what happened to raiden after metal gear rising

After the war ended, Solidus had Jack placed in a relief center. After verifying with Kevin that it was the location of Operation Tecumseh, he proceeded to raid it. In the English version, similar to his appearance in the Snake Eraser segment (which also dealt with time travel), Raiden is not voiced by Quinton Flynn. Shortly after Snake defeated the PMC commander Laughing Octopus, Raiden contacted him again to provide help in tracking down Naomi Hunter, using his knowledge of scouting. He did a similar pose in Metal Gear Solid 4 itself during Act 2, shortly after defeating several Gekko. Much of the negative response was due largely to his apparent naive attitude, androgynous appearance, as well as acting as the protagonist over Snake. [18] Afterward, the staff had to remove his left eye, as his optical nerve was completely destroyed, resulting in him flashing back to his watching war footage as a child soldier. [28] Raiden, having overheard that comment with a directional microphone, called her via Codec to set her straight that his hair is actually real and not a wig. In other words, Raiden's lack of awareness of his son and his disdain for Rose meant that both would serve no purpose to the Patriots, as their suffering would not move him in any way. This was all again part of their carefully plotted scheme that would culminate in the events a the Big Shell. Fortunately he was saved by the scientist Wilhelm Voigt and worked with Maverick to fight Desperado. [69] He then faced off against and defeated Devil Zukin from Dance Dance Revolution 3rd mix in the second round. Raiden is first depicted as a white-haired adult who uses a protective suit known as a "Skull Suit" (, Sukaru Stsu) for his missions in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. He also decided to have Doktor arrive with a transport chopper when he was inside the World Marshal headquarters building so they could carry out all of the cyborg heads. He later found the kids, but was then forced by the head researcher to delay rescuing the children (who were being exposed to concentrated doses of chloroform) by holding George at gunpoint. Because of portions of Raiden's reconstructive surgery also included the implementation of an optical implant in Raiden's right eye, his normally blue eye occasionally glowed red. By doing this, she revealed herself as an enemy of Solidus Snake, who angrily killed Olga. [22] After crossing south to the border, Raiden stopped by a souvenir shop and purchased a Mariachi uniform (traditional garb for Mexican folk musicians) in a misguided attempt to blend in with the locals. After wiping out the security at the base, he and Courtney discovered that World Marshal's XIFF ID came up as "unaffiliated;" the same XIFF ID that Desperado had during the African ambush. Though probably they forgot about that part of mgs 1 and he died of old age a few weeks later. Kojima has also explicitly stated that Raiden is his favorite character in Metal Gear Solid 2, a view that was also shared by Flynn. Pressing on, Raiden made his way to rendezvous with Snake, and was eventually contacted by Rose. When first accessing his Jack the Ripper state (not counting the time he killed the Desperado scientist in the prior chapter), Raiden/Jack says "Pain this is why I fight." RAIDEN X - Naked Raiden as he appeared initially on board Arsenal Gear before re-obtaining his gear from Snake. MGS4 Raiden skin bonus giveaway advert for Amazon. Despite the scientist's attempts to silence George, George's encouragement was enough for Raiden to agree to cutting down both the scientist and George. After recovering somewhat, Raiden later attempted to join Snake on his mission to Shadow Moses Island, wishing to defeat Liquid Ocelot and break free of the Patriots' hold on his life, the events of his past ultimately causing him to break down emotionally. Similarly, his appearance also led him to being mistaken for a woman, as evidenced by James Johnson mistaking him for a female Patriot assassin before realizing his mistake by grabbing his crotch and then reacting with slight surprise that Raiden was male. One of Raiden's nicknames was White Devil. In exchange for his services, MSF also promised to supply him with patches from the XOF as payment. As such most what is told to Raiden when he first arrives at the Big Shell is complete fabrication. Lightning Bolt," in reference to his original code name. In addition, in large part because of his experiences during the Big Shell Incident as a test subject for the S3 Plan, as well as Snake's advice in the aftermath of the S3 Plan, he also aimed to follow through with Snake's vision of people living their own lives, also believing that doing so will fully free him from being a pawn to the Patriots' proxies. In 2018, Raiden became a member of Maverick Security Consulting, Inc., doing multiple tasks while raising money for his family. Instead, Kiefer Sutherland's voice clips of Big Boss were re-used for Raiden's interrogation of enemy soldiers, although slightly modified to sound more "mechanical.". Raiden's original render, alongside the updated version, demonstrating his appearance in Metal Gear Rising. This is from the Maverick teaser screenshot on the. Senator Armstrong then stepped out of the cockpit and explained his motives regarding the fall of SOP and the ruin of the American economy. He implied that he gained the skill at cleaning up from having to clean up various messes that Rosemary left at her apartment. Raiden eventually managed to reach Desperado's main base in Abkhazia, a production plant near the coast. [50], In the Arm, Eye, and Sword trailers, the scene shifts halfway through to Raiden undergoing some aspects of his harsh childhood under a man whose voice and appearance resembles Solidus Snake. Despite being considered a spinoff title and having been developed mostly by Platinum Games, Kojima did co-produce the game and offered consultation on the story, making it a part of Metal Gear canon unless otherwise noted. In the Location Trailer released alongside the Zan-Datsu & Custom Body Trailers, a part of it showed Raiden wielding Mistral's Etrangers, suggesting that he could wield the weapons of rival cyborgs he's beaten. Raiden's original cyborg body, circa 2014. The Patriots had named him after the plane[24] and later informed Raiden that, like his namesake, he was nothing more than a weapon, a tool to be discarded once its usefulness has been outlived. Blade Wolf later stated that it will depart with Raiden for Pakistan after finding a way off the chopper. At some point, Raiden, in large part because of his having to utilize a HF Blade late in the Big Shell Incident, became fascinated with the art of Japanese swordsmanship, training himself with the HF Blade and studying in various Japanese swordsmanship and the samurai code, and even going as far as to watch samurai movies. The final color model was unveiled on the Metal Gear Solid Facebook page at 5:58 PM on August 9, 2012. On April 30, 2007, Jack met Rosemary after transferring to Fort Hamilton[10] in New York City, and had an argument about King Kong. [35] In Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Raiden's entire body below the upper jaw is replaced with a prototype cybernetic body. He later learned from Courtney that the agents couldn't find George. Jumping back to stable ground, he saw that the cause of the pit was a new Metal Gear called EXCELSUS. Raiden's surgery following the events of Liquid Ocelot's Insurrection, where he was reunited with Rose and first met Little John, took place in a hospital in Maryland.[35]. He also speculated that Solidus' role in his life may have been the reason why the Patriots selected him for the S3 Plan. However, Blade Wolf had gotten back up, and after playing back a message Sam recorded before his death, supplied Raiden with Sam's sword. Raiden's decisive attack would prove his earlier statement that he did not fear death, running his sword through his own abdomen, but impaling Vamp as well. According to Kojima, he planned for the story to be about Gray Fox, although he allowed his staff to use Raiden instead. A month later,[12] following Raiden's surgery, Rose and her son John paid him a visit, though Raiden ignored them both, believing that the child was Campbell's, who Rose had married during Raiden's estrangement from her. Raiden managed to defeat EXCELSUS by cutting off its front legs, throwing it onto stable ground, engaging it in battle with one of its blade arms, chopping up its head, and then impaling it with its own sword. Jack would grow up to suppress the memories about his terrible childhood, burying the memories of his bloody past, though he still suffered from nightmares of his past nearly every night. His strength was also enough for him to effortlessly pry open a gate with his bare hands. [45], Kojima has stated in interviews that Raiden was introduced primarily to attract new fans to the game so that he could ask questions that a veteran like Snake wouldn't ask, so as to avoid treating Snake like a rookie, and to make Snake appear more impressive as a character, an idea strongly defended by some fans. Metal Gear Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. In addition, the localization of the game also resulted in several fans critiquing Raiden for his high-pitched voice, which was described as "whiny." Raiden then jumped up towards the helicopter hovering overhead, which Snake and Naomi had earlier boarded, and after being helped inside, was transported away from the area by its pilot, Otacon. A With an exhausted Snake about to be crushed by Liquid's Outer Haven, Raiden placed himself in the warship's path of destruction through the small pier, holding back its immense bulk with his enhanced strength, and giving Snake time to clear the area. This also changed with the switch to Platinum Games, now taking place 9 years after Metal Gear Solid 4 and having a less dark and gritty tone. In order to test Raiden and continue moulding him into a perfect weapon of destuction against Solidus Snake the Patriots contracted the bomber known as Fatman to provided Raiden's first official test aboard the Big Shell. Raiden demonstrated lightning-like powers, conducting electricity all over his body with which he struck down several of the would-be attackers after he turned on the ceiling sprinklers, allowing him to create electric bolts in the air until the water stopped. He then revealed that he knew Sam from three prior wars. He then learned that they were subjecting the children to VR training because the real thing wasn't getting the results they needed, and also learned that there was an event that would happen that would render Raiden's efforts naught even if he saved all the children in three hours that Mach 2 would have him stop it in time, and would have reignited 9-11 style warfare. He then arrived in the vicinity, where Sam utilized the banners to tell Raiden about how he has killed several soldiers. Raiden was born in Liberia on what he stated was a 'rainy day'. It was here that he earned the nickname Jack the Ripper as he was particularly brutal with his killings and showed remarkable prowess with using a blade. Due to his participation in the Liberian Civil War, Raiden was one of the few Force XXI VR subjects to possess actual combat experience. Backed to a wall and at the enemy's mercy, Raiden was saved at the last moment by the successful virus upload, the AI's destruction disabling his opponents' internal nanomachines and incapacitating them. [37] Although his having dark hair was cut as his standard design, it was retained somewhat with the Infinity Wig unlockable item, which was depicted as a brown wig. Another nickname of his was "Jack the Ripper," a pseudonym for an unidentified serial killer in 1888 who was active in the largely impoverished districts in and around Whitechapel, London. [30] His desire to protect the weak at all costs, even if it meant taking lives to ensure the weak were protected, stemmed from his past as a child soldier in Liberia, and not wanting anyone else to experience the kind of childhood he had. Raiden also managed to save the other children from the chloroform gas in time and was successful in the attempt to save both the children and George although Raiden was heavily disturbed by what he had seen that day. It also specified that it's not a pre-order bonus. Black Raiden Play Arts Kai figurine, final color model. Raiden then met with Snake, who gave him most of his equipment back, along with Olga's high-frequency blade. Raiden's voice actor Jack . On March 4, Kojima compared Raiden's characterization to that of action film series hero John Rambo, citing that both characters fight despite being peaceful in nature.[64]. Raiden's tattoos are noticeable when he wakes up naked in Arsenal Gear. In the original script, Raiden's voice was also to have been replaced by Snake's prior to his unmasking, should the Plant Chapter have been played through first. When running into enemies, they will be temporarily knocked down, allowing for easy takedowns. He also didn't have to worry about Rosemary and John being targeted by Desperado, as they were in New Zealand. Raiden says that only one out of 50 soldiers can kill without hesitation, before declaring himself a "two-percenter." The same unemployment officer also helped Jehuty from Zone of the Enders get a job (starting with Children's Birthday Party Entertainer, just as he suggested to Raiden beforehand), although he spent most of his time terrorizing the neighborhood as the episode ended. ), real name Jack, also known as Jack the Ripper, White Devil, and Snake, was a Liberian-American mercenary and former special forces soldier. He later worked alongside the Paradise Lost Army in their anti-Patriot activities, but was captured and forced to undergo heavy cybernetic experimentation. Jack and other surviving members of the Small Boy Unit then underwent extensive amounts of counseling before becoming at least outwardly stable. Additionally, the oxygen mask that Snake wears during the HALO jump bears an intentional resemblance to the diving mask that Raiden wears in the opening of Metal Gear Solid 2. Indeed, while under this persona, he frequently breaks out into manic laughter when killing his enemies; he also emits a crimson aura, and keeps the blood of his enemies on his sword. He also was skilled at being attuned with nature, also known as scouting, which he gave Solid Snake pointers in it when contacting him about in South America. After Fatman was dead Raiden was contacted directly by the Cyborg Ninja. His inhuman appearance caused him to be ostracized from society and made securing employment even more difficult during the post-SOP economic recession, when even non-cyborgs had difficulty finding work. The exclusive armors can be downloaded via purchasing codes from KonamiStyle, Tsutaya, and Geo, respectively. After completing all the Special Mission stages in the previously released Metal Gear: Ghost Babel, a mysterious person named No. Afterwards, Raiden and Sam decided to have a duel to the death, largely to see whose view will be remembered in history. With his custom cyborg body, his durability increased tremendously, as demonstrated in Denver, Colorado after raiding World Marshal HQ. [deleted] 5 yr. ago. These act as grips for his HF blade, in the event that he attempted to use a break-dance-like maneuver to cut up enemies. Upon discovering the truth about Rose's "marriage" to Campbell, Raiden seemed to regain some of his old self. What happened to Raiden after Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance? Raiden, or rather Jack as he is identified in throughout the skit, does not have any dialogue in the skit. ", Make It Right - "Sword" - METAL GEAR RISING. Main Article. For most of the game's development, Raidens name was written in katakana as or literally "Raiden." On the upside, the eye-patch's cloth was covered in small cameras, to provide enhanced visual perception. However, throughout his partnership with Wolf, he began to trust him, even telling him that he was free to pursue his own destiny. before starting a new game, triggers a change in the opening, in which Naked Snake (also named Jack) wears a mask that looks identical to Raiden's face, to conceal his identity from the gunship crew (although it is implied in-story to be based on the likeness of GRU major Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov). Consumes Electrobytes stored inside enemies. The "Arm" trailer[18] also implies that he received an optical implant. The relief center was reluctant to put the latter into a foster family because they feared he would be too much trouble for the family. Had Jack placed in a relief center first arrives at the Big Shell the events a the Shell... The Big Shell outwardly stable Courtney that the agents could n't find.... 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what happened to raiden after metal gear rising