brandon hall plantation slaves

Discovery Company. "I can't quite tell my age," Wood recalled in a newspaper interview in 1876, but she knew she was born enslaved to the Tousey family between 1818 and 1820. Wonderful site.. Even the judge who presided over Woods case, Phillip Swing, viewed it narrowly. But Wood and her lawyers had argued that the case was about much more than damages from abduction. Begins October 3 entry. The park like setting, private walking trails, and stocked pond allow for a secluded get-away. Poole gone to the field. Homesick thoughts, trying to read his Bible. Descendants identify the man in this photograph, found on, as Brandon. By suing Ward for the wages she had lost while owned by Brandon, her lawyers made clear that a verdict for Wood was an acknowledgment of the evils of slavery itself. Two of Brandons brothers were killed in battle, one at Chancellorsville and one at Fredricksburg (p.329). A second ferry location is illegible, but he also paid for ferries across Cocodrie Bayou and Cross Bayou. Able. He strikes new deal with Able to settle on his land: he could let me heave as much land as Col. R. had offered, with 300 acres in cultivation, 2 cabins, & corn in the ground at $1 per barrel, and let me have the use of a mill , would charge $5 an acre for the cleared land & let me pay for it by picking cotton at $1 per 100 pounds. Brandon agrees. Dudley I think will die. Arrival of Mrs Spark and her son, other Mississippi refugees, who had found and brought Jack Lancaster. whole race. She finally returned to Cincinnati in 1869, a free woman. Severe rain and wind. This was good for me, however. : Pelican Publishing Company, Inc., 2007), 92. Land he sees will do fine for small Farmers of from 1 to 20 hands to make a living on, but to plant extensively or make a fortune I should never come here except on the creeks. Hasnt seen good hogs. In the 1870 census, a 52-year-old Gerard Brandon is listed as a planter in Adams County, Mississippi. Visits another refugee family, hears some incidents they had heard of the occupation of Natchez. Legal trouble with Hughes.12 Talks to lawyer A. This property has much more to offer. Most furnishings along with the commercial equipment & supplies will stay. Wood was never allowed to testify, however, and Ward denied her claims. Expressions of homesickness. Anyone who knows me well knows that my imaginary dream house is a Spanish villa or a Colonial period house. Goes Friday to see after some negroes I had hired in Falls Co. Stays with H. L. Bennett. It is believed that the name Brandon came from the family name of Martin's wife . One of the Grandest Greek Revival Plantation Homes in the South. You can explore lives and stories of these slaves at the 9 slave cabins in the plantation where the Black History in America Exhibit is displayed. Begins August 11 entry. Upper Brandon plantation was part of an original land patent known as Brandon, granted to Captain John Martin, one of the founders of Jamestown.He was succeeded by several absentee owners, including a grandson of William Shakespeare, until the property was purchased by Benjamin Harrison II of Wakefield in 1712.. In view of all this he is satisfied he brought as many slaves as he ought to have done, (for sometimes I have regreted [sic] I did not bring more) for after hiring out a good lot I have now more than I can find work for & am feeding on an expense which will in one or two years (if the war continues that long, but I sometimes wish it was over now) will make them cost very high. He goes down the Brassos on Thursday to get corn, sees some fine plantations, the people look more like home folks, but Texas shows out, viz. Gerod Brandon appears on the 1864 County Tax Rolls for Robertson County with no real estate, but 270 slaves valued at $108,000, as well as $5000 in Confederate Notes and $6,125 in horses, cattle, and other property. Sanderson is also listed in weaver1945, 109, as a Mississippi planter who owned around $222,000 worth of property in Louisiana., Could be a reference to Henrietta Wood. Many newspapers described Woods suit as an old case or a relic of slavery times, consigning stories like hers to a fading past. The traders put Wood up for sale at Natchez's infamous Forks of the Road slave market. 1864/1865, d. 1935), Adams County, Mississippi: 154 enslaved people are listed under Gerard Brandon. His overseers are John Lyle (born in Kentucky) and William Hurley (born in Scotland, accompanied by his wife Rose). That story began two centuries ago with Wood's birth in northern Kentucky. The other refers to Sandys desire, like his, to hear from home. Cirode's daughter and son-in-law, Josephine and Robert White, still lived in Kentucky and disagreed with Jane Cirode's manumission of Wood; they viewed her as their inheritance. Its a database for the ones that are coming up. 2023 Cable News Network. Finally, they announced a verdict that few expected: "We, the Jury in the above entitled cause, do find for the plaintiff and assess her damages in the premises at Two thousand five hundred dollars.". When African slavery was largely abolished in the mid-1800s, the center of plantation agriculture moved from the Americas to the Indo-Pacific region where the indigenous people . The study found 3,777 Negro slave owners in the United States. Unfortunately Charlotte Brandon Stanton Merrill had little time to enjoy her undivided ownership of Brandon Hall because on January 27, 1914 the plantation, house and land, was sold at auction to one George Hightower as a result of default on promissory notes held by the First Natchez Bank. See Goodspeeds Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Mississippi, vol. When the Horlbeck family bought the plantation in 1817, they opened up a brickyard and began producing bricks using the clay from the nearby Wampacheone Creek. Advertising Notice "And I know some people might think that's strange," says Belton, 76.. Buttermilk at Robertsons. She was later removed from the cotton fields and put to work in Brandon's house. Cookie Settings, Illustration by Cliff Alejandro; Source material: W. Caleb McDaniel; NYPL (3), Subscribe to Smithsonian magazine now for just $12, Sweet Taste of Liberty: A True Story of Slavery and Restitution in America, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. Suggest edits to improve what we show. Then the crops of choice became cotton and indigo. Janes husband exclaimed just as she was knocked out to his master Glory to God on high, peace and good will to men on earth and it seemed to pop from his very soul. The Brandons had numerous slaves and most likely used them for tobacco growing, resulting the in the prosperity that enabled the construction of the ca. I sowed the cotton, hoed the cotton, and picked the cotton. "Brandon was a very rich man," Wood later said. One user named Treebranch02 wrote last September: Well, I think I found the slave owner that owned my great, great, great grandfather but that is as far as I got. p.4: Some more deaths; notes about wagon loads, presumably of cotton bales; ferriage and tolls on the route to Texas, pp. A historical society in Virginia, where slavery began in the American colonies in 1619, has discovered the identities of 3,200 slaves from unpublished private documents, providing new information for todays descendants in a first-of-its-kind online database, society officials say. She had not forgotten Ward and sued him the following year. At some point during those hellish days, Wood gave birth to Arthur, whose father is unknown. That means many American families with slave ancestors could have roots in Virginia, Levengood said. My mistress gave me my freedom, Wood later said, and my papers were recorded. Wood spent the next several years performing domestic work around Cincinnati. is brandon hall plantation haunted? (pg 44a-44b), Adams County, Mississippi: 217 enslaved people were listed under Gerard Brandon, trustee for children. 70 slave dwellings were also noted. By the 3rd he paid $53 for a ferry at Trinity, Louisiana (likely to cross the Black River), and then paid $38 to cross Little River on the 7th. Brandon married Charlotte Smith Hoggatt in 1840 in Adams County, Mississippi. Known as the Robintation Tree, it is said to have been quite feared by the slaves of the plantation. Gangs worked throughout the antebellum period to capture free black men, women and children and smuggle them into the South, under the cover of the Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, which required the return of runaway slaves. Sometimes its a real detective work. The society stores the documents in an archive spanning thousands of square feet, he said. Boone Hall was built on the backs of black slaves, who harvested cotton and pecans and produced brick on its grounds. A Warner Bros. The Whites lived in Covington, too, and in the spring of 1853 they convinced Ward to pay them $300 for the right to sell Wood and pocket the proceeds himselfprovided he could get her. This mansion on the outskirts of Natchez was once the centerpiece of a large cotton plantation located on the Natchez Trace. If you purchase an item through these links, we receive a commission. His next ferry payment was to cross the Red River on July 11, likely on his way out of Alexandria. All accommodations at this luxury home have private in-room (not shared) bathrooms. Updated they are the dirtiest people I ever saw or heard of & come nigher living out doors than any others., Begins November 27 entry. A copy was made, 6 October 1804. They carried cane knives (used . Goes hunting for deer. Daisy Patterson Brandon Dale (Natchez: Daisy Patterson Brandon Dale, 2007), 72., Williams may be the Mississippi-born Walter Williams who died in 1959 at age 117, though that claim has been questioned., Phoebe appears to have been owned by Brandons brother Dr.James C. Brandon. When possible, I have also noted the dates of Brandons entries. Then, in 1878, jurors ruled that Ward should pay Wood for her enslavement. But Wood's name never made it into the history books. Nearly every one of the negros were satisfied as they were bought by people in the country mostly, going ahead of the prices given by the traders, Cabell wrote his wife. Yet Wood v. Ward did not set a sweeping legal precedent. The Unknown No Longer: A Database of Virginia Slave Names website is the first online resource listing slaves names across all of slaveholding Virginia, the nations oldest state which had the largest enslaved population, numbering a half million people, at the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, society officials said. This inventory lists the names, ages and capabilities of Arnold's newly . He says he has made some rough notes of incidents to share with her and intended to send them with Jim (his son) but cannot well do without the book., Based on his diary of the trip, Brandon left in early summer 1863. My father gave $25. 1841, d. 1859 in the, Elizabeth Elmina C. Ella Brandon (b. He would charge $5 an acre for cleared land & let me pay for it by picking cotton at $1 per 100 pounds. For more on Able, see Able Family. CNNs Athena Jones reported from Richmond, Virginia and Michael Martinez contributed from Los Angeles. Cookie Policy Her captors' destination was Lexington, Kentucky, where prices for slaves had risen with the Southern cotton economy. Yet Wood v. Ward did not set a sweeping legal precedent. Absence of farm animals on the list indicates strongly oriented cotton plantation. All Rights Reserved. ) If some of the enslaved people owned by James Brandon were also taken to Texas by Gerard, it is possible that this is the woman referred to in the journal, who would have been a teenager at the time. In 1809 the property was sold at public auction to William Lock Chew for the sum of $7,000. Not everyone agreed with the verdict, but the facts of her horrific story were widely accepted as credible. Newspapers described Wood's suit as an "old case" or a "relic of slavery times," consigning stories like hers to a fading past. Most slaves were by their owners design and eventually by law forbidden to learn how to read and write, so they didnt leave us material that so many figures in the past did, Levengood said. Stayed at a house in which the Ladies (3) of the house washed their feet (in our presence) in the common wash pan. Descendants of slave owners, slaves and freed slaves listen to a history of the plantation. All they needed was someone to do the dirty work of enslaving her again. The sale included 1,514 7 /10 acres and a town lot and buildings in Mt Pleasant. II, p. 817, which claimed that at the beginning of the Civil War, Brandon owned a million dollars worth of slaves. She was suing him for $20,000 in reparations. to Mr. Agee and then allowed Mr. Turner to take Mimy as he owned her husband. Bowens was born at Drayton in 1908, and returned to Charleston from Chicago in the 1970s. Woods victory briefly made her lawsuit national news. The postwar constitutional amendments that abolished slavery and extended national citizenship to ex-slaves enabled Wood to pursue Ward in federal court. In 1889, he was one of the first African-American graduates of what became Northwestern Universitys School of Law. But Wood's award, however insufficient, was not ineffectual. Cold front. Sends Sandy to post office hoping to hear from home. This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. All they needed was someone to do the dirty work of enslaving her again. He had cautioned the jurors against an excessive award, claiming falsely that many former slaveholders already regretted slavery. It will not be held responsible or liable for its use and accuracy. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine It reaches across all of the slave South, Levengood said. 1847, d. 1885; married Joseph C. Pierce, Agnes Brandon (b. June 29, 1851, d. January 19, 1862; see, Sarah Brandon (b. June 29, 1851, d. December 13, 1862; see, Charles Gerard Brandon (b. When she died in 1912, her suit was already forgotten by all except her son. The advanced search fields include the slaves first name or last name; gender; occupation; owners last name; date range; and record type. H. Weir of Centerville, who hit me a dig.. The Civil War began, followed in 1863 by the Emancipation Proclamation, but Woods ordeal continued. Danish West Indies, Denmark, Records of Enslaved People, 1672-1917 It is currently used as a successful wedding venue and bed & breakfast. If you are as captivated as I am, then spend as much time as you like, browsing through their historic beauty! She has learned to weave and is well satisfied your brother[-in-law] says. See Gerard B. Rickey and Alan C. Rayne, ed., I Will Write if I Have to Use a Stick: Letters from HomeCornelia Jane Shields Letters to her Children, 1864-1865 (University Park, Tex. Few white Americans wished to dwell on those evils. Over 700 Black men and women were enslaved on this plantation. The $2,500 verdict, the largest ever of its kind, offers evidence of the generational impact such awards can have. Robert Payne, who attended Saturdays workshop, said hes been researching his family for the past 15 years, but finding information about his ancestors wasnt easy. Because the award was small, procedural rules prevented Ward from appealing to higher courts where the verdict might have been more widely noticed. Sanford Poole & Sandy had gone to kill a deer. Middleton arrives, and he gets a package from home. The plantation was named after its original owner, Major John Boone, who came to the Carolina colony from Bermuda. After 1815, as white settlers rushed into the lower Mississippi River Valley, many looked to purchase slaves to cultivate the regions most profitable crop. ), so Poole (overseer) left, presumably with slaves. Robertson offers him use of land, offers to put the deal in writing in Belton. Article. This description comes from Mortuary Customs and Beliefs of South Carolina Negroes, published in 1894 by May A. Waring in the Atlanta Constitution: Improve this listing Property amenities Free parking In 1987 the home was completely renovated and restored, perfectly duplicating the original construction. Gerard Brandon (1818-1874) was the Mississippi planter who purchased Henrietta Wood and then took her to Robertson County, Texas, during the Civil War. Wood was an early contributor to a long tradition of formerly enslaved people and their descendants demanding redress. Snowfall, the deepest I ever saw in the South. Begins December 31 entry, bitter cold, water freezes on the shelf inside his cabin. Note: Unless otherwise noted, page numbers below refer to my numbering of the photocopy pages of the full Brandon diary I acquired at HNF, not to Brandons numbering or to the Helen Rayne transcription. To purchase tickets, call . Brandon Hall was formally a large working cotton plantation located on the scenic Natchez Trace. Now I was in trouble. The story told by Bill deepens in complexity, and involves a plot by Ables son to run to Mexico, though most of his slaves deny that they were going to go along. A couple walks through the grounds of the Boone Hall Plantation in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Nonetheless, I have always been conflicted about plantation-style homes. The plantation, founded in 1681, is one of the oldest working plantations in the US. Most rural enslaved people were owned by masters who had 10-20 enslaved people, who often were housed in closer proximity to masters, perhaps sharing housing, and perhaps having access to closer relations with their masters than plantation slaves had. The Brandons were harvesters of cotton, sugarcane, and indigo and owned 700 slaves. Discovered that several men (Isaac, [Matt] & Charley) had been in the hog business, cost me $30 (noted in ledger on p.9, Brandons page 14); medicine scarce; Oh! Inside, behind the handsomely recessed main entrance, were parlor rugs from the Orient, services of English silver, mantels of the finest Italian marble and great pier mirrors from France., Since the 1860 slave schedule was not searchable at the time, the page numbers are provided for the Mississippi and Louisiana slave schedules., The affidavit says that on the 1st of July, 1863, the pending war, and the exigencies of the times compelled his hasty departure from this state for the state of Texas, where he was detained until February 1864. Major Boone was a successful planter and slave owner, and his plantation . If he followed the road from San Augustine to Crockett pictured on Texas Map (1865), then he likely passed through Nacogdoches as well. If you are interested in a house, all information, including: price, status, neighborhood, condition, etc., must be independently verified. Tours Robertsons college, then under construction. That's why, at the end . Slaves at the Boone Hall Plantation & Gardens. This article originally appeared in Smithsonian Magazine. This page also contains the line: Henrietta conducts herself well, as did some other enslaved people mentioned by name.9 But Brandon says I am really tired, sick of them and being with them, a perfect dogs life, & will disgust anyone with the . 1845, d. 1909), Charlotte Lottie Brandon (b. Wood was among them. Eats well on the road. Old Mr. S. Turner bought Jane and children. Got me excited. I first learned of Wood from two interviews she gave to reporters in the 1870s. I worked under the meanest overseers, and got flogged and flogged, until I thought I should die.". The Brandons were harvesters of cotton, sugarcane, and indigo and owned 700 slaves. List of troubles: screw wormshow many of them there are. But these people were writing down their inventory as if you would for insurance purposes. The postwar constitutional amendments that abolished slavery and extended national citizenship to ex-slaves enabled Wood to pursue Ward in federal court. On April 17, 1878, twelve white jurors entered a federal courtroom in Cincinnati, Ohio, to deliver the verdict in a now-forgotten lawsuit about American slavery. Construction on the home began in 1853 and it was completed in 1856.3, Slave schedules for the 1860 Census confirm Brandons large slaveholdings. One Sunday afternoon in April 1853, Boyd tricked Wood into taking a carriage ride across the river. An affidavit provided by Brandon in a later lawsuit indicates he departed on July 1.5. ( photo 1; photo 2 ) Brandon Hall was formally a large working cotton plantation located on the scenic Natchez Trace. Privacy Statement I need to know my history, she said, adding the site may help her prove or disprove many of the things shes heard about her familys past. In the eyes of Kentucky law, Wood was a slave. See, Trinity River (specific place illegible, but may be Madisonville) (possibly by July 22, when he paid $28 for a ferry, according to page 5 of the journal), qq Transcribe relevant portions of Texas diary, qq Go through probate records on Ancestry. Brandon Hall Plantation, built ca 1856 by Gerard Brandon, U.S. 61, Washington. Not so many complications of a legal nature arise out of the old relations of master and slave as might have been expected, the New York Tribune argued with barely concealed relief. On my way to camp I called to see Mr.Blackshear, in Springfield, who gives him a very good dinner, pure coffee. Begins August 9 entry: This Holy Sabbath morn finds me near the banks of the Brazos, without meal or meat, because of price gouging and worthless Confederate paper. 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brandon hall plantation slaves