famous descendants of john of gaunt

Relationship to Chaucer[edit] Because, so do you. Henry IV of England 2). During this retreat the army had to fight its way across the Somme at the ford of Blanchetaque against a French army led by Hugh de Chtillon, who was captured and sold to Edward III. Accessed 11 March 2008. Morieux held several important posts, including Constable of the Tower the year he was married, and Master of Horse to King Richard II two years later. As a younger brother of Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward, the Black Prince), John exercised great influence over the English throne during the minority of his nephew, Richard II, and during the ensuing periods of political strife, but was not thought to have been among the opponents of the king. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. John of Gaunt received most of the blame for the debcle. Titles, styles, arms and honours[edit] 187202. John inherited the rest of the Lancaster property when Blanche's sister Maud, Countess of Leicester (married to William V, Count of Hainaut), died without issue on 10 April 1362.John received the title "Duke of Lancaster" from his father on 13 November 1362. Sick, demoralised and mutinous, the army was in no shape to defend Aquitaine, and soldiers began to desert. President Trump is a descendant of Hakon's only legitimate daughter, Duchess Ingibjrg Hkonardttir (Ingebjrg Hkonsdatter) who by marriage became a Swedish princess and was the mother of King Magnus of Norway and Sweden. In 1386 John departed for Spain to pursue his claim to the kingship of Castile and Leon based upon his marriage to Constance of Castile in 1371. Preceded by His wife Constance died in 1394, and two years later he married his mistress, Katherine Swynford. The grave and monument were destroyed with the cathedral in the Great Fire of London in 1666. His time at the head of government was marked by the so-called Good Parliament of 1376 and the Bad Parliament of 1377. First, through his legitimate male descendants the Lancasters, and then through his debatably illegitimate descendants, by his long time mistress and then third This resulted in a minor attack on the Savoy Palace, Gaunts home on the Thames in 1376, and his coat of arms being reversed the sign of a traitor. The Beaufort children, three sons and a daughter, were legitimised by royal and papal decrees after John and Katherine married. [32] [38] Philippa of Lancaster (1360-1415) 3. Prior to her widowhood, Katherine had borne at least two, possibly three, children to Lancastrian knight Sir Hugh Swynford. A group designed to gather together living descendants of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster (6 March 1340 - 3 February 1399), who was a member of the House of Plantagenet, being the third surviving son of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault. This article is about the historical figure John of Gaunt. As a result of Blanches death, Geoffrey Chaucer produced The Book of the Duchess as an elegy to Blanche, John of Gaunts very dear wife. "White" is the English translation of the French word "blanche", implying that the white lady was Blanche of Lancaster. Remnants of a building in King's Somborne, Hampshire, are sometimes referred to as "King John's Palace". Jump up ^ Sumption (2009), pp. This section does not cite any references or sources. [31] He thus continued to signal his alliance with the Castilian royal house, while abandoning any claim to the throne. John's daughter, Blanche, married Sir Thomas Morieux in 1381. Philippa, Queen of Portugal [7] After this event the Black Prince surrendered his lordship of Aquitaine and sailed for England, leaving John in charge. The feud had begun when Gaunt tried to protect the interests and reputation of his father following the Good Parliament in 1376. Through his daughter Philippa, he was grandfather of King Edward of Portugal and an ancestor of all subsequent Portuguese monarchs as well. I was walking along while my soul was . By 1660 it was described in an inventory as "a large white armour cap-a-pe, said to be John of Gaunts", and this erroneous description has remained with the armour. John received the title "Duke of Lancaster" from his father on 13 November 1362. Gaunt was the third surviving son of Edward III, king of England (and from 1337, claimed king of France) and Queen Philippa of Hainault. The Peasants Revolt in 1381 was a much larger, widespread event that emerged out of the Black Death following a series of restrictive labour laws, capped by three punishing taxes on the people. Ancestor charts showing the family relationships of John of Gaunt (1340-1399) to other famous people. title regranted to Due to some generous land grants, John was one of the richest men in his era. It indicates a continual pattern of lifea marked contrast with the pattern of life of the rest of the peoples of the world at the time! In faith of which I have placed hereto the seal of my arms, and also my own signet, which I always carry myself, in the presence of the following witnesses: Maistre John Kenyngham, Doctor in Theology; Sir John Newton, Parson of the Church of Burbach; Sir Walter Piers, Parson of the Church of Wymondham; William Harpeden, and Robert Symeon, Esquires; and by John de Bynbrok, of the Diocese of Lincoln, Notary. Philippa (13601415) married King John I of Portugal (13571433). Despite his loss of property, he also spent the immediate aftermath of the revolt unaware of the position and intention of the young Richard II. Through John II of Castile's great-granddaughter Joanna the Mad, John of Gaunt is also an ancestor of the Habsburg rulers who would reign in Spain and much of central Europe.John of Gaunt's eldest son and heir, Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford, the son of his first wife Blanche of Lancaster, was exiled for ten years by King Richard II in 1398 as resolution to a dispute between Henry and Thomas de Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk. [show]Ancestors of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster [30] The marriage appears to have been happy, producing three surviving children, Philippa, Elizabeth and Henry of Bolingbroke. This fascinating man and woman are estimated to have millions of descendants. By entering your details, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy. The known names of these children are Blanche and Thomas. Despite rumours of his ill intent and personal ambition to rule England in place of Richard, John of Gaunt remained loyal to the interests of his brother, and subsequently his nephew, for the rest of his life. Blanche died on 12 September 1368 at Tutbury Castle, while her husband was overseas. The English destroyed the shipping in St. Malo harbour and began to assault the town by land on 14 August, but John was soon hampered by the size of his army, which was unable to forage because French armies under Olivier de Clisson and Bertrand du Guesclin occupied the surrounding countryside, harrying the edges of his force. Jump up ^ Sumption (2009), p. 829. They were the parents of at least 5 sons and 3 daughters. Thomas Swyneford, C marks; to Monsr Walter Blount, Monsr Chamberlain, C marks; to Monsr Hugh Shirley Cmarks; to Monsr Richard Aberbury, the sons, L marks; to Monsr William Par L marks; I will that a chauntry be founded at the New Church of our Lady of Leicester, for the soul of my late wife Dame Constance, who is there buried, and for ever to keep an obit for her soul on the 24th day of March; and as for the annuity or annual pension of forty-thousand franks, which my dear son the King of Castile and Leon is bound to me, a certain part of which is unpaid, I devise to the King one third part of what may, by his assistance, be recovered of the arrears now due. Military commander in France[edit] The Riverside Chaucer. He countered their hostility by forming a curious alliance with the religious reformer John Wycliffe. He was a strong military leader in the tradition of the Plantagenets and a royal prince of. The real thorn in their marriage was Gaunts mistress, Katherine Swynford. Only John, on his return to England in 1389, succeeded in persuading the Lords Appellant and King Richard to compromise to usher in a period of relative stability. Born6 March 1340 The Castilian king, John of Trastmara, had expected Gaunt would land in Portugal and had concentrated his forces on the Portuguese border; he was wrong-footed by Gaunt's decision to invade Galicia, the most distant and disaffected of Castile's Kingdoms. Jump up ^ Sumption (2009), p. 3. He was the wealthiest, most powerful and most hated man in England for decades. The etching includes a number of inaccuracies, for example in not showing the couple with joined hands. The three succeeding houses of English sovereigns from 1399the Houses of Lancaster, York and Tudorwere descended from John through Henry Bolingbroke, Joan Beaufort and John Beaufort, respectively. Catherine of Aragon is descended from this line. Jump up ^ Armitage-Smith, John of Gaunt, pp. John of Gaunt was loyal to the interests of his family and siblings but he was particularly close to his eldest brother, the Black Prince. SuccessorHenry Bolingbroke And I constitute and appoint the Reverend Fathers in God Richard Bishop of Salisbury; John Bishop of Worcester; my very dear and loving cousins and companions Thomas Earl of Worcester, Steward of the Household of my Lord the King; and William Earl of Wilts, Treasurer of England; my son Ralph Earl of Westmoreland; Monsr Walter Blount; Monsr John Dabruggecourt; Monsr William Par; Monsr Hugh War'ton; Monsr Thomas Skelton; and Cokeyn, Chief Steward of my Lands; Sir Robert Qwytby, my Attorney General; Piers Melburn; William Ketyring; Robert Haylfield, Comptroller of my Household; Sir John Leyburn, my Receiver General; and Thomas Longley, Clerk, my executors. His elder brothers and sisters were Edward of Woodstock (otherwise known as the Black Prince), Isabella Plantagenet, Lionel of Antwerp and Joan Plantagenet, and his younger siblings included Edmund of Langley, Thomas of Woodstock, Mary Plantagenet and Margaret Plantagenet. Jump up ^ "John O'Gaunt Inn, Hungerford". He was called "John of Gaunt" because he was born in Ghent, then rendered in English as Gaunt. Near the end of their lives Lancaster and Chaucer became brothers-in-law. A finial window, complete, was found between two walls in the then "West's Garage". 32 ISBN 1-85285-086-8. When he became unpopular later in life, scurrilous rumours and lampoons circulated that he was actually the son of a Ghent butcher, perhaps because Edward III was not present at the birth. Jump up ^ Sumption (2009), p. 274. The romance novel Almost Innocent by Jane Feather tells the story of a possibly fictitious illegitimate daughter of John of Gaunt, and contains much history and vivid description of John and of royal life. Jump up ^ Harris (2010), p. 16. This approach led indirectly to the Anglo-French Congress of Bruges in 137477, which resulted in a short-lived truce between the two sides. Though Gaunt is considered for posterity as an unpopular figure, this was largely only within London-centric circles. He owned land in almost every county in England, producing a net income of between 8,000 and 10,000 a year (several millions in today's terms). His household was comparable in size and organization to that of a monarch and his annual income was between 8,000 and 10,000 a year would be several million pounds in today's terms. This family, the Beauforts, played an important part in 15th-century politics. . The fact that he became identified with the attempts to make peace added to his unpopularity at a period when the majority of Englishmen believed victory would be in their grasp if the French could be roundly defeated as they had been in the 1350s. The Duke of BrittanyEarl of Richmond And I ordain my most dear and entirely beloved brother Edmond Duke of York; my most dear and entirely beloved nephew Edward Duke of Aumerle; the Reverend Fathers in God Roger Archbishop of Canterbury; Richard Archbishop of York; and the Bishop of Lincoln, my dear son, supervisors of this my last will, whom, with my Lord the King, I pray to be faithful surveyors of the same. From August to October, John of Gaunt set up a rudimentary court and chancery at Ourense and received the submission of the Galician nobility and most of the towns of Galicia, though they made their homage to him conditional on his being recognised as king by the rest of Castile. {{ media.date_translated }}. This effectively kept him off the scene while England endured the major political crisis of the conflict between Richard II and the Lords Appellant, who were led by John of Gaunt's younger brother Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester. He began to advocate peace negotiationsindeed as early as 1373, during his great raid through France, he made contact with Guillaume Roger, brother and political adviser of Pope Gregory XI, to let the Pope know he would be interested in a diplomatic conference under papal auspices. The wealth she brought to the marriage was the foundation of John's fortune. This story always drove him to fury.As a younger brother of Edward, Prince of Wales (Edward, the Black Prince), John exercised great influence over the English throne during the minority of Edward's son, who became King Richard II, and the ensuing periods of political strife. Jump up ^ Weir, Alison., Katherine Swynford the story of John of Gaunt and his scandalous duchess (London, 2008) pg. John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster, was born on March 6, 1340, at St. Bavo's Abbey in Ghent, Belgium. Though John was never able to make good his claim, his daughter by Constance, Catherine of Lancaster, became Queen of Castile by marrying Henry III of Castile. 13861387Succeeded by Osprey Raid 20. Through his first wife, Blanche (died 1368), John, in 1362, acquired the duchy of Lancaster and the vast Lancastrian estates in England and Wales. Although he fought in the Battle of Njera (1367), for example, his later military projects proved unsuccessful. 11 References Many deserted or abandoned the army to ride north under French safe-conducts. My body to be buried in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, of London, near the principal altar, beside my most dear late wife Blanch, who is there interred. Partly as a result of these failures, and those of other English commanders at this period, John was one of the first important figures in England to conclude that the war with France was unwinnable because of France's greater resources of wealth and manpower. London: Edward Arnold. famous poems about human connection. Family: John Winslow married Mary Chilton between 1623 and May 22,1627, in Plymouth and had ten children. Institute of Historical Research. John of Gaunt is a major character in Garry O'Connor's Chaucer's Triumph: Including the Case of Cecilia Chaumpaigne, the Seduction of Katherine Swynford, the Murder of Her Husband, the Interment of John of Gaunt and Other Offices of the Flesh in the Year 1399 (2007). Katherine Swynford was the former chamber servant of Duchess Blanche. Anya Seton's best-selling 1954 novel Katherine depicts John's long-term affair with and eventual marriage to Katherine Swynford. In 1396, three years before Gaunts death, he finally married Katherine Swynford and she became the new Duchess of Lancaster. In popular culture[edit] have descended from him, and no fewer than six U. S. presidents (including George Washington and James Monroe) would descend from the love affair John 460461. John was the fourth son of King Edward III of England. John of Gaunt was my first Plantagenet when I swiped my eldest brother's copy of Anya Seton's historical novel Katherine when I was about thirteen. When John of Gaunt died in 1399, his estates and titles were declared forfeit to the crown, since King Richard II had named Henry a traitor and changed his sentence to exile for life. Ghent, Flanders (now in Belgium) Preceded by Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. On 13 January 1396, two years after the death of Constance of Castile, Katherine and John of Gaunt married in Lincoln Cathedral. Though John of Gaunt was only eight years old when his sister died, he loyally endowed an obit (a mass of remembrance) for her, later on in his life. In 1371, John married Infanta Constance of Castile, daughter of King Peter of Castile, thus giving him a claim to the Crown of Castile, which he would pursue. or John I John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, KG (6 March 1340 3 February 1399) was a member of the House of Plantagenet, the third surviving son of King Edward III of England and Philippa of Hainault. Kenilworth Castle, a massive fortress extensively modernised and given a new Great Hall by John of Gaunt after 1350 He claimed a Spanish kingdom via his wife, daughter of King Pedro the Cruel. John impeached William of Wykeham and other leaders of the reform movement, and secured their conviction on old or trumped-up charges. i hope you will like it, John Of Gaunt Descendants Family Tree You Will Like These Detail, Family Tree Decal With Picture Frames You Will Like These Detail, Balistreri Family Tree View Complete Tree. Corrections? A modern monument in the crypt lists John of Gaunt's grave as among the important ones lost. Although Philippa died c. 1387, the men were bound as brothers and Lancaster's children by Katherine - John, Henry, Thomas and Joan Beaufort - were Chaucer's nephews and niece.On 19 May 1359 at Reading Abbey, John married his third cousin, Blanche of Lancaster, daughter of Henry of Grosmont, 1st Duke of Lancaster. BurialSt Paul's Cathedral, City of London See more ideas about john of gaunt, plantagenet, english history. In a devastating turn of events, Gaunts physical demise went hand-in-hand with the tyranny of his nephew Richard II, resulting in political hostility between the Crown and the House of Lancaster that threatened the legacy Gaunt had carefully constructed. In spring 1381, a group of rebels marched on the city of London, attacking houses and towns on their way to confront the teenage king Richard II, an event that became known as the Peasants Revolt. The final years of Gaunts life were spent securing his dynasty and the welfare of his family, and trying to keep the peace in the realm. [1] From the eldest son, John, descended a granddaughter, Margaret Beaufort, whose son, later King Henry VII of England, would nevertheless claim the throne.Queen Elizabeth II and her predecessors since Henry IV are descended from John of Gaunt.ChildrenBy Blanche of LancasterPhilippa (1360-1415) married King John I of Portugal (1357-1433).John (1362-1365) was the first-born son of John and Blanche of Lancaster and lived possibly at least until after the birth of his brother Edward of Lancaster in 1365 and died before his second brother another short lived boy called John in 1366. The Riverside Chaucer. Although he ended up . Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter External links[edit] His administration of the province was a disappointment, and his appointment as Duke was much resented by the Gascons, since Aquitaine had previously always been held directly by the King of England or his heir; it was not felt to be a fief that a King could bestow on a subordinate. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. He was one of England's principal negotiators in the diplomatic exchanges with France that led to the Truce of Leulingham in 1396, and he initially agreed to join the French-led Crusade that ended in the disastrous Battle of Nicopolis, but withdrew due to ill-health and the political problems in Gascony and England. He died at Leicester Castle in February 1399 with Katherine by his side, but was buried dutifully beside his first wife, Blanche. John Beaufort, 1st Earl of Somerset 5 Duke of Aquitaine [6] Joan Beaufort, Countess of Westmorland suo uxoris Constance Catherine, Queen of Castile He was called "John of Gaunt" because he was born in Ghent, then rendered in English as Gaunt. However, mistrust remained, and some[who?] 1. Blanche of Portugal (1388-1389) 3. Their magnificent tomb had been designed and executed between 1374 and 1380 by Henry Yevele with the assistance of Thomas Wrek, at a total cost of 592. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Information about John of Gaunt by Sandra Grnewald Queen Elizabeth II and her predecessors since Henry IV are descended from John of Gaunt. What name on the roll of English princes is more familiar? wrote Sydney Armitage-Smith, Gaunts first biographer, in 1904. John and Kate are also my 18th great-grandparents (though I'm not royal or at all famous). Hi Everyone! He claimed a Spanish kingdom via his wife, daughter of King Pedro the Cruel. FatherEdward III of England Their son Henry Bolingbroke became Henry IV of England, after the duchy of Lancaster was taken by Richard II upon John's death while Henry was in exile. An adjacent chantry chapel was added between 1399 and 1403. The expedition was a military failure. Royal Armouries. John of Gaunt (134099) was born three years into the Hundred Years War, a war of succession that dominated the rest of his life and the interests of his family, the Plantagenets. 'Old John of Gaunt, time-honour'd Lancaster' John of Gaunt (1340-1399) was the son of one king and the father of another. by . John of Gaunt was also called the earl of Richmond or the duc d'Aquitaine. Shortly before Gaunts death, his heir Henry of Bolingbroke was exiled and John of Gaunt lay on his deathbed uncertain of the fate of his family and his name. The affair apparently took place before John's first marriage to Blanche of Lancaster. Gaunt had no funds with which to pay them, and despite his entreaties none were sent from England, so in April 1374 he abandoned the enterprise and sailed for home. The grave and monument were destroyed with the Cathedral in the Great Fire of London 1666. Years later he married his mistress, Katherine Swynford children to Lancastrian knight Sir Hugh.. 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famous descendants of john of gaunt