letter to daughter graduating nursing school

Graduating from nursing school can be tough, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass. Son, as you leave to start your military training and school, it will be extremely difficult for me. You are going to do amazing things, and they better watch out for you because you'll be nursing circles around them. Go for it!, #3. The signing of yearbooks, the saying goodbye to beloved teachers, staff and friends. Having you as our son, Gage is another term for 'living'. I pray that you always reach your goals in life and continue to do great things. Congratulations kiddo, you did it! Thank you very much for your consideration. Suddenly, I saw a woman standing where a little girl used to be. Your graduation is a milestone and day we have envisioned for many years. When you began martial arts, becoming a black belt seemed so far away. You had learned to sing, Yea Alabama, as soon as you could string together sentences, but this was the first time you witnessed a marching band up close and experienced the fight song as it was intended. It has been such a pleasure watching you grow up. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. Proud Graduation Quotes For Daughter. I cannot believe this day, yet anotheryear has come for my last child to graduate and complete his first phase in his journey. So, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got a few things to say. Well, baby, here we are. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Goodbye to the old and ready for new adventures with our once baby, now young man. Tomorrow, you graduate from college. Mommy loves you so much. I sent you off to catch the school bus, you assured me everything was fine. Customized Name Congratulations on Becoming a Nurs. It marks the end of her education and the official start of her grown-up life. Keep believing in yourself! Sweetheart, I closed my eyes for a moment. To our sweet baby girl Donisha Keira Boyd. Not only are you a deep thinker, but you have a huge heart. Congratulations, lovely! Whether it was playing football, playing the piano, playing the drums, or participating in an activity you managed to hold your own and be like the little engine who could. It is a great joy to be your dad to love you more each day and to let you go trusting God and trusting you with this precious life. Always keep God first and he will direct your steps. We are so very proud of you and all your accomplishments. All decisions have consequences. Concussions took away much of what you hoped to enjoy in High School. Im sure you put forth a great amount of effort and dedication to the program and perhaps even at times wondered if you would be able to succeed, but you persevered and came through with flying colors. We trust in you. You are an insightful soul, and I have constantly valued your consideration and the astute guidance that you share with our family. As your parents, we couldnt be prouder. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. You proved to everyone just how capable you are, and we are all amazed. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. I cant tell you enough how much it means that you have supported me during my cancer journey and have helped with household chores without being asked. We are extremely proud of the young man you have become. It is not easy to chase your dreams, not easy to achieve success. We are so blessed that God gave us you. She is still your little girl who requires your love, attention, and support. We love you always and are so very proud of you! New opportunities are waiting. Even after she has grown up, your love for her has not changed. When you became a Cub Scout becoming an Eagle Scout seemed so far away. This is the moment youve been waiting for. We want nothing butthe bestfor you,and we will always be with you to helpguide you on your journey. Thank you, darling, for making me proud today. I bet you dont even realize how many goals you have already achieved. You said, "I'll try if I can, but Ill have to grow up maybe." We are so proud of you. We generally have. Graduating from nursing school can be tough, and classes are notoriously difficult to pass. What it did not take, however, was the pride and joy parents of graduating seniors feel. You can customize the language in the text and your daughters name, school badge, and school name to the medal. And though you may see me cry on this day, rest assured the tears are full of life, joy and memories. First, I've developed a passion for the health care profession because [discuss reasons why you're interested in nursing school]. I am so glad to realize that you are a tireless understudy and a decent little girl. First, I've developed a passion for the health care profession because [discuss reasons why you're interested in nursing school]. Crazy thing my handsome son, I think I have cried more your first day of your senior year than any other day of all your school years. No matter where life leads you, no matter what you do, we'll always be your biggest fans and we'll be here for you. Jeremiah 29:11 says: For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Indeed, Jhelan you always followed that scripture through your journey. This is just the beginning. Congratulations! I could not wait for this moment. I would like to sincerely congratulate you on such a great achievement. Youre going to be a great nurse. There are no pictures or videos of moving the tassels over on caps that will shortly be thrown in the air, at least not yet. We were ecstatic!! Over the last 17 years Ive learned so much from you. The joy of seeingyour first step to your first word. So, Im sure it comes as no big surprise that Ive got a few things to say. You make me so proud my quiet storm! At the same time, we know that you are ready to spread your eagle wings and fly! A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. We know God will use your gift of healing others to make a positive difference Proud of you on your achievement, princess! My Dear Graduate Nurse, Congratulations on your achievement in graduating from nursing school. You ARE a Promise with a Capital 'P'. Your resilience and positive attitude have been an inspiration to so many. Difficult times and decisions will come, but, you have been equipped and raised on a strong foundation that you can depend on. Since your birth, weve known that you were destined for greatness. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. Your family loves you very much and we will always be here ready and willing to help. I am so proud of all you have accomplished throughout the years. Even though you have entered a chapter of completion from high school remember I'm still your first cheerleader and I will still always be there throughout your college years as well. Whats more, you did congrats! Your actions and words might always express your fondness for her, but a letter with your genuine feelings can make her experience love even more deeply. Yes, because I will miss you, but there will also be tears of joy because I am so very happy for you and proud of you. Keep a positive attitude, it will take you far on your lifes journey. Things to Say to a Graduating Daughter to Show You Appreciate Her Effort #1. Whats more, in any event, when the pages have snapshots of hardship, which makes certain to occur, we realize you will dive down profoundly and tap into those exact same holds that have helped you previously and at long last, you will drive forward and rise significantly more grounded for the difficulties. I am proud of the young lady that you have grown into, amazed at your many talents, and grateful to be your Mom. Beyond your excellent mind; your athletic talent; your beautiful conscience; your respect of those who have gone before, gone with and are coming after; your emotional balance; your fascination with learning; your delight in the quirky; your genuine love; and a very mature wisdom; you possess more. Contact Montgomery Advertiser reporter Krista Johnson at, Alabama basketball wins SEC championship with chippy, ejection-filled OT victory over Auburn, Alabama School of Mathematics and Science, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. After all you have been through in your junior year becoming a mama, losing your maw maw and then your granddaddy one week later, and then your senior year having to have major surgery. You are about to embark on the wonderful journey that is the rest of your life. We are so proud of all your accomplishments, but its not just about the high grades and becoming valedictorian. Brandon you are officially a high school graduate. Today and always Congratulations and Happy Graduation., #9. You have become a graduate today. You have come a long way. It seems like yesterday you were a baby in my arms. What IS unique to you is how you react to these situations when they arise- Will you rise above them or will you allow them overwhelm you? Teagan, you have become a wiser and stronger man than I ever dreamed of. I can see great things in your future, my one and only child. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.(Proverbs 3:5-7). You are such a special human. I was in labor with you for 11 hours and when you finally made your grand entrance into this world I waited anxiously to hear your first cry. We know it was very hard for you at times but you never gave up. But you kept the faith. We love you! I am so proud that you didn't! Remember that your strength comes from the Lord, who dwells within you. When I seen you waking up in the hospital from been in a coma, you woke up smiling and Iremember when you told me mom I will always keep you smiling. Today is your day a day we celebrate the unique and wonderful lady youve grown up to become. You are such a joy to us and we are so proud of all you have accomplished in such a short 18 years! We cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. You never cease to amaze us. Take a moment to celebrate this massive achievement, capture this memory so that you can always savor the joy of it all especially during those weak moments. I have always anticipated graduation day. You will do great things. For when I think of yesterday, I close my eyes and see you play. Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. They made you stronger and better! To our little girl on her graduation day we are so proud of you and your accomplishments. But alas, it was cut short due to the pandemic, along with prom, senior trip, and graduation. It is a big moment for her and the entire family. We dont have a picture in your new red dress for the Junior/Senior Banquet. We are also proud of the moments that may not be in pictures. We surely want you to. Mommy loves you so much. This isnt the year that anyonecould have ever predicted, but you adapted to this significant change of finishing your senior year on a computer in your bedroom with ease. You'reso genuine and such a great friend to so many. We are your biggest fans. Jhelan I could go on and on, but I am going to end this letter cause I am getting teary eyed. Congratulations, lovely! I know that theres been hard times but it paid off and Im very proud to see that. You also dont let anyone tell you that you cannot accomplish something. Many thanks to you for allowing me the chance to be your mother! Congratulations on this special achievement, grad., #18. You have done it again! I feel helpless to put in words the honor you deserve. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. Remember that you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore. If you need help in writing such letters then you are at the right place. Graduating from nursing school is probably one of the best feelings ever. WebIt is with great excitement and joy that we congratulate you on your recent graduation from nursing school. God bless you., #13. I could not wait for this moment. You spent many years as a choral member, saxophone player, and as a member of the Alabama Christian Academy Marching Band. They see that you'redifferent and that your love is deep. We know that you have always been able to adapt to any situation and find an alternate path or a different outlook. I watched you walk away from the car over a million times before but this time a million memories came rushing. And you know what you know. When you were born, graduation day seemed a million stars away. Whether or not to pursue a graduate degree? We have no doubt that you will approach the next phase of your life with the same vigilance and tenacity. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. It has been a delight to see you become such a practiced young lady. You have the feet in your shoes. You possess a spiritual life, wholeness and joy that undergirds it all. Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. Nursing school and all that it entailed had simply come to an end, as all things must. Your Graduation Day is upon us and as your parents we are so very proud! Daughter. Now you have become a young independent and a strong woman. It felt like a dream. And never forget that we are your biggest fans. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. Nurse School Congratulations Neutral Colors with S. You earned it! Well, baby, here we are. Specializes in Cardiac & Vascular. Congratulations, Jonah, graduate of Booker T. Washington Magnet High School, Class of 2020! Rejoice in it, you've earned it! As we celebrate your high school graduation, we watch in amazement at the inspiring, compassionate, resilient young woman you have become. My prayer is that you remember who you are and whose you are. Im proud of your success. While we are excited to see what your future holds, we know that His plans have been made for you since before you were born. Were talking about things like tenacity, perseverance, integrity, honor, determination, dependabilityand kindness. You have so much potential and we know you will do great things. We have faith in your heart and your fantasies. BTW Strong. I remember camp outs, Pinewood Derbys, family vacationsand holidays. Realize that your security net stays solid, prepared, and ever-present if at any time you need it. You surely feel proud of her and her achievements. I remember in Kindergarten when you pulled the fire alarm at school (luckily it was after school was dismissed). I would like to sincerely congratulate you on such a great achievement. 4 Articles Congratulations Nursing School Graduate Custom Nam. Hold fast to these words of wisdom: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. If ever at any time you are faced with a difficult decision to make, take a moment, say a prayer or two, write the problem down and possible solutions, sleep on it, if you have to but whatever you do end up doing, be sure that it is a decision that you are comfortable with. I know that the past couple of months were different than expected. I'm confident that my passion for nursing, previous accomplishments and goals as a student and nurse can help ensure that I'm successful in your nursing program. As a proud parent of a graduate, its easy to get lost in the emotions. We love you so much! Continue to ardently pursue your dreams and success will follow. I want you to take this strength and soar! Follow God in all you do, we are so very proud of you. 145451. in. Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than youll ever know. We are so incredibly proud of all you've accomplished in your journey Alex. Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. And the Life within you arose again. Love yourself consistently be consistent with yourself and trust your inward compass to control you. In fact, it came as no surprise to us that when you read the Auburn Creed for a scholarship essay, you could relate and also "believed". We generally have. I Am a Self-Taught Marketer with 10 Years of Experience. Sokeep striving to do your best in life and we love you. ! We have got you back. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. A Letter to Breanna on Her Graduation from Nursing School: And a Note of Gratitude to All Nurses Portrait of a Nurse from the Red Cross by Gabriel Emile Niscolet (1856-1921); French. You have a unique and special "song" within you. You would see a delightful person with a smile thats infectious. It is indeed an exciting day your daughters graduation day! Congratulations to you son, and the Class of 2020. It doesnt seem that long ago that you were just a baby. We were ecstatic!! You are sweet, kind, and respectful to everyone. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Always make your own decisions but seek guidance as needed. WebDear daughter,Today the long-awaited day has come, and you are graduating from college. It never went unnoticedthat even with a hectic school, work, sports schedule you still found time to encourage me with notes, letters, and cards. You were such a sweet, tranquil infant a genuine Sundays youngster. You have had your fair share of challenges, but you dont let them define you. At the precious age of 10 years old, we watched and cried as you lost your best friend to cancer, completely helpless to protect you from grief at such a young age. But somewhere along this journey will come another time of uncertainty and anxiousness. As a parent, this moment causes us the most pride and the most pain. Graduation Message For Daughter From Mother. Success different for everyone. I feel like the proud sister over here. I additionally anticipate the time we go through together at the ends of the week going to yoga and lunch or simply hanging out. Or will you decide this is not for you? I pray God's blessings and wisdom upon you always. Your sophomore year brought that deployment we knew would someday come, and you had to adjust to life without your daddy, your hero.You fought hard and have overcome many personal trials and challenges over the years. We were ecstatic!!! No matter happens in the between. It seems like yesterday you were a little boy coming home with toads and turtles or beaming with pride as you pushed the book cart around your elementary school. Home Letters Templates General Letters. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Not long ago, many of us were in your exact position. This is not how I imagined this year for you. I look at you and see a grown, handsome, confident man ready to begin his adventures in the world, helping people. Your gifts and accomplishments are many, yet I am generally glad for you for your sympathy and compassion for other people. The Dreams I Had for My Child Before They Were Born vs. After 4 Months of Sleep Deprivation. Congratulation my dear daughter! We blinked and you were born. Remember the Golden Rule, which is Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.I know your mother would be proud too if she could be here to see it. We have no uncertainty. We want you to continue to strive for your dreams and desires that God places within your spirit. As you cherish the fruits of your hard work, I wish that success keeps following you in everything that you do. Now here you are, graduating high school in the midst of a pandemic. By completing your degree, youre now ready to take on the next stages of your career. There are many words that I could use to express the way I feel at this moment. We love you Michelle! Glad doesnt appear to be sufficiently very, nor does thankful, albeit unquestionably we are both of those things. How does one really say that? The nurses told us you were the happiest sick baby they had ever seen. You have risen to every occasion and tackled every obstacle that your senior year has given to you. Graduating means you are ready to face the world, to face the challenges, and to take responsibilities. Your daughter is graduating from college. Go forward on your journey, explore life, learn more, make your own decisions, and always remember to keep God first, and know that you will always have your parents love and support. I am so proud of you for finishing up your high school classes online during this pandemic. Graduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross. Today, my son, I'm proud of you for all the thoughtful things you do. Educationally, you continue to grow and learn and even when you do not care for the subject, you seem to enjoy the new knowledge. I sometimes wish you were still small, not yet so big and strong and tall. Take that determination with you into adulthood and military life and you will do great! 'Unique', dear son, that's you! Mae gave me minute-by-minute updates of the beautiful graduation service for your nursing school. It was not in every case simple, yet you grasped each challenge with the conviction that you could accomplish what you set your focus on. And because you know how Im wired on the inside, you know its apt to get a little drippy, so bear with me. Congratulations, sweet daughter, on this momentous day. Your last semester has been filled with loss and heartbreak, but you have remained strong and found laughter in the small moments. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Teachers and students came and went. You are so talented, smart and have a great work ethic.the sky is the limit. Although the ending of your years in school cameabruptly, we know thatit taught you to appreciate life more and made you a stronger person. Nurse Barton uttered words that speak to the diligence, education, compassion, and love that are required of a nurse and words that make me think of you: Congratulations, Bre, and know that I am, now and always, https://accradio.com/programs/erskinefaithforliving/faithforliving022123.mp3. It is a treat to eat the delectable dinners you get ready for your father and me. Remember to take the time for yourself and loved ones; you will need them for strength, Remember how hard you worked for this; do not allow yourself be abused, Remember to believe in yourself even when others seem to doubt you, Remember to give everyone the benefit of doubt for they may be fighting a bigger battle than you know. You can advise about how she can move ahead and pursue her goals after graduation. And YOU are the guy wholl decide where to go! We love you Bri and are so proud!!!! Then, after all the passed tests, exams and clinicals, finally it came truethe day of my pinning ceremony, recalls Renata Jankowska, RN. A part of me wishes I could hold you where you are, but the bigger part of me is so excited to see you chase your dreams as you become the man God made you to be. We have confidence in your expectations and wants. You earned it! My how times flies, my amazing son is graduating high school. We can't begin to tell you just how love you are. Keep that same perseverance, never give up, and never quit learning and you will be a huge success. Keep developing your passion and igniting your dreams. Forgive us when we stop and stare and tears fall from our eyes. We cant wait to see what the future has in store for you and we wish you nothing but the best. I remember every minute of the morning of August 8, 2002 like it was yesterday. Know that God is good, merciful and almighty! You grew up with a deeper level of compassion, of seeing those who need help more than others. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Tomorrow, you graduate from college. Regrets are the worst things one could ever have- let others' experience be the tool to guide you, but let the final decisions be yours! When there is a need, you are there. Always remember that we have we have a Savior to rely on and the Holy Spirit is near to provide comfort, wisdom, and whatever it is that you are longing for at any time. Its a wonderful time for all of us. WebGraduation for Daughter, Nursing School with Cross & Stethoscope card Details Size/Quality Pricing Shipping Price: $3.79 (includes envelope), as low as $1.49! WebMany nursing students anticipate the pinning ceremony throughout their student nursing career. We love you! We simply could not believe it! Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far up you already came. You will always bring laughter and love. Dearest daughter. On the first day of each school year I would always say its getting closer and smiled. My smile was in anticipation of your graduation day. WebGraduation Letter to My Daughter from Mom Dear little girl, We trust in you. It is the day that proves your growth, efforts, and persistence. After all, graduation is one of the most important moments in your daughters life. Not long ago, many of us were in your exact position. We are extremely proud of the young man you have become and all that you have accomplished. But this was a small step considering you decided last year to join the National Guard and completed the basic training portion of your commitment last summer. You were no longer the one to make sure I was OK, or the one guarding my bed when I was sick or my pain in the butt." April 4, 2022. Not long ago, many of us were in your exact position. I love many people but,none have I loved as much as I have you. I know that this is not a typical year for you, but you have handled the disappointments with grace and positivity. I am a patient, attentive, empathetic, and diligent individual, and I plan on becoming the best nurse I can possibly be. Your future holds so much in store but that smile is all you need. We are so proud of you never give up your dreams. Today is very important for you. Graduation is undoubtedly a great achievement, but it does not have to be leftover many more achievements in the future are fluttering in front of you. Youre on your own. Yes, you had some help; but know that graduating high school does not mean you are graduating from needing or receiving help. Dear daughter, you have made me super happy with this excellent achievement. Remember; remember that at the end of it all- the choice on what to do will always remain yours. Nothing you ever say or do could make me not love you, so spread those wings my son and fly, soar high as the sky. Congratulationson your graduation! Inside Text: We are so proud of your accomplishment and excited about your future as a Nurse. I have watched you grow from that tiny little adorable preemie into an inquisitive youngster and now the smart and handsome young man that stands before me. Your love for your family and God is amazing. When you started Kindergarten high school graduation seemed so far away. Youve definitely kept us on our toes with your different personality but kind heart! Congratulations, happy graduating!, #5. Your enthusiasm for Saints football is contagious and watching the games together is one of my favorite memories. We love you! Even once you made it to first and second grades and all the way to fifth grade, I still dropped you off with a lump in my throat. The future has in store but that smile is all you have a great achievement school bus, you the! Ahead and pursue her goals after graduation I wish that success keeps following you in everything that you and! 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letter to daughter graduating nursing school