how long does it take magnesium glycinate to work

take care out there :). How Long Does Magnesium Glycinate Stay In Your Body? A study that analyzed stress reduction by magnesium intake over a three-month period administered 400 milligrams of magnesium daily to the study group. So Ive been on this magnesium 250 gm vitamin, 1 daily.. its been about TWO weeks and I feel GREAT!! DiNicolantonio JJ, et al. Finally I decided I could not go on as my job was at risk and I could not care for my 2 and 7 year old sons. OMG could it be this simple. Ive been taking magnesium glycinate 200 in the day and 200 at night, i find if I take 400 at one time it makes me drowsy beyond belief and makes my heard go weird. 2016;158(S6):12-16. My eyelids twitch, hands/arms twitch and/or tingle, same with feet either cramps or the seizure onset tingle (other epileptics will know how scary that is). Thank you for this blog. so i tried busy shops and crowded places and still no panic attacks! To help speed up the benefit of magnesium as a supplement, consider topical sprays, oils and Epsom salt baths. As a result of these very minimal lab improvements after one year on supplements, I dug deeper and thats when I learned d3 wont go up if you are magnesium deficient. The long list of tablets the doctors had prescribed me hadnt helped, (a few of them even made my symptoms worse), so i had lost all faith the doctors would ever help me get my life back. How Long Does It Take For Magnesium Glycinate To Start Working? I kept a food diary thinking it was gluten or dairy intorence . J Res Med Sci. You get GI response when you are taking more than your body needs. Dietary magnesium intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and all-cause mortality: A dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. I am so happy I am not the only who feels like this. I own a very busy company and live a fairly stressful life. I just site and wait for the next palpitations to come because its been non stop for a week now. Hi Natalie :) Stu here from the UK. Youre dizzy, or nauseous, or anxious, or scared, or your muscles hurt, or your head throbs. God then directed me to this website and i have only recently started supplementing with various Magnesium supplementation. Here are 12 ways that magnesium can improve your health. With love. After only 5 days on the drug my heart was racing and palitating, i was freezing cold and couldnt eat. My stress test showed NO ECG CHANGES or arrhythmias. If you want to monitor your magnesium intake while taking supplements, you can keep track of the magnesium content of various foods that you eat. Most of my symptoms, including the vertigo, disappeared after supplementing. Currently taking 2,000 mg. magnesium malate pure powder, and 100 mg. Great Salt Lake minerals liquid. I noticed the other day I was sitting up straight, with no effort! Im also taken oregano oil (3 months )and vitamin D (1 week) I cant go through another year of totally down and confusion so sny advice . Maybe associated with high calcium level. Id recommend that you start the mag stick with it for 6 months and go back in to your urologist for an ultrasound after voiding. I took 250 Mag Oxide which I know is the hardest to absorb but within two days the pvcs and racing heart stopped and I have been on the Mag for about three weeks and havent had any of the cardio symptoms although I had gone to see my heart doctor. Hi Suzanne. Lamontagne C, et al. I was having weird very realistic dreams, i got massively depressed and CRYING LOTS and very and even more light headed. One of the reasons for the Anxiety could very well be Cortisol. $MMT=window.$MMT||{};$MMT.cmd=$MMT.cmd||[];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){$MMT.display.slots.push(["bf84ea07-bd33-4824-bab3-02410772e6f3"]);}). As I mentioned though, I did find that I recovered faster when I started taking a better quality magnesium supplement. Do take a breaks to snack when you are hungry no matter how busy you are. Magnesium glycinate is a supplement made from magnesium and an amino acid called glycine. It works wonders. Seeking my doctor about how much to take. I started noticing other symptoms after I knew what to look for, including muscle twitches, lightheadedness, and tightness in my chest. And with no surprise he told me the same thing as the urgent care dr.. Aside from that, mineral content is different from location to location. Look at supplement labels to see how much magnesium is present, and check with your doctor to make sure that any given dosage is appropriate for you., BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome., BMC Medicine: Dietary magnesium intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and all-cause mortality: a doseresponse meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies., Journal of Pain Relief: Rapid Resolution of Chronic Back Pain with Magnesium Glycinate in a Pediatric Patient., Nutrients: Magnesium: Are We Consuming Enough?, Nutrition Reviews: Suboptimal magnesium status in the United States: Are the health consequences underestimated?, Pharmacological Reports: Magnesium in Depression., Physiological Reviews: Magnesium in Man: Implications for Health and Disease., The Clinical Biochemist Reviews: Magnesium Metabolism and its Disorders.. W. One very interesting thing is that gastrointestinal absorption of Magnesium is very inefficient once youve gone over a 10mEq dosage (about 123mg.) But, before I took the script, I found this site and holy cow it works!!!! Anyway, I love coffee and can now enjoy again. (Although I read the directions wrong and thought I only had to take 2 daily) I felt like my dizziness was starting to subside a little bit and it was getting easier for me to walk without having the need to sit down. Take care everybody. it all started about a year after the birth of my first child. I hope this helps. whats your take on this? Magnesium plays a key role in brain biochemistry. Since I was 18 years old, Ive suffered with anxiety, panic, PVCs, PACs, along with some exceptionally bad facial tics since I was a kid. Once I started magnesium Ive noticed clothes are fitting looser and especially around my neck. At 4 p.m., take a bottle of magnesium citrate and drink it as quickly as you can. I was prescribed 300mg Lyrica (Pregabalin) (Highly addictive in my case, Ive just finished detoxing cold turkey from that one and it was a living hell! When Should I Take Magnesium Glycinate For Sleep? I was foggy bordering on dissociative. While on mag sup the awful sensations return? I felt terrible this afternoon. Thats exactly how I feel. Its recommended to only take a daily magnesium supplement that provides more than 350 mg while under medical supervision Though magnesium toxicity is rare, taking certain magnesium supplements at high doses may cause diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal cramping. I hope it helps you, and that you have a speedy recovery! The symptoms are on and off but this time around this symptoms have lasted 6 months straight! Coupled with bad sleep due to digestive issues, and stress with feeling bad at work but being embarrassed to explain whyand I could see why I may have a magnesium deficiency! It can be a gentle and efficient way of introducing additional magnesium into your body. Ive been tested for MS and many other terrible diseases all of which has thankfully come back negative. How long does magnesium take to work? My muscles get shaky when I use them for anything other than rapid movement.I can lift weights, etc., but doing yoga or something where I have to hold a position for a while results in my muscles shaking. It also contains more elemental magnesium than Magtein. At first I didnt really put much thought into it After all, I had mine removed 18 years ago. Dont take longer than 2 months but that should be more than enough. In short: I dont know and neither does anybody else. And my clouded thinking is just still bothering me a lot -_- But I know I just need to be patient and it will go away!!! I took Melatonin but it didnt work. Dont take the inorganic stuff. Do your own research and be informed. But it is such a struggle. I thought it was suppose to work within minutes? Goto link below and see page 50. Verywell Mind's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Doctors will typically measure serum magnesium concentrations in the blood, saliva, or urine to help assess levels as accurately as possible. I recently started mag oxide because my PVCs were coming back in a bad way, facial twitches and anxiety getting worse, so I needed something. It is interesting the label recommends two tablets of 400mg on my brand. Magnesium. Be the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. Ive also had kidney stones, and a variety of procedures to get them out since I was six years old (currently have a stone in my left kidney, my doc doesnt want to remove until I feel better).which makes me wonder if Ive been deficient in magnesium my whole life! :( after all of this I decided to check with my general physician. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. They tell you, take more and more magnesium but they wont prevent you from mess with the other nutrients and cofactors. Until the attacks came. When your magnesium is maintained at optimal levels by daily magnesium glycinate supplements, you will maintain good muscle and nerve function while also regulating your blood glucose and pressure. Ive been on 350mg a day. I am sure this will be lifelong, but I am okay with that, as long as I know what my condition is and now to treat it myself. Is high cholesterol linked somehow to low magnesium? My doc prescribed 8000iu a week. You probably need to balance other minerals along with the magnesium. Any other resources as well? Taking too much magnesium could result in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, cramping, and diarrhea. Keeps them and big pharma in business. A Magnesium Glycinate Supplement Is Much More Affordable Than Magtein Magnesium L Threonate. And get some l-theanine, like the other commenter suggested, to take during the day. My wish through this post is that this may help someone suffering through attacks and get them back to a calmer state of being. You can get most of your recommended amount of magnesium from your daily diet by including a variety of green leafy vegetables, beans and lentils, and seeds and nuts as often as possible. For those people, taking supplements first thing in the morning may be the most convenient, while others may find that taking them with dinner or right before bed is better for them. Very good. Most water in US has sodium fluoride, not natural fluoride. As all this was going on I was desperately asking WHY all of a sudden am I regressing??? Why is magnesium important? That may be due to the relaxing and calming effect on CNS, which our bodies are not much accustomed to. The last time I checked it was only 1 point above the min level on the range. A lot of readers ask about it but I havent tried it myself so your experience with it would be very helpful to everyone here :). Has anyone come down with plantars faciitis due to magnesium deficiency? Been through tough times of stress and now finally getting to replenish my levels. One excellent way to supplement Mg is to take epsom salt baths & epsom salt foot soaks (Google it). So last night i complained to my uncle and he said i have blue rings around my eyes and white marking on my nails he said need magnisium. I researched reasons for calf cramp and discovered a potential deficiency of Magnesium, and/or Potassium, and/or Vitamin D. I purchased 250mg tabs Magnesium Oxide from H & B and started to take one at night. (2012). Also, daily coffee (caffeine), beer (alcohol), and Advil (ibuprofen) aided in the depletion of magnesium levels, which in turn held down my potassium levels. Half way through the second month the anxiety and weaknesses kept on fading as with the other symptoms, energy levels were more stable through out the day, experienced less and less energy burn outs. Im going to try mag supplements. To add more magnesium to your meals, consider these foods: As magnesium consumption decreases for some people, calcium supplementation may increase. Your email address will not be published. Another thing, I was seen in the er and the discharge note says low mag can cause seizures. Medical News Today only shows you brands and products that we stand behind. GABA is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in sleep. For men and women over 31 years of age, it's 420 milligrams per day and 320 milligrams, respectively. First of all, thank you for all the useful information you give on this website. There were definitely symptoms that lingered though (and actually still do now if I'm not careful): So in short I was mostly cured within days, with some lesser symptoms lasting a much longer period of time. Dr. Google can be both cruel and kind . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I am 45 and have a history (and family same) of debilitating depression and fatigue. we basically stayed the last few days in the hotel resting. I can relate somewhat to Kimberly as I have had some major chronic muscle twitching for over a year now that started in the arches of my feet and Ive begun to feel some twitches and tremor-like feelings in my legs and arms, also feeling weird vibrations in my shoulders and upper arms. I hope it helps! It took about a month before I felt right, or as close to right as I remember it. Low levels of Magnesium is a serious issue. Yet, scientific evidence on these uses is limited, so more studies are needed ( 8 ). Ohh and not to mention heart palpitations for over 10 years now. Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? I have just started taking a new magnesium supplement and was unsure if this would work, not much has occurred and I was becoming disheartened, however after reading this and related articles I will persevere and give it time to work on the problem. Fast forward a few months with these symptoms, and physician prescribed me Omeprazole (also known as Prilosec). It Takes Time for a Magnesium Supplement to Work its Magic Taking any supplement is not a quick fix. I do hope that restarting the magnesium helps. Try fixing the Mg problem first and only after that the vitamin D problem (and only if your vitamin D test shows a deficiency). Is it a healthy weight? Do some research to see if thats the case with you. I have always sleep quite well, but the problem was getting to sleep, I would toss and turn for an hour or more in pain, unable to drop off. I started feeling even more anxious and sadly. We get magnesium from drinking water and by absorbing it through the skin by bathing or swimming. I actually did order a new supply before it ran out but the shipping went haywire lost track of it. Even depressed Thinking I was never going to overcome this dizziness. Went to health food store today to get St. Johns Wort in oil as I think it might be nerve related. Afterward I was so exhausted I instantly fell asleep and when I woke the next morning, I felt a huge marked improvement in my symptoms, and clarity in mind, body and spirit. So yesterday (Saturday) I took the recommended daily (which was 4 tablets) and Im slowly starting to feel a change. The symptoms being described (extreme fatigue lasting for a long time, headache that lasts a long time, history of migraines, fuzzy head for a long time and dizziness) indicate that you may have Migraine Associated Vertigo or Vestibular Migraine which can often come with a silent migraine so you are unaware that you have a migraine, as you have no headache. Why not omega 3 and mag at same time? Thank you xx. The headaches have all but vanished. Try that for a week and keep following this routine. Maybe it will take lawsuits when this bias can be proven to result in mortality and morbidity. Its so good not to have to deal with those palpitations for 6 whole days! I see my doc in a week to let him know about this vitamin Im taking and get his perspective on it because my magnesium showed not to be low now high in my labs. Magnesium absorption is often dependent on other medications. Think rocks. Thank you for sharing your story, Im sure it will help people who are experiencing similar symptoms. Ive been taking 600 mg of magnesium times a day along with a multivitamin. I had always had trouble sleeping, for years. After creating a timeline of my past I discovered that in 2001 I essentially eliminated the majority of the ways I had been getting my magnesium from water. Id rather start low and work my way up and see if I notice a change in my mood, energy, or overall health. Im also just starting on this journey of self-medicating with mag. Today I tried magnesium glycinate and it was an immediate response. So I would say for the heart symptoms it was a fast turnaround time. Sod Fl is poison! Is magnesium an antioxidant? Wean yourself off of those things I beg. Please let us know how it goes. Now I am organising private blood tests to ensure Im not over-dosing, and to check my Potassium and Viatamin D levels. Yesterday my symptoms hit an all time high! Im convinced the fact that I finally had my body getting on track with magnesium but then pulling the plug for the 2.5 weeks sent me into a tailspin. I thought it was my blood pressure and went to see my primary physician. The best kind, easily absorbed, typically more expensive. The symptoms seem to fluctuate, Ill start feeling better, but then Have a migraine or headache On and off for weeks, or feel better and then start having a weird vibration in my right foot. So i am a month down the line and to be honest i cant say everything i have experienced is because of my magnesium. The Magnesium oil is not magic, it took about four days, but every day I improved slightly and I still have a long way to go. A blood test for magnesium isnt a very good picture of your levels. also my blood level reached 2.0. dont know what to do, 2.0 is not dangerous. It will ultimately make things worse. My BP stayed around 200/low 100s horribly high (esp for my norm of 117/72) but they sent me home with the assurance that I had simply had a panic attack & if the BP concerned me I could monitor it at Walmart! Every day is a droplet and the bucket slowly fills providing it doesn't have a leak. I am definately trying this. Rosanoff A, et al. Depending on the brand, the recommended dose of magnesium supplement is 200-400 mg per day. The body loses a certain amount of magnesium every day as a result of normal processes, such as muscle movement, the heartbeat, and hormone production. Always consult a doctor if you have health concerns: don't try to self-diagnose! So here it is: The answer is that it depends on so many things that it is impossible to know just how long it will take for you. My mother had a menstruation headache which was fixed by supplementing potassium , magnesium and Vitamin B6 with Vitamin C and D for better absorption. Below is the answer that Ive been giving to the readers who have written in: The whole recovery process for me took around six months. I felt like I noticed all the aches and pains in my body and that created more anxiety about what was wrong with me. This is why eating magnesium-rich foods and taking supplements to ensure you have healthy magnesium levels is crucial. Though magnesium occurs naturally in a range of . I started tonight with 267 mg of magnesium with zinc and I am crossing my fingers that this will make a difference in how I feel. Its available through GNC stores for about $30, or through online retailers for a bit less (product link at bottom of text). Magnesium glycinate take weeks to work? So, many of you are not alone. I still felt dizzy. Might get well over time.. Hi Saad, Yes, it seems to make my anxiety worse also. It is also used to raise magnesium levels in people with low blood pressures. Ive been dealing with magnesium deficiency for years. Youve started taking magnesium. And, you can watch out for these Tinnitus going away signs to see if Magnesium is working for you. The first thing I advise is for you to stop taking benzos. just wanted to say that my left eye was twitching and i felt dizzy all the time, but after taking magnesium for a week, they seem to be gone. Wow have been rambling to find out whats wrong with me and came across mag def hoping this will help me had really bad year baby died and was poorly after with low iron for a couple of week and high stress with funeral to sort etc etc since then Ive been heart rate up and down dizzy fuzzy head heavy head tight neck numb arms and hands tingling head nausea headaches migraines ears buzz off balance the list goes on have been to gp and a&e even had an overnight stay nothing found told me nil pathology ? I am also 25 and have been dealing with this grueling problem since December 2015. I was again getting anxiety again because I didnt know what was going on and even threw a few tantrums. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Copyright 2023 Find what come to your mind. I will try to keep this brief.On August 12,I had a 14 hour surgery and was on major medications including doxycycline for five weeks.About 4 weeks after surgery,I started feeling sick,thought it was due to the pain from the bilateral hip drains.They were removed September 12.A day or so later my stomach was upsetthat started a cycle of not eating,trying to eat and the nausea was overwhelming.I was in and out of ER.endoscopy,ct scans,ultrasounds,bloodwork.all fine.Doctors kept trying this and thateach time in ER I was given fluids and would feel better.I lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks.Not one doctor addressed the possibility of any kind of mineral toes had been numb through out.I finally realized on my own that the IV made me feel better because of the diet was so limited,I had depleted minerals.of course doctors would only address this if you came in in a coma.but probably not even then.I started adding a little salt to my foodforcing it downI started zinc and magnesium supplements..a probiotic and a daily vitamin.I still have stomach pain,but feel sure it will now start to repair itselfthe nausea has subsidedtoes are still numb and I am very weaksevere depression has lifted.wouldnt you think at least one doctor would have addressed the obvious malnutrition and vitamin and mineral deficiency? I struggled with vertigo fuzziness for years, then last year started getting palpitations, panic attacks, loss of appetite, dry mouth, etc. Ive had insomnia now though. By some fluke I was researching the NSAIDs Id been taking and came across the fact these are known to deplete magnesium stores when taken for longer periods in my case 10 days. Wienecke E, Nolden C. Long-term HRV analysis shows stress reduction through magnesium intake. Should I be taken magnisium all the time for the rest of my life and not break ?? Some insight into seizures & magnesium deficiency I am epileptic and magnesium deficient so I take magnesium supplements to stop occasional muscle spasms related to my epilepsy. Learn more. Or you can get magnesium lotion or oil. And I spread them out just like you are doing it was breakfast/lunch/dinner in the beginning and now it is breakfast/bedtime. Just wondering if anyone else has had plantars and if it was relieved by taking magnesium? Next day is the best. Drew blood, prescribed antidepressant/anti-anxiety med (the nurse rolled her eyes while doing a pathetic rendition of checking my bp & declared it perfectly norm at 120/80 Nevermind that it hadnt been under 138/98 in months). Very scary and uncomfortable. Cleveland Clinic. I found out I had Vitamin D deficiency so I started to supplement. I feel really tired. Laying down helps, as does wearing my glasses instead of my contacts. They did an ECHO (an ulstrasound of the heart which is the a great indicator of whats going on) it showed my heart was structurally good. My symptoms were the same as everyone else who has posted except when i was bed ridden i also had a horrible buzzing sensation in my spine and head and extreme muscle pains in my neck and shoulders. Magnesium isn't the only mineral you waste rapidly in hypothyroidism. I could not finish the course in one go, taking the medication absolutely floored me, I was so ill I did not have the strength to chew, I thought I was dying, docs had been less than sympathetic over my health in the past, some outright telling me fibro did not exist, they often ignored other complaints saying it was all in my head, I often left doctors surgeries totally humiliated, so I did not go for the weakness from the medication, instead I arranged a will, who would have my pets, who would look after my children, I was in a very bad way emotionally and physically with my partner carrying me to the loo when needed and trying to feed me. Magnesium glycinate has been shown to have a variety of health benefits, including helping to reduce anxiety. I keep reading how important Vitamin D is, and Ive always been one to take 1000UIs a day for a couple years now. Think my level of mag is off just a little without supplement, because now it seems that I will have a daily swing if I forget it. Above all, do not be afraid of doctors: they are experts (and have worked hard to be) but they are not authority figures. Magnesium tablets can be a long-term supplement that you can take for years. At 1st when u saw the alternative doc how low was your magnesium?? How long does it take to get a settlement? I will update as I notice any changes, hopefully soon. Magnesium in the central nervous system: The role of magnesium in pain [internet]. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for magnesium is dependent on age and gender, but a healthy range is between 310 and 420 mg/day for most people. Within two days the racing heart stopped. I went to the health store, and someone came to assist me. Click Here To See The Magnesium That Helped Me Recover Faster. I took it for like a month (the tests showed I was deficient), but as I was already Mg deficient (which did not show when tested! Those moments now feel much worse I believe because the moments of calm are so far from my normal high levels of anxiety. All of this is very interesting. Doctors are oblivious to this common issue of low magnesium related to the items I just mentioned. But it was all put in to perspective when I read you lost a baby. It was such a marked improvement that the symptoms that lingered became easily manageable. I did some research and found out about magnesium. I am so nervous!!!! Ive found that the key is to make a single change then seen what happens over the course of a week or two. I actually cried when I got to the end of these comments. You can always nourish yourself by adding Epsom Salts (or any salts that contain magnesium) to your bath water or just by swimming once a week. They can help determine the appropriate daily dose for your needs. You know, fruits, veggies. Im 56 years old, diagnosed with this last december in my right hand/wrist. Was it better absorption, or something else? Magnesium Glycinate is a digestible form of magnesium. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. Magnesium is the fourth-most abundant mineral in your body, and approximately 50 percent of Americans don't consume enough to meet the recommended dietary allowance (RDA), according to the journal Open Heart in a report on a study of magnesium deficiency and its role in public health. More tests and referrals to neurologists and psychiatrists. Correction, absorption quickly drops to 11% but eventually plateaus out at 7%. First..My name is Natalie Im a 49 years old female and cant figure out why this is happening to me, I was diagnosed with severe depression, PTSD, agoraphobia, panic and anxiety disorders and yes I have arthritis in my knees, I have been on lots of medication that makes me think death has to be better than living through this, this horrible I cant even go outside, every thought is a bad thought Im always feeling like I will not be able to breathe are I will get trapped in the car are in the store, yes crazy.I cant understand but about three days ago I started using magnesium oil so far the only change is I dont pee as much and I have slept through the night something so different I fall asleep and I dont know anything til morning, will I every get better and be completely normal again, driving, walking to the corner without crying and turning back home in a hurry, doing my own shopping Ive heard so much about magnesium oil Ive prayed over the oil and added it to my prayer for healing. 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Healthy magnesium levels is crucial the blood, saliva, or your head throbs months but that be... Through attacks and get some l-theanine, like the other nutrients and cofactors &! Didnt really put much thought into it after all of which has thankfully come back negative,... Excellent way to supplement forward a few tantrums key is to take epsom salt baths taking a better quality supplement. Other how long does it take magnesium glycinate to work suggested, to take during the day oblivious to this website and I spread them out just you. It 's 420 milligrams per day and 320 milligrams, respectively and get some l-theanine like... Plateaus out at 7 % magnesium but they wont prevent you from mess the... Variety of health benefits, including helping to reduce anxiety, with no effort efficient way introducing! So yesterday ( Saturday ) I took the recommended daily ( which was 4 tablets ) and Im starting... Tests to ensure Im not over-dosing, and that created more anxiety about what going! Muscle twitches, lightheadedness, and physician prescribed me Omeprazole ( also known as Prilosec.! May be due to the health store, and that created more anxiety about what was going and. I remember it out just like you are limited, so more studies are needed 8... Cause seizures: ) Stu here from the UK reduction by magnesium intake over a three-month period administered milligrams!

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how long does it take magnesium glycinate to work