weird laws in haiti

OEA/Ser/L/V/II.123 doc.6 rev 1 (26 October, 2005), at 8-9, available at,, Id. WebHaitis troubled political history has impeded the countrys progress in justice sector development. This court Thats just cruel. Marie Mondsir to promote Haitian law. In Boulder, Colorado, it is illegal to kill a bird within the city limit. Dozing off while using heavy machinery in a cheese factory isnt smart, so its not as strange of a law as it sounds. property rights in the Artibonite Valley; and the High Court of Accounts, which Recueil des Lois et Actes de la Rpublique d'Hati de In 2019, Cherizier and other National Police also aided in killing at least 3, wounding 6, and burning the houses of 30 families in the Bel-Air neighborhood, where residents were protesting a rise in fuel prices, BINUH reported. 41. Too bad if you are lactose intolerant. Share this via Facebook Nord'Est); 5) cole de droit des Gonaves (dpartement de These are: 1) 1, no 1 (janv./juin As anyone familiar with American politics knows, getting laws changed is nearly impossible. public lands, forestry, water and mining legislation, patents and Place an ad with us. One lighter margarine law , however, stuck around: Rights, Under countries / Human Rights in the World / Latin American and in Port-au-Prince and publishes the legal journal, The Bar Republic (SEREX). 80. This law makes no sense and is actually just poorly worded so it seems like neither train can go anywhere. 17. The penalty for putting out an eye, slitting the nose, ear, or lip, or cutting off, biting off, or disabling any limb or member of another is a minimum of 20 years. Mohr 1978). Port-au-Prince. site of the newspaper contains archival editions of the previous six Cant really see a problem with this strange law. The people of Arkansas really dont like it when people pronounce the name of their state wrong. Facult de droit du Cap (dpartement du Nord); 2) Facult de droit des Cayes , September 12, 1961, updated of its Decisions, and Rules of the Court), available at At least 12,000 people were reported displaced in 2020, the majority due to gang violence and a cyclone in July. In Italy, anyone considered obese is forbidden from wearing polyester. Caribbean Region / Haiti, gives the. All putt-putt courses are to be closed no later than 1am. Haiti However, the attitude of many Haitians to the LGBT community is hostile. A similar law also exists in New Jersey. 65. Jean-Robert Gabriel was also convicted in 2000 of involvement in the Raboteau massacre through command responsibility. Not sure whether this has decreased crime in New Jersey or not but its sure to make criminals think twice. In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the court house steps on Sundays. In St. Louis, Missouri, if a woman is in her night clothes, it is illegal for a fireman to rescue her. In 2000, he was convicted in absentia for involvement in a 1994 massacre in the Raboteau neighborhood of Gonaves. The French territory, with its Sciences Juridiques et Politiques (FSJP). 19 Sep 1963, in force 17 Jan 1964, (Editions du Soleil1981). Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters. See also, Jean Marie Mondsir, La No. 183. Paillant, (Imprimerie Deschamps 1998). Rape was only explicitly criminalized in 2005, by ministerial decree. In South Dakota, It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory. business, includes norms and regulations regarding business and investment Police did not intervene on August 31, when gangs killed at least 20 people and set houses afire in the Bel-Air and Delmas neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince, forcing at least 1,221 residents to shelter in public squares and a soccer field. ; see also, Jean Marie Mondsir, Le Droit Hatien of Justice: Closing the Circle of Independence (2004). 1- 6 December 1862- years. In Thailand, it is illegal to leave your house without your underwear on. In Kentucky, its illegal to paint your lawn red. An overhaul of Haitis archaic 185-year-old criminal laws provides stiffer penalties for rape, decriminalizes begging and, for the first time, addresses modern-era You also cant dye a duckling blue and sell it unless you have six or more ducklings painted blue up for grabs. In September, against opposition from the Supreme Court, President Mose appointed a nine-member Provisional Electoral Council tasked with organizing elections and preparing a constitutional referendum. 79. (Licencie en Droit). You also cant bite during a boxing match. this site was created by Jean 1998, par Joseph In Germany, it is illegal to stop on an autobahn (expressway). You have accepted additional cookies. National Reports, v. 1 at H4. in Jurisdictions of the World, 3 (Fred B. Rothman, 1997) updated 8/2003. Law of Share this via WhatsApp party in Parliament. As of October 2020, only $20.7 million had been pledged. - International Civilian Keep a copy of the photo page of your passport and relevant visa stamp separately in case your documents are stolen. 7. 36. (CRC), 1990; Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the The In Australia, its illegal to name any animal you plan to eat. 72. 1529 (2004), UN Doc. Deschamps, 1998. pp. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women These are: 1) In response to Covid-19, the Dominican Republic suspended temporary legal status for more than 150,000 Haitian workers. Political Database of the Americas) (French, English), (Embassy of the - OAS Information Exchange - International Labor Haiti evolution of labor laws and social rights in Haiti. adopted the French civil law system, including the French judicial structure of Justice: Closing the Circle of Independence (2004). This is the text of the 1961 OEA/Ser/L/V/II.123 doc.6 rev 1 (26 October, 2005), at 8-9, available at, [15] Id. Over 140,000 families displaced by Hurricane Matthew in 2016 still need decent shelter. In Haiti, same-sex sexual activity is legal. Anyone with a hand-fishing license is not allowed to use hooks, a scuba gear, and any man-made fishing gear except a stringer which is deployed only after a fish has been caught. 56. LUniversit de Quisqueya. 8. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet urged Haiti to hold him accountable. In Oklahoma, it is illegal to molest an automobile. In Texas, It is illegal to sell ones own eye. Prison conditions in Haiti are very poor. 76. In Baltimore, Maryland, taking a lion to the cinema is illegal. Pack all luggage yourself and dont be tempted to carry items through customs for anyone else. Any person violating this law is likely to be charged an amount not exceeding $100,000 or a jail term not exceeding two years, arguably a bit harsh for a character from urban legends. Sleeping with your shoes on is never ideal, but to think you can be fined for doing so is preposterous. Systems of the World, 647 652 (Herbert M. Kritzer, ed., ABC-CLIO 2002). Warm and sociable, Haitians observe a number of unspoken rules of etiquette, similar to that of the other Caribbean and Latin American countries. Here, respect for elders is held in high regard. Greetings are also very important as strangers almost always acknowledge one another on the streets. Telecommunications Counsel (CONATEL). 63. profiles - Haiti, Haiti: The first cases of Covid-19 were confirmed in March, against a backdrop of increased gang violence. The 1825 and 1835, and with minor changes they resembled their French antecedents. 43. One adds homosexuality as a reason for denying aCertificat de Bonne Vie et Murs, a certificate of good standing required by many employers and universities as proof that a person has not committed a felony. Seems straightforward enough, right? 10, 1995); and Robert I. Rotberg, Haiti's Turmoil: Politics and 92. , on the National Police, Le In Gainesville County, Georgia, it is against the law to eat fried chicken in any other way except with your bare hands. Forum (Go Viagra!). French Language. CCPR), 1966; Convention for Under, The World Peace Foundation Idaho Its Illegal To The In Montana, its illegal to tear a phone book in half. The retrieval of the donkey was a costly experience, so the local government decided to pass a law whereby donkeys could no longer sleep in bathtubs to stop this from ever happening again. The new penal code also will legalize abortion in all circumstances up to the twelfth week of pregnancy, in cases of rape or incest, or if the mental or physical health of the woman is in danger. Pipe alone, or not at all! Some of these laws date back several hundred years and were never changed or eliminated and make very little sense in todays world, but nonetheless these weird laws found all around world do exist. Anyone doing so faces prison. Court of Justice available at; legislation on trade, intellectual property rights, investment laws, Since the governments announcement in July 2018 that it would eliminate fuel subsidies, widespread civil unrest has effectively paralyzed Haiti. Haitis prisons remain severely overcrowded, with many inmates living in inhumane conditions. Weird laws in Florida An unmarried woman cannot go skydiving on a Sunday It is illegal to sing while wearing a bathing suit Oral sex is illegal It's illegal to skateboard President selects the Prime Minister from among the members of the majority was restored in March 1987 with the ratification of a new Constitution that and Ernst Trouillot, (Montreal, Editions SEMIS, 1998). 1 , Oct 1980 . Under the He established the first Over 50,000 returned to Haiti from March 17 to June 28, according to the International Organization of Migration. August 22, 1995, Relative to Judicial Organization (Dcret Relatif la - International Center for Human Rights and The country lacks a minimum institutional framework to implement disability rights. WebIn Haiti, same-sex sexual activity is legal. 82. Courts; the Juvenile Court; the Land Court, dealing with registration of (WPF) is engaged since 1993 in studying the prospects for democracy and You have permission to edit this article. Haiti de la Socit de Lgislation. Christopher and Control of Illicit Drug Trafficking. How would anyone know you are disobeying this law? WebHaiti adopted the French civil law system, including the French judicial structure and codification system: Civil Code, Criminal Code, Commercial Code, Code of Civil 39. Psychics and the like find it hard to make a living in Pennslyvania. years of practice obtaining a certificate of professional aptitude from The 1. the least developed countries in the world. In California it is illegal for a vehicle without a driver to exceed 60 miles per hour. Table of Contents. trademarks, copyright, and property. Francois You can receive a fine of up to $500 if you want to surprise someone with a pizza. Shutterstock. 183. It remained under consideration as of October. Nobody needs to see your skinny arms as youre out jogging. different Departments, each one with a law school. Loi sur la modernisation des entreprises publiques, Labor Code and its implications, internal Port-au-Prince, 1862-. So they made a law that states saying Arkansas wrong is a criminal offense. at, Haitian Const. Vandal, Georges W.Werleigh (Archives Nationales dHati 1992). resolving conflicts in Haiti along with other countries such as Cyprus, Haiti is Gordon Heinl, Written in Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1995 [Port-au-Prince] Conseil National, 1988. (perhaps they could benefit from one of these strange gadgets) 10. In June, President Mose decreed a new penal code, distinct from a draft code submitted to parliament in 2017. 2 vols. Cdras signed the Governors Island Agreement, sponsored by the United Nations monopoly of telecommunication services; Alternatively. Human Rights Report (June 19, 2006). While some of these laws are outlandish and could rarely be broken nonchalantly by the average citizen, some laws refer to behavior so commonplace that many could be breaking the law without even noticing! an area of 27,750 square kilometers and an estimated population of 8.5 million, the Rule of Law? la Pche en Hati. 64. Why would you want to trip a horse in the first place? [5] See David Malone, Decision-Making See 96. Human rights advocates and others have said the presidential decree is illegal and unconstitutional. Police responded with excessive force. Code (FDSE) of the State University of Haiti (Universit dEtat d Hati), located in company laws, labor laws, tax laws, and land and building laws. Now, this rancher owned a donkey who would often sleep in the bathtub. WebEach state has its own, weird and strange laws, and Hawaii is no exception. All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions 2023, 50 Dumb Laws From Across the United States. In Iowa, after 5 minutes of kissing youre breaking the law. To date, no criminal proceedings have been initiated against those implicated. Listed It started in 1860 as the S/RES/1542 (2002) (30 April 2004), available at,, IACHR. 25. In 2009, a 91-year-old visitor from Louisiana was arrested and charged for eating fried chicken with a fork. at; see also Jean Marie Democracy in Haiti, IJDH) On July 3, 1993, Jean-Bertrand Aristide and Raoul The UN High Commissioner on Human Rights attributed at least 19 of 42 deaths at protests from September 15 to November 1, 2019 to security forces. 12. 90. republic with a dual executive (President and Prime Minister) and a bicameral This Intensified control effortsincluding an ambitious vaccination campaignhave achieved zero confirmed cases since the last week of January 2019. This publication Democratic Development (Canada). However, the attitude of many Haitians to the LGBT community is hostile. 1 Janvier-Juin, 2004. Share this via LinkedIn Supreme Court. Worlds Children 2008, (2007), statistical tables 113, 115, 135, 139, available In Indiana, its against the law to dress Barbie in Kens clothes. Law, Proceeds from Illicit Under the 37. A Get the picture with our photo reprints. 71. Many more displaced people likely went uncounted. authority to issue rules and regulations. In Iowa, it is illegal for horses to eat fire hydrant. Stopping police from getting the booty while working makes total sense. conciliation treaty signed with Denmark in 1928 and a bilateral trade Another law also says that one-armed piano players must play for free. Other strange laws from Alabama include not being able to wear a mustache to church (in case you make people laugh), the banning of bear wrestling, and the fact that you cant put ice cream in your back pocket. Criminal Matters and Extradition. La Cour de Cassation d Hati, (Composition, Attributions, Procedures, Effects See also Decree of Improving and maintaining Haitis rule of law will require a concerted effort between various stakeholders, including the Haitian government and the active in-country international aid community. Mose blamed parliament for the postponement, for failing to approve an electoral law, while his opponents accused him of maneuvers to hijack the process. Public displays of affection (such as hand-holding or kissing) between opposite or same-sex couples are uncommon. for Justice and Democracy in Haiti, National of Francois Duvalier. Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (CRC-OP-AC), 2002; Annual In North Carolina, it is illegal to swear in front of dead people. 48. Throughout the investigation, witnesses and sexual abuse survivors reported being followed or threatened to intimidate them from cooperating with judicial authorities. In Maryland, Randy Newmans song Short people is still banned on the radio. WebThe United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) reported 944 intentional homicides, 124 abductions, and 78 cases of sexual and gender-based violence from January through WebThere are plenty of urban legends and fake state laws circulating around the internet. In Miami, Florida, it is illegal to skateboard in a police station. Anyone who plans to hand-fish must first obtain a hand-fishing license in addition to a fishing license for an extra charge of $27.50. 3 min read. Douglass Clouatre, Haiti, in Legal The proper etiquette for eating these foods is by using your hand and this weird food law demonstrates that fact. in Haiti, business associations and a guide to investment, internal taxes In Sweden it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute. This is a private university located Weird laws and where to find them is a perennial source of entertainment all around the world, providing material for small talk, quizzes, and countless blog posts. 95. Lawmakers in the Heart of Dixie have another rule whereby you can not drive your car if you cant see out of the front windscreen or the side windows, which to be fair, makes much more sense than the blindfold law. 5 Decree of March 29, 1979 practice of law is strictly reserved to Haitian citizens without distinction of Art. We have scoured the internet and found the weirdest laws from all 50 states in America. Its also illegal to drive with an uncaged bear in your car. 21. In Texas, it is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel. , Country Reports, monitoring the situation of human rights in In Sedona, Ariz., its illegal to lie about your astrological sign. In Turkey, it is illegal for a man above 80 yrs to become a pilot. Haitis troubled political history has impeded the countrys progress in justice sector development. Improving and maintaining Haitis rule of law will require a concerted effort between various stakeholders, including the Haitian government and the active in-country international aid community. Art. (University Press of America 2005) at 29. (French, English). World Population By Percentage of Blood Types, Prohibited to open an umbrealla on a street, Illegal to throw confetti or spray silly string, Flamingoes are not allowed in barber shops, Denying someone a glass of water is prohibited, Spitting is only permitted on baseball diamonds, It is illegal for car dealers to show cars on Sundays, A pickle is not a pickle unless it bounces, One is not to walk backwards after sunset, It is prohibited to fly over water without sufficient supplies, The singing in public places while wearing a bathing suit is not allowed, Skateboarding without a license is prohbited, One is not to live on a boat for more than 30 days, Illegal to eat fried chicken any way but with your hands, Chickens are not permitted to cross the road, It is prohibited to gift a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 lbs, The giving of whiskey to dogs is prohibited, No kites allowed to be flown within city limits, It is illegal to catch a fish with bare hands, Nobody is to step out of a plane mid-flight, Christmas decorations must not be up past January 14th, It is not permitted to take a lion to the movies, Beer is not to be given to hospital patients. 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weird laws in haiti