography, Encyclopedia.com. That evil came to be neatly personified in the form of black cats that were beaten to death to purge the new season of evil spirits. Want more crazy cat facts? Dear Sir, I dont really agree that cats offered no protection from the plague. So Gregory began to formalize and promote practices that formed the basis of the later medieval inquisition. The Bubonic plague was carried not by rats themselves but their fleas; fleas which could just as easily transfer to dogs- and cats. But myths often transcend evidence, dont they? Constantly told the Truth is stranger than fiction!!! However, amongst the warped fantasies were some bare facts from past beliefs which lent themselves to the dark image of witchcraft the church was attempting to conjure. This is mainly because the black plague ravaged Asia before it goes on its way to Europe. https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/eight-witchcraft-myths/. In 2019, Profs and Pints, an organization that was founded to democratize higher learning, hosted an event that was designed to demystify the magical, spiritual and even sexualdepictions of catsin media and society. Lead bulla of Gregory IX. In the 13th Century a wave of anti-cat sentiment swept through Europe, with religious leaders labeling cats as evil and diabolical, including Pope Gregory IX who did so in 1232 AD. With this thought in mind, I spent two years at CIA, where I was a supervisor in the Public Communications Branch at the Office of Public Affairs. Share this article your friends will love it too! This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. In the 13th century, an inquisitor described, in a report to the pope, a Satanic cult in Germany that used cats as part of a ritual, and the pope's response quoted some of his information (which has been described as medieval propaganda by some). The Churchs feline foibles didnt stop with Gregory, however. 1999. Both believed that cats were satanic and Marburg came up with evidence as to why cats are satanic. Although witch trials did occur on a local scale, they were mainly for the practice of pre-Christian beliefs and tried in secular rather than ecclesiastical courts. Name is important in the papacy as it is seen as a signal of how their reign is envisioned. Pope Gregory IX did not say cats are evil, and did not order people to kill cats. Cats were later blamed for the Black Death (13461352), though rats were actually the culprit. To think that all this fuss is over cats. The author provides citations for his claims. The Obscene Kiss, Wood engraving from the 1608 edition of the Compendium Maleficarum. Gregory based his theory on evidence from Conrad of Marburg, a papal inquisitor. Nature tries to maintain a balance .. dogs, cats, chickens, and snakes all relate well to preying upon rats and fleas. Potential infected flea hosts include: rodents, humans, dogs, and cats. Plague. I get why we have dogs. Scientists back in the 19th century found out that the real transmission is through touch, and the most common carrier of the disease is the natural enemy to the previously butchered feline friend the rats. (As a side note, the festival continues in modern Belgium but nowKattenstoethonors felines with a parade that features cute effigies of cats, but I digress. Homeless Cats Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of Rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017. As a noble hailing from the prestigious noble family of Conti di Segni, Ugolino is still related to other popes such as Innocent III, Alexander IV, and Innocent XIII. You can say that Im addicted to it. One such individual was a German priest and nobleman, Conrad of Marburg. Statues of black cats dont come to life, and you sure as sh*t cant get a cat to walk backwards and let you kiss its butthole.5. (2010, February 4). So, cats went from being the targets of pagan worship to Catholic contempt for these perceived similarities to the devil. What effects did it have? Ugolino assumes the mantle of the pope immediately in the papal election of 1227 after the death of Pope Honorius III (Conrad of Urach was chosen initially, but declined). And each time it hit Europe again, it appears to have come from Asia. But cats? Enter the ancestors of Garfield the Cat. Before the prospect of burning at the stake for having contact with the purring pets, Catholics around the the continent began slaughtering any feline that entered their property. In the 13th century, Pope Gregory IX, pope from 1227-1241, believed that cats actually carried the spirit of Satan himself within them. ITS TIME FOR THE GOVT TO STOP THE HUMAN OVER-POPULATION. Eventually, the ItalianRenaissance would put this so far in the rearview, all we could think about wasfrilly collars. February 8, 2013. By 1198 under the reign of his cousin, Pope Innocent III, Ugolino was named the cardinal deacon of St. Eustachius and quickly rose as one of the most prominent cardinals. With Halloween is around the corner, Chairman Meow is reminded of a time hundreds of years ago when similar institutional dogma helped fuel the outbreak of The Black Plague across Europe, leading to the (ignorant) mass killing of cats in the 14th century. Public Domain. They spread via trade boats. Even today, the Vatican still throws shade at cats. Thus, purported heretics, such as the Cathars and Waldensians, were accused of worshipping cats, according toMedievalists.net. Gregory was a reluctant pontiff- and not just because of his age. The truth of the plague variations that wiped out Europe is, they were the results of a perfect storm. The mass murder of cats was not the only cause of the Black Plague, but it removed a crucial natural predator of the flea-carrying rats that spread the disease. While ancient Egyptians would have rathersurrenderto invading army than harm a hand on a cat, the belief by others that cats cannot be trained to be loyal and obedient like a dog, was a source ofanxietyover cats during medieval times. as a dvm (research quickly with phd, now DO, but still love animals) I agree about cat fanatics but this loser has all wrong about the need for cats to kill the Y Pestis flea vector rats; also, that species of flea does not infest on cats or dogs- their anticoagulant is perfect match for RATTUS NORweigica, and humans; not even mice suit them; his map of plague is laughingly inaccurate. Ugolino di Conti was born around 11451170 in Anagni, Rome. (2016, May 4). We know there was a massive reduction in cat populations at the time because of this, so its plausible to make the connection. Thanks, Where do we get our stuff? In the ensuing years huge numbers of cats (especially black cats) and even their owners were killed across Europe in fear that they were evil witches and linked to Satan. This cruel practice continued until 1817 although the Kattenstoet continues to this day- involving stuffed cats instead. These new, heretical beliefs varied. The disease was ravaging Asia before it ever made its way to Europe. HUMAN OVER-POPULATION ISNT PRETTY, IT IS THE CAUSE BEHIND CHRONIC WARS. As it went into the fourth and fifth years ! Apparently torture produced some pretty convincing confessions from people who worshipped the devil and his black cat. Fleas tend to prefer cat blood. Honestly, I feel like even thinking that the cathunt resulted or directly influence the black plague is a bit of a stretch. Lets see if the math adds up. Cats are awesome rodent hunters. While there appears to be no evidence that Pope Gregory IX ever told people to kill cats, there have been smaller historical examples of Medieval folks killing cats for weird reasons. He is mostly known for issuing the Decretales and starting the Papal Inquisition. A quick Internet search brings up a series of articles, including one on the 13 reasons why cats are just plain evil. The Remains of Dead US Presidents Will Be Sent Into Space, The Man Who Surgically Brought Back Unicorns. Retrieved from https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=141316, ONeill, Tim. In Belgium, an entire festival, Kattenstoet, is dedicated to throwing cats from buildings and burning them in the streets. If cats were evil, it made sense that they were responsible for all the death and . A witch riding a broomstick with a black cat. Pope Gregory IX did issue a papal bull, . Cats are not assholes, as this writer and many dog lovers like to repeat endlessly (and its SO tiresome to listen). In the meantime, accusations of witchcraft began to spread amongst the ordinary people, as a way of settling grudges or seizing property and cats began to be used as proof of satanic association. Unfortunately, modern DNA testing allowed us to dig into the causes of death from aging corpses. If anything, the cathunt is Konrads interpretation of the papal bull. As I understand it, people used small dogs for rat hunting. And it gets repeated because it feels right to many people - it makes our ancestors look stupid and so make. Tomb of Ancient Viking High King Discovered, The Most Bizarre Relics From The Ancient Funeral Rite. So, Im not so sure cats stop the plague. But, was it because of cats andrats? Cat burning became a favorite medieval pastime in France, where cats were suspended over fires in cages or doused and set alight- even chased on fire through the streets by cat chasers. THE RELIGIOUS SECTOR ARE OUT OF THEIR MINDS W/ THEIR POOR REASONING OF ENCOURAGING BIG FAMILIES. As we are. No one can say for sure how many cats were killed because of the association made between them and witchcraft by the Vox in Rama. https://owlcation.com/humanities/Cats-and-the-Black-Plague, https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/06/ravens-memory-unfair-trade/, http://historycollection.co/thou-shalt-not-suffer-a-cat-to-live-why-pope-gregory-ixs-vox-in-rama-implicated-cats-in-devil-worship/, https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, https://academic.oup.com/ehr/article-abstract/CXXII/498/1075/457108/The-Black-Death-in-Egypt-and-England-A-Comparative?redirectedFrom=fulltext, https://www.britannica.com/event/Black-Death, http://www.kattenstoet.be/en/page/497-511/the-cat-throwing.html, https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/eight-witchcraft-myths/, https://emergency.cdc.gov/agent/plague/factsheet.asp, Abee, Holle. Such heresies could not be left unchecked to spread around the population and thus undermine the Churchs authority. Fewer cats, more rats, more fleas, and more plague. Elsewhere in Europe, the legacy of cat killings passed into folk practices. Poor cats though. Cats were seen as agents of the devil, throughout much of history, and slaughtered again centuries later in New England during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. Thanks for publishing! Theres a little bit about a cat in the third paragraph but what Gregory is really talking about here is a ritual carried out by a Satanic sect, as reported by an overzealous inquisitor named Conrad von Marburg. Your email address will not be published. Not only that he founded the papal inquisition to prosecute heresy, but he also issues a papal bull a legal decree issued by a pope, designated as Vox in Rama that calls for crusades condemning the spread of heretics that follows Luciferianism in Mainz, Germany. Was considering writing a song about the folly of feline flaying, now Im not so sure. Many superstitions, including fear of black cats, continue to this day. Terriers were also used for that purpose, in fact they were bred specifically for it. Ugolino chooses the name Gregory IX, as he assumed the office at the monastery of St. Gregory ad Septem Solia and fully embracing the papal supremacy policy following the footsteps of Gregory VII and Innocent III. The purpose of the papal bull Vox in Rama, was to condemn a cult that had allegedly popped up in the Rhinelandand the bull was specifically sent to the city of Mainz. The PBS documentary pointed out that cats dont have the musculature in their faces to reproduce human-like facial expressions the way dogs do, which is probably the main reason people think they are aloof and why they think dogs are so much more companionable (cause we love things that are more like us). Yeah you have a good point there! So, rather than being a document banning cats from Europe, it was a letter sent to a city warning them about a cult. The proverbial compendium of collective human knowledge at that point was certainly shorter and harder to access than it is now, but people back then still used their brains. They were shunned, persecuted and often killed by people who feared that they . why did pope gregory think that cats were evil? For he had inherited the problem of heresies which were blossoming across thirteenth century Christian Europe and challenging the universal church. Did Pope Gregorys comfort with the law cause him tooverstephis station as the pope? Your writing is comical! Summary. Purina, the multinational firm known for making cat chow, notes that, Egyptians have had a long love affair with cats. Interesly, June 7, 2016, The spooky history of how cats bewitched us, Abigail Tucker, The Washington Post, October 31, 2016, The History of the cat in the Middle Ages (Part 2): The Black cat as the devil in Christian sects, L A Vocelle, The Great Cat: The Cat in History, Art, and Literature. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'historyofyesterday_com-box-3','ezslot_6',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-historyofyesterday_com-box-3-0');uper-spies James Bond and Austin Powers dont have cats. A witch and her cat. And whatever else fleas like to nosh on.8. Dog lovers, please get over it. Ive written before about whycats are strange including the reasons cats like to walk all over you, knead you and are afraid of cucumbers. I live in a city, so I have plenty of experience with both cats and mice. There were probably several strains of plague spreading through Europe. A LION; I will wager $500 we can debate this and I will win with 100 literate judges NOT taught as toddlers the pope or priest can send them TO HELL. The Decretals reorganized the whole library of Catholic laws. (Accessed June 1, 2018). My mum always said the best way to get rid of a flea infestation was to let a cat walk through your house. The mass murder of cats was not the only cause of the Black Plague, but it removed a crucial natural predator of the flea-carrying rats that spread the disease. Denmarks Fastelavn held at the start of lent was based on the premise that for spring to begin, evil had to be banished. BELIEVE! Sweet Home Alabama Lyrics: What Does Muscle Shoals Has Got the Swampers Mean? All this was about to change. Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Is-the-Vox-in-Rama-authentic-What-effects-did-it-have, Sheldon, Natasha. When an animal is removed from the ecosystem (especially out of fear) it usually causes a chain reaction. Some believed that the disappearance of those cats helped rats spread the bubonic plague aka the Black Death that killed millions of people in the 1300s. During these witch trials, a woman even testified in court that cats spoke to her, and threatened to hurt her if she didnt abuse children in the town. The Vox described the depraved rituals of the cult in detail, portraying the devil worshipped by the witches as a shadowy half cat and half man figure. Cats and the Black Plague. Yes, I did say an astronaut that looks suspiciously like Neil Armstrong was carved in the face of the earth two millennia ago. However, historian Donald Engel believes that the Vox acted as a death warrant for the cat. Its also true that there was a pope at the time who was not a fan of cats, who banned them. Wierd Tales, Vol 36. (dogma defined as the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology, or any kind of organization: it is authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted, or diverged from). The purpose of Vox in Rama, rather, was to condemn a cult that had allegedly popped up in the Rhinelandand the bull was specifically sent to the city of Mainz. Hera are six really weird pets that you could actually own. I adore cats, they are so zen. Once the initial hysteria died down, cats, like the would-be witches were left alone for a time, giving them time to repopulate- and remained prolific enough to continue to be culled. The most likely targets were often older cat-owning peasant women (The Crazy Cat Ladies of their time) who were labeled witches and often burned alive at the stake. Next the myth of toxoplasmosis! Like a lot of other myths about history from the Middle Ages, the idea that Europeans wiped out cats and then paid for it with the Black Death makes more sense the less you think about it. STOP W/ THE BABIES ALREADY. In an era when unknown phenomena seemed like they could only be explained by powerful deities, it seemed only natural to the Egyptians to worship kitty cats. DeAgostini/Getty Images. It wouldnt be the first time Catholicism has decided an animal once worshipped by pagans needed to be rebranded as Satanic (see: goats). Actually, the murder of cats in Europe continued for hundreds of years, and another Plague swept through Europe again in the 17th Century. The fleas just love cat blood so much more than ours. Keep in mind that Chairman Meow iz not targeting religion, ceiling cat forbid ,but shedding light on human nature to digest and follow institutional dogma. Cats Blamed for Spreading the Plague During the Middle Ages, it wasn't uncommon for cats to be killed, given their association with evil, Compora says. By rough estimates, as many as 200 million people died. Without them, pests would run wild, and not just rats. His condemnation of cats may not be responsible for the spread of black death, but its definitely connected to the decline in cat populations at the time, andthe proliferation of rat populations. (Ive decided not the repost the link here). Recruited to Fight Rising Tide of rats, Erika Engelhaupt National Geographical, September 29, 2017 share this your... Apparently torture produced some pretty convincing confessions from people who worshipped the devil and his black.. Of every black cat of lent was based on the head of black. Plain evil HUMAN OVER-POPULATION foibles didnt stop with Gregory, however the death and the the! Were exterminated in droves to spread out of control have for pets are not assholes, as many 200. Were shunned, persecuted and often killed by people who worshipped the devil and his black.. Not say cats are satanic death warrant for the cat it too, I feel even! The fleas just love cat blood so much more than a century after Gregory so more... 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Of feline flaying, now Im not so sure article your friends will love it too walk through house! Of heresies which were blossoming across thirteenth century Christian Europe and challenging the universal church repeated because feels... He had inherited the problem of heresies which were blossoming across thirteenth century Europe... Ix associated cats with devil worship, cats throughout Europe were exterminated droves... Based his theory on evidence from Conrad of Marburg which could just as easily transfer dogs-. Are just plain evil affair with cats making cat chow, notes that, Egyptians have had long!

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why did pope gregory think that cats were evil?