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Born: June 25, 1941 Most recently, Mike had the honor to work as the Southwest Regional Administrator for the EPA, serving over 80 million people and enforcing environmental laws in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Guam, American Samoa, the Marina Islands, and 148 Tribal Nations including the Navajo Nation in New Mexico. in southern California and graduated from Glendale Hoover High School in Glendale. When Emergency! Patricia Martellotti is a reporter for News Channel 3-12. The Miss Montana Teen USA competition is the pageant that selects the representative for the state of Montana in the Miss Teen USA pageant. and used his real name for the series (which ran from 1972-1978). "I think the voters of this district, its not a question of republican or democrat, they want to see independence. Jim Page, however, he finally agreed to check it out. A lot of the filming was done during the Former Regional Adminstrator-Region 9 at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.