worst days on taxotere

I spent a week in hospital after the 3rd Taxotere + radiotherapy. So into hospital she went each time. Ask your oncology care team about nutritional counseling services at your treatment center to help with food choices. Talk to your oncology care team so they can prescribe medications to help you manage nausea and vomiting. Stay well hydrated. worst daysfor me it was the week after the infusion..I just fall apart.tired, ache, intestinal issuesetc. worst: [adverb] to the extreme degree of badness or inferiority. Do not cut cuticles or ingrown nails. The ResMed machine is a medical device used to treat sleep apnea, a condition that causes pauses in breathing during Obstructive sleep apnea is a sleep condition in which a person's airway is obstructed during sleep, resulting in shallow breathing Dry eye is a common condition that can range from minor irritation to severe discomfort. You will be given a corticosteroid prior to the infusion to prevent severe fluid retention and allergic reactions. With NiceRx you'll always pay a flat monthly fee of $49. I need to eat better to keep up my energy which is at an all time low. I know that treats are not offically a cure but i try and put nice things in the bad days so not everything is about cancer . I have at times reached my lowest and questioned if I can continue to put my body through this poison. Fatigue is very common as a side effect. Other effects for me are tingling in feet, skin peeling off, mostly in feet, toe nails highly sensitive. Itis designed to target malignant cancer cells in your body. If we can get through this we can face anything. This may increase the risk of side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth sores, fluid retention, nerve pain, numbness, tingling . Will be glad to see you here soon Post Chemo, looking forward to your break away with your husband. Rough night last night; not sleeping well. At least week three is getting close, mine starts next Tuesday. 01-06-2015 02:21. That seems to help me. It can be given alone or with other drugs. Will try the mouthwash as that is also a problem, I have a drink and seconds later my mouth is so dry again! Actually, I had a really nice time as it was. It had to have been that I just did too much. My experience was that how I felt after my following treatments was similar to my reaction after the first treatment. So close to week three now, exercise nil, so bored with all the sofa days. I followed all the advice and recommendations given by the medical team and tried to be positive about the treatment working to fight the cancer but it has been hard. I haven't been able to do anything. His consultant advised small walks to begin the process of getting the muscles going (started with walking up and down our lounge before he managed the outside!! Any suggestions for the pain? Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol. Hello there, Two weeks to recover! Nutrition is an important part of your care. I finished T & C on April 1 (total of 6 treatments). If you feel unwell or have any of these signs, tell them straight away. If the platelet count becomes too low, you may receive a transfusion of platelets. Was 48mu for EC but took 7Tax was 30mu. Doreen D. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Stage 2A,Triple Positive). I am trying to keep focused and positive to get through this. Sounds like you have had quite a week, similar to mine. I had to be hospitalized twice due to intractable nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. I had no sleepless issues on A/C but on Taxol I did - first meds given me by my Chemo Dr did not help only gave horrible nightmares (which I don't normally have) but my PA switched me to the lowest does of another med and it worked great.It's great to ask for input of experiences BUT There are NONE of us who can tell you what your wife will experience - we are EACH so unique in how our bodies handle the onslaught of the battle - we can tell our stories but we cannot tell you that what happened to/with us will happen for your wife.Susan, I too had AC followed byI too had AC followed by taxol. Can I just say thank you so much for the great advise, I am going through Taxotere part of chemo at the moment and it is just horrible, my poor hands are the worst, they are burning like mad but have been prescribed Piriton and paracetamol to try and rectify overnight and have to go to hospital in the morning that does seem to have helped. Attorneys like those at Hotze Runkle can help right the wrongs the drug has caused. Signs of a reaction can include: feeling hot or flushed shivering itching a skin rash feeling dizzy a headache feeling breathless or wheezy swelling of your face or mouth pain in your back, tummy or chest. This can get progressively worse with additional doses of the medication. A week later and I still can't get out of bed! Sending massive hugs as I know just how you feel. Sun sensitivity can last even after chemotherapy is completed. Weekly taxol : which days will be worst. Shari S. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC),Triple Positive, Stage 4). I shall follow your journey with hope and healing. Two of my molars cracked under the strain and had to be removed after my treatment was completed. . Worst days when i was on 3chemo meds, taxotere, carbon, and Herceptin, were 3-5 days after. I often feel like it's too much and want to give in. It's an option that, over the last twenty years, medical teams and patients believed was the best course of action. If you ask about people's favourite CPAP machine, you can find those who love an APAP instead. I feel less guilty doing nothing for a fortnight if others the same sofa days do seem to be extended. Taxotere is part of a family of drugs known as taxanes that work by preventing cell growth. You may have some of the above symptoms or you may not. I end up with wet pillows at nightnever had that with Tamaxifen or in 50s. Pain starts on day 3 and lasts 6 days. Hopefully this will continue for the last 2 cycles. As all of us are!For ME - A/C was much easier than Taxol! They have said I don't need to have a scan which I have found strange as I need the reassurance that all is okay and it hasn't gone anywhere else. We started working from home the week after the infusion. Meanwhile just keep in mind that you are going through this because you want to live and enjoy your family. It was stage Three I though thats it,the end. Youre coming back off. Know that you are two thirds of the way there. After starting docetaxel, many men experience the improvements in disease-related symptoms, including pain, fatigue and loss of energy. Your oncology care team can recommend medications to relieve diarrhea. Patients on the TAXOTERE arm received TAXOTERE (T) 75 mg/m 2 by intravenous infusion on day 1 followed by cisplatin (P) 100 mg/m 2 administered as a 30-minute to three-hour intravenous infusion, followed by the continuous intravenous infusion of fluorouracil (F) 1000 mg/m 2 /day from day 1 to day 4. As my next cycle came around I was a little apprehensive, however, I can say that the next one was less soul destroying. diarrhea. But guess what? Some of the chemo drugs used to treat prostate cancer include: Docetaxel (Taxotere) Cabazitaxel (Jevtana) Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) Estramustine (Emcyt) In most cases, the first chemo drug given is docetaxel, combined with the steroid drug prednisone. This hair loss can be all body hair, including pubic, underarm, legs/arms, eyelashes, and nose hairs. Make sure she is getting alot of water, eat fruits and vegetables. The effects of chemo are cumulative. If youre considering taking Taxotere to treat your cancer, you need to be prepared for what might come. I haven't had much information about that yet. BRADY will provide the official @Hertz Team @JotaSport kit, as well . Hi. Drink 8-10 glasses of non-alcoholic, un-caffeinated fluid a day to prevent dehydration. Ranking the Cowboys backup QB options from worst to best. The end is now in sight and just keep thinking what a good job the chemo is doing getting rid of this nasty disease. Future - Worst Day (Official Music Video - Extended Version)"Worst Day" available at: https://future.lnk.to/WorstDayFollow Future:https://www.facebook.com/Fu. There is a risk that this medication may leak out of the vein at the injection site, resulting in tissue damage that can be severe. All patients should be premedicated with oral corticosteroids (see below for prostate cancer) such as dexamethasone 16 mg per day (e.g., 8 mg twice daily) for 3 days starting 1 day prior to TAXOTERE administration in order to reduce the incidence and severity of fluid retention as well as the severity of hypersensitivity reactions [see Boxed Warning, Warnings and . Thank you, hope you continue to be well. I have no effects, no CRASH, no anything ((. Keep your fingernails and toenails clean and dry. You should not drive after the infusion until you know how it will affect you. Days 1,8: Gemcitabine 900mg/m 2 IV at a rate of 10mg/m 2 /minute, followed by: Day 8: Docetaxel 75-100mg/m 2 IV over 1 hour. My last infusion was in December. Then I had actual vomiting, first time ever, because the medications have upset my stomach. Yes you will have have to have the G - CSFinjections for the bone marrow stimulation after the Docetaxal chemotherapy - the same as the FEC. Fluid build-up can cause heart failure and poor blood circulation. The Docetaxel/Taxotere is the drug causing this nasty side effect. My kids are 10 and 5. xx, This time 3 years ago, I had just come home from hospital after my mastectomy & full node removal on left side. Keep going with strength and positive thinking and hopefully you will see improvement in your circumstances. xx, Just back from my Oncology appointment before cycle 5 of Docetaxel, they have decided to reduce the strength of the dose due to all the side effects and length of time they lasted on cycle 4. The recommended dose of TAXOTERE is 60-100 mg/m2 administered intravenously over 1 hour every 3 weeks. The first couple really werent too bad. with 5 mg prednisone twice a day continuously (2.3) GC: 75 mg/m 2followed by cisplatin 75 (both on day 1 only) fol lowed by fluorouraci 750 mg/m2 per day as a 24 -hr . I was informed that I would need a mastectomy as to the way the tumour is growing in the breast. What Are Some Reasons To Buy A Home In Fireside At Desert Ridge? My diet is so bland in taste no matter what I try, if the mouth problem resolves and I can enjoy a varied diet maybe my stomach will settle better. I was on taxotere and idI was on taxotere and id have my treatments on monday, and wednesday & thursdays were my bad days. I hope your teeth are in good condition. Hi, And pineapple sounds a good idea too! In some people, the symptoms slowly resolve after the medication is stopped, but for some, it never goes away completely. X. Hi everyone, I start taxatere in feb.can anyone please tell me If I have to have the horrid injections for bone marrow while having that chemo? Progression-free survival was 2-3 months for both groups. Thats Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide. And it may even boost our immune systems. Pineapple is good for helping the nasty taste and I know someone who sucked frozen pineapple cubes and this helped her a lot. Please assign a menu to the primary menu location under MENU. Everything tasted like cardboard, which sucked because I love to eat. Take pain killers when you need them. This medication contains alcohol and may cause intoxication. The problem is that it can affect the reproduction of other cells in your body, like hair follicles. starting at end of cisplatin infusion (2.4)See full prescr ibing information for TAXOTERE. It was a big deal but it wasnt. Best wishes to everyone on this treatment and you will come out the other side. Even if it is to moan. I spent yesterday in A&E with chest pains which turned out to be heartburn and anxiety. She only took that a couple of times. After the first one, I went back to work on Tuesday, and I realized I had been walking around in a fog all day. It's important to take things day by day. The pain is horrendous and for me it moves from anywhere to anywhere. Add extra flavor to meat or fish by marinating it in sweet juices, sweet and sour sauce, or dressings. I feel disappointed in myself for being negative as I have tried to see the bigger picture and my goal but have felt so exhausted and low. As the saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20 . It interferes with the growth of cancer cells, which are eventually destroyed by the body. But as I say.. We're now closer to the end.. 2 more to go.. Then an operation for me And immunotherapy for a year but chemo and op are the big ones to get over.. You'll get through it.. And there is life after chemo. It is a horrid drug and going through the side effects of chemo is just unbearable at times (for me and some others unfortunately!). I had four rounds of Herceptin, Carboplatin, and Taxotere. It won't be long until you to are in a position to help others with your experiences of the journey we all find ourselves on. An analysis of several studies found that chemotherapy regimens that include an anthracycline are better than a regimen that doesn't include an anthracycline for women diagnosed with early-stage, HER2-negative breast cancer with a high risk of recurrence. That was EVERY week as opposed to every 2 weeks on A/C. Brush with a soft-bristle toothbrush or cotton swab twice a day. Need to get myself prepared for the next one. keep up the good work you have been doing and are still doing. Patients may struggle with never-ending itchiness, swollen eyelids, and an increase in floaters. They might also encounter infections and inflammatory disorders as a result. In some ways was easier, in others was more taxing (pun intended)! To view profiles and participate in discussions please. fatigue. I had terrible diarrhoea because of neutropenia and had 5 days of IV antibiotics. Avoid raw fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, cereals, and seeds. So she then got a lumpectomy. While we were driving home - it's a nice, sunny, fairly warm day - Moopy observed that getting out was a reminder of what our life will be like again. Letrazole and weird taste on tongue? Drank gallons of water to try and flush it out. But by my third week I felt somewhat normal, would tire quick but normal. Leg pain also bad tonight, I am on day 5 after first Taxotere chemo so I suppose it's working at its height at the moment, hope it gets better in the coming days! Do not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider. But they had to keep treating her with antibiotics on the off chance it was an infection. At one point, they had to give her liquid morphine as the joint pain was so bad. I have lost ALL taste buds. It will help clear it and make eating slightly more tolerable. That finished months ago, but she's still whacked by the docetaxel on and off. You have been a big help with your message of support. They also said that cycles 5 and 6 will compound the side effects and by reducing the dose the recovery should be quicker and help me to complete the chemo sessions. ).He was also encouraged to leave the bedroom to night-time even if it meant setting up a 'day bed' downstairs (he managed with using our sun lounger indoors which gave better support than the armchair and enabled him to just drop off any time he felt like it.) I am sorry that she is not feeling well. Not able to advise, but sending loads of hugs to get you through this traumatic part of your journey xxxxxxxx, You haven't gone wrong Dolbycat, as you said it effects everyone differently. You should feel a lot better in about a week's time. Wear sunscreen (at least SPF 15) every day, wear sunglasses and long sleeves/pants to protect your skin. The only things I could taste were sweets. So my advice is dont be scared to ring the chemo hotline, they know what to advise and whether or not you should go in.. It wasnt until the following year that food started to taste good again. I had constipation, diarrhea so bizarrely both, and then the nausea. Repeat cycle every 3 week. Amelia L. (Breast Cancer, IDC, Stage 1, ER+, PR+, HER2-). The cycles were repeated every 3 weeks for 3 . Around that time I had violent throw up for a couple of sessions, and then that was it. Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them. Stick with it. I only have one more left now as it was my 5th cycle of chemo regimen FEC x 3 then Docetaxel x 3 . Avoid any food that you think smells or tastes bad. xoxoxoxo Lynn. Taxol/Taxotere and Cytoxan (TC) therapy is one of the most common types of chemotherapy given to women with early-stage breast cancer. Medications will be given before each treatment to decrease the risk of this side effect. Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug made by Sanofi-Aventis. My team didn'twarn meof this painful side effect which I think they shouldand now I'm havingthe bone marrow boosting injections too which I know caused me to have severe bone pain with the FEC. Taxotere injections can cause serious and life-threatening fluid retention(edema). Allergic reactions are possible with this medication. Get comfortable, own the sofa, the remote, get a body pillow, blanket, soft pyjamas, sweets to suck on, films to watch & any other essential supplies! The most common chemotherapy drug for prostate cancer is docetaxel (Taxotere), which is usually given with prednisone, a steroid medicine. You may experience a metallic taste or find that food has no taste at all. You may also need to take your temperature at home during your treatment to stay on top of fevers. xxx. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men; an estimated 192 280 new cases and 27 360 deaths of prostate cancer will occur in the US during 2009.1 However, approximately 22% of cases will be diagnosed with advanced or metastatic disease, with an additional 25% developing metastases throughout the course of the disease. I can't say I am looking forward to next cycle but just want it over. Dragged myself to picc line clean at hospitalbad mistake, will have district nurse call next time. and Friday, Donna did too much on Saturday, taking my daughter to the mall; shopping for most of the day. My reaction to Taxol was different. They get worse with each cycle. I expected it to be tough but it has nearly broken me. Anyway, like you im a very positive person, was dealing very well with it all, had 3 rounds of EC first.. Now two rounds left of Docetaxal.. Im floored.. Try some meditation (use an app if you don't have any). I think the medications have caused some of the issues but I long to enjoy the taste of nice food. Take care and we will get through this. A total of 1,306 newly diagnosed patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to receive 600 mg of NUBEQA twice a day or matching placebo, plus ADT and 75mg/m 2 of docetaxel, for 6 cycles. Looking forward to a semi normal diet and tea again in a few days with a settled stomach. Any one have experience with getting 2019 with breast cancer ER negative HER2 positive and positive nodes. You could talk to your doctor about your concerns and see if they can give you a lower dose if necessary?They also have pills for most things-I was told that they could probably help with everything but the tiredness. In the adjuvant treatment of operable node-positive breast cancer, the recommended TAXOTERE dose is 75 mg/m2 administered 1-hour after doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m2 every 3 weeks for 6 courses. for use in the treatment of prostate cancer in the year 2004. Genoa M. (Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma [IDC], Stage 3, HER2+). It took a few months for my taste to come back. Nails still ok, feet and nails need constant cream sessions. Your physician will order lab tests throughout your treatment to keep an eye on your levels. It belongs to a drug class called taxanes. Taxotere Side Effects If you or a loved one want to prepare and learn about the worst days on Taxotere, many patients often receive Taxotere in combination with other chemo drugs. She is on this dose denseShe is on this dose dense regiment; every two weeks; 4 rounds of AC followed by 4 rounds of Taxol (and I think it's five day after Nuelasta shots). Weirdly, her pain would only come on around 3pm-6pm, then her temp would spike like crazy too. You don't sound negative, you just sound disheartened that after following all advice you are still suffering and also that you are finding treatment difficult. For cycle 2 I used a great mouthwash - Difflam and have had no sore mouth problems since. Edema happens when fluid collects under your skin and within the tissues outside your circulatory system. I completed 4 doses of EC (1 every 3 weeks). Remember your reason for starting chemo. The dosage and schedule are determined by the person's size and type of cancer. In the larger STAMPEDE trial (2962 patients), adding docetaxel to standard hormonal therapy significantly improved survival among men with newly diagnosed, hormone-nave advanced prostate cancer. Your doctor may prescribe medication to take before your treatment to help decrease the risk of edema. I have been given so many tablets with this cycle which need to be taken with food but find eating almost impossible due to chemo mouth explosion of thrush despite being on medication. MYTH #6: I'll permanently lose all my hair after chemo. Had a DIEP flap reconstruction in August 2016 and am currently waiting to get my date for another op to uplift and reduce my right boob to match the new one. Yesterday I finally got these problems under control. By the second cycle,my nausea would start as Im getting my infusion. My tumour is responding well as confirmed by a recent MRI between cycle 3 and 4 so I need to continue to hopefully get through these last two cycles. i have been lucky to have good support but the weakness in my legs and arms and neck, have been bad and still are two weeks later I feel my body just wants to colapse when I get to the sink to try to do the dishes, so I have to sit down and wait until I feel better. Premedication is required with Docetaxel. Of course, we each respond as individuals. I am a small women (112 lbs. Let us know how you are all doing xx, Thank you Chrissie2 for your response. Stay strong honey xxxxxxxxxxx, Thank you Lainey66, I will give Kin gingival a try as I feel I am in a vicious circle of mouth problems making eating difficult and tablets which need to be taken with food. I had chemo every 3wks on 3meds for 6 months, so the week before i had to go back was when I was feeling my best. Also, try eating low-fiber, bland foods, such as white rice and boiled or baked chicken. Cyclophosphamide is a type of chemotherapy medicine . But by the sound of it a lot of you needed that third week to recover, she won't have that. Avoid the sun between 10-2 pm, when it is strongest. I don't think you have "gone wrong" anywhere, more that T has hit you hard and you would like to be in a better place for the next 2. Your nurse will check you for signs of a reaction during your treatment. As horrid as her experience was, it had its payoff. (9.3%) in the vinorelbine+cisplatin arm. If youre suffering from epiphora because of this medication, you might consider a Taxotere lawsuit. Fatigue. In its mechanism of action, Taxotere prevents the inner structures of cancer cells from building, which stops cell division and eventually leads to cancer cell death. The problem some people run into with Taxotere is that the hair loss can sometimes be permanent. Taxotere (docetaxel) is a chemotherapy drug used to treat a variety of cancer types including non-small cell lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and head and neck cancer. TC ( Taxotere and cyclophosphamide) is a common chemotherapy regimen given for localized breast cancers that require chemotherapy. Does anyone have any suggestions of anything that can help me .. Perseverance!! Your fingernails/toenails may become dark, brittle or fall off. I was tired and took naps on my days off. I had my 2nd cycle of Docetaxel yesterday. 4. Then yesterday; she was miserable all day; felt weak; and couldn't really describe the bad feeling in her body. Your labs will be closely monitored prior to each dose of docetaxel and the dose may be decreased or held if your liver function is not normal. Men initially treated with Taxotere had favorable outcomes compared to those who were initially treated with Novantrone: Median overall survival was 22 months for men treated with Taxotere first and 15 months for those treated with Novantrone first. And yes, for me at least, it is cumulative and is a bit worse each cycle. I need to focus on this and get back on track. Call your healthcare provider if you do not urinate for more than 12 hours, experience shortness of breath, have an unexpected weight gain, or develop swelling in your hands, feet, ankles or legs. As the treatments go on by the 4th one, it took me a few more extra days to get some energy. Each day from now I knowI will get stronger and begin to do small task.Tthe feeling when I went for the last Chemo was a good I walked out and thought great I made it through now to get throught he effects. due my third and and final Doxetacel next week, I am dreading it as it has taken me a whole 2 weeks to recover and I am still exhausted by 4pm!! I turned 52 just a few days after that first Taxotere Chemo treatment. Basically I'm at my lowest and need positive boost. Sorry for the extended message but reading these chats means I'm not alone and I'm not a hypochondriac (as believe me I've thought it) Bored with food, inspite of adding fruit after my steroid sugar ban. He recommended that I halve the dose, but I'd had previous allergic . Your healthcare provider can recommend medications and other strategies to help relieve pain. Some brief shopping time to restock for the next session. Thanks for being such a grand support for her. As one type in the group of chemotherapy drugs, Taxotere is administered via IV, or intravenously, and is not available in pill form. Drugmakers developed it from the bark of the Pacific Yew tree, and researchers sometimes refer to it as a plant alkaloid. Best wishes Jules xxx. It may get worse after you have your last chemotherapy treatment. Take care and best of luck with your next cycle. If you are not eating enough, nutritional supplements may help. I am going to have a chat with them tomorrow ( this is Sunday ) as there must be something they can do. Help relieve pain drank gallons of water, eat fruits and vegetables 2.4 ) see full prescr ibing for. And nails need constant cream sessions back on track out of bed pain starts day... Fireside at Desert Ridge you for signs of a reaction during your treatment to stay on top of fevers still! And is a bit worse each cycle was 30mu it interferes with the growth of cancer cells, is... 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worst days on taxotere